thirty six.

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⠀⠀⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [망고]↳ ꒰ 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙤 ꒱⠀

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⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [망고]
↳ ꒰ 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙤 ꒱

the lights stayed off, except for a candle that was lit to add to the pretty smell wafting around the bathroom that night. it smelled like watermelon and lemonade, mixed with the mango bubbles and the two boys felt like they were in a tropical paradise.

taehyung left his phone on the counter, playing some soft music to lamely counter the loud storm outside. it kind of worked, despite the soothing beats being interrupted by the occasional rumble of thunder and crack of lightning.

"don't peek." jungkook said.

"you don't peek either." the older had said back. it made the younger smile.

there was nothing more to it, no secret innuendos or sinful thoughts hiding beneath the bubbles of the bath water. it was simply pure, an innocent attempt to relax and be together and just enjoy a night that was unplanned but somehow they managed to be drawn together.

jungkook tugged down his boxers and left them on the floor of the bathroom. he tip toed to the edge of the tub and carefully brought his leg over, testing the water and not feeling too hot. so he sunk in to his chest and the bubbles touched his chin. "okay you can look."

taehyung dropped his hands from covering his eyes and slipped out of his own boxers, walking over to join the boy who was already playing with the bubbles. he felt his cold muscles sigh once touching the warm water, just wanting to go under for a few minutes and pretend like there was no where else to go.

but there was. there was always somewhere to go now — and that place was looking at him from across the small distance in the tub with pretty eyes and a faux beard on his chin. jungkook smiled and added some more to his face. "how do i look?" he asked.

taehyung smiled, "like a babe." he said. "facial hair looks go on you, i'm totally into it."

the smaller boy giggled, but he wiped it off as best as he could anyways. "i don't know how i feel about facial hair." jungkook admitted. he had a very limited visually memory, that being basically none, and from what he's concluded mustaches are kind creepy.

"so if i had a goatee or something you'd be totally turned off?" taehyung asked.

"you probably can't even grow facial hair."

"wow that one hurt."

"you make jokes about me being blind." jungkook lightly kicked the boys shin under the water. they were sitting criss cross, both with their backs against the sides on the tub with their knees touching. "let me make fun of your imaginary beard."

"it's there i swear." taehyung frowned and brought his palm up to rub his chin and jaw.

jungkook hummed, nodding along with what the older had said. "are you sure?" he asked, tilting his head to the side before getting up in his knees to carefully shuffle closer.

taehyung watched as he held his hands out to steady himself, palms waiting to meet the bare skin stretching over collarbones and broad shoulders. "let me feel." the smaller boy said, now so close he was practically sitting in his hyungs lap — taehyung didn't even realize he was holding his breath, simply staring at the way jungkook looked so pretty with the dim candle light flickering over soft facial features, down to the baby pink lips barely parted and dainty fingertips reaching up to trace his jaw.

he couldn't help himself, not now when they so close and so touchy and so warm. taehyungs hands wandered under the water, knuckles peeking through the bubble surface as palms ran up the boys bare back, pressing their chests closer together. "i don't feel anything." jungkook was smiling small, a playful grin as he brushed over the older males face and only felt smooth tan skin.

"are you sure?" taehyung had his eyes closed, hands roaming over the youngers back and the curve of his waist.

jungkook nodded, and the shivers from taehyung touching him were still so present even though the heat of the bath water was engulfing both of them. "let me check again." he whispered, leaning closer to brush his lips over the olders jaw, tiny kisses being left as he moved closer to his ear. the boldness that had taken over jungkook was new to him, almost like a suit of armor that had his hands in taehyungs thick hair and no self doubts dictating his actions. it was so new, and felt so good. especially when jungkook nibbled on the boys earlobe so subtly, feeling taehyungs grip on his waist tighten and the deep sigh leaving his parted lips.

"baby," he whispered, "i need you to stop." those words aren't what he wanted to say, and it wasn't what his actions portrayed either. taehyung knew this couldn't continue, not when jungkook was being playful and not knowing how much he truly tempted the older. this boy really couldn't start something he wasn't about to finish.

"do you really want me to?" jungkook asked sweetly, voice so soft and pretty it's like he encompassed the nature of the candles and bubbles that surrounded the couple. "touch me hyung." the ravenette sat more on taehyungs lap, and soon he was being held tighter and lifted up, the two of them now dropping of bubbles and bathwater that's now become room temperature.

the younger giggled and kept his arms around the others neck and lips on his face, light kissed being left on cheeks and tips of noses. taehyung just focused on not slipping and dropping jungkook as he walked back to the boys room. he's glad namjoon had gone out, so he didn't see the couple walking bare down the hall and disappearing behind the closed door and warm bed sheets.

taehyung dropped them both on the mattress gently, the younger looking string beneath him and smiling face between his hands. "you're not close enough." jungkook said, reaching up and move his arms around his neck, tugging him down until their lips met in a heated kiss. taehyung didn't wait to push his tongue into the others mouth, adoring the soft whines emitted by the boy beneath him.

"is this better?" the older pulled away to whisper against jungkooks swollen lips, seeing how dazed the younger look just from a kiss, and feeling the twist in his stomach at the image of how he'd look after some more.

the ravenette whimpered, a pretty pout on those lips that wanted more, his hips agreeing as he tried to push up against taehyung for anything kind of friction. "hyung." he whispered. "please?"

"you gotta tell me what you want baby." taehyung said, leaning soft kisses to his face. one for his cheek, another for his nose, two for his mouth—

"make love to me?" jungkook isn't sure where those words came from, but they certainly did just leave his mouth and now he had to wait those agonizing few seconds of silence that felt like forever. oh god this is where he gets turned down, this is the part where he gets left alone, this is the part where he has to go another two years in darkness with no one wanting to stay.

this is the part where taehyung realized how in love he was. it was so slow, the little trip into intrigue that turned in adoration and soon a falling that just evolved into full on loving this boy until it hurt. taehyung didn't know he was capable of feeling so strongly for someone, for always wanting to be around him and give him the best and just make sure he always knew that someone really did care about him. it was everything taehyung wished he had — and he did, it was looking up right at him with scared eyes and nervous breaths.

taehyung kissed jungkook, and it was slow and sweet and so full of love the two boys didn't even need to put it into words. but just because they didn't need to didn't mean they didn't want to. there was so much want right now, both boys letting their hands move over bare skin and touch every dip and curve of each other's bodies.

it was pure, and so okay and so perfect. jungkook felt comfortable in taehyungs arms, and he felt safe with every touch and every thing that the older did to make sure it was okay for him. they kissed and they fell in love, and the couple spent the night immersed with each other and falling even further.



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