Chapter Two

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The four of us were on the Hogwarts express looking for an empty compartment to sit in as Harry explained what had happened that lead him to end up staying at the Leaky Cauldron for the last few days.

"I didn't mean to blow her up. I just... lost control." Harry tries to explains.

"Brilliant!" Ron says, finding the story amusing.

Hermione and I roll our eyes, knowing that it in fact wasn't a thing to praise. "Honestly, Ron, it's not funny. Harry's lucky he wasn't expelled." she tells him.

Ron looks at us, still smiling, "I still think it was brilliant." he says.

Hearing a noise we see a copy of the Monster Book chasing Neville, who was speed walking towards us. We move to let him pass, as he greets us quickly, "Hi, Harry. Ron. Hermione. Rose." 

"Hi Neville." We all respond as he and the book goes past.

"Hey, we could go in here." I say, gesturing to a compartment. We all slip in, and finding a man asleep against the window, who looked a bit exhausted and ill.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron asks us in a whisper, as we all take a seat hesitantly.

"Professor R.J. Lupin." Hermione and I say at the same time quietly.

"You two know everything. How is it they know everything?" Ron says in disbelief.

I look at him annoyed, "It's on his case." I tell him and Hermione points to his case that did in fact have his name on it.

"Is he really asleep?" Harry questions.

"Seems to be. Why? What is it, Harry?" Hermione asks.

"Close the door." was all he says, causing the three of us to look at one another. Ron stands and shuts the door.

As the day continued storm clouds begin to cover the sky, Rain fell from the sky quickly giving the train a dark feel to it. Harry had explained to the others about what Mr. Weasley had told us privately the other day.

"Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you and maybe Rose?" Ron questions. 

"Yes." Harry says.

"But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean... eventually?" Hermione says unsure of her words

"Sure -- Of course, no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before and he's a raving, murderous lunatic..." Ron says, not comforting at all.

The storm causes the compartment to rattle and the lights to flicker. The train then begins to slow down and lurchs a bit. Hermione looks down at her watch and she frowns. "Why're we stopping? We can't be there yet." she tells us confused.

Harry stands up and opens the door looking out into the corridor. The train jerks again and stops. The lights all flicker again until they stop and it's all dark. "What's going on?" Ron questions, his breath showing as if it was cold.

"Dunno... Maybe we've broken down?" Harry says looking back into the compartment.

"Ouch! Ron, that was my foot!" Hermione exclaims. But Ron ignores her as he swipes the window to look out.

"There's something moving out there. I think... people are coming aboard." Ron says while looking out of the window.

The whole cart then sways violently and then stills just as quickly as it had happened. Causing me to tense. "Bloody hell. What's happening?" Ron says scooting away from the window.

A crackling noise fills the compartment, I look around and then see a flame light up a bit of the room surprising me. R. J. Lupin was holding the small flame. He looks around at us, he seemed tired but was very much on alert. "Don't move." he tells us.

The air then runs cold, all our breaths could be seen now. A chill goes down my back and I suddenly feel very afraid, the most afraid I've ever felt before in my life. I could hear something enter the compartment, I was tempted to look, but just closed my eyes instead. Fear and sadness filling my whole body, my breathing becoming shallow.

"Expecto Patronum!" was shouted and all at once, it was no longer cold, and the overwhelming fear and sadness slowly started to leave my body. "It's okay dear." I hear someone say, and a hand was placed on my arm.

I slowly open my eyes and see that it was R.J. Lupin who kneeling in front of me. I let out a breath I didn't realize that I had been holding. I look around and see Hermione and Ron with a look of surprise, then I look for Harry and see him on the floor unconscious. "Oh my, Harry." I say in shock.

"He'll be alright. Just have to wait for him to wake up." he tells us, causing us all to nod as he sits back at his seat, handing us each a piece of chocolate from a bar he had.

"Who are you?" Hermione asks him, after a few moments of silence while eating the chocolate.

"Professor Lupin, I'm new." Lupin explains to us vaguely.

Then the train begins to move again. Darkness still surrounded the outside, but the train was once more filled with light, causing me to relax a bit more. Then Harry wakes up. He slowly blinks and looks around confused. Hermione was quick to be by his side.

"Harry? Harry are you alright?" she asks him, causing him to nod and sit up. She hands him his glasses.

He slips them on, "Thanks." he says. Lupin then hands Harry a piece of chocolate.

"Chocolate. Eat. It'll help." he tells Harry.

"What was that -- that thing?" Harry asks, standing and sitting back on the seats.

"A Dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now." Lupin explains. Harry then frowns, seeming confused. 

"It was searching the train, Harry. For Sirius Black." Hermione clarifies for him.

"I need to have a word with the driver. Excuse me." Lupin says, making a move to the door, then looks back at Harry. "Eat. It'll help." he tells him again, referring to the chocolate. Then leaves.

"What happened to me?" Harry asks us, once we were left alone.

"Well, you sort of went... rigid. We thought maybe you were having a fit or something." Ron explains to him.

"And did any of you? You know... pass out?" Harry asks us. But we all shake our heads no.

"No. I felt... weird. Like I'd never be cheerful again. But... no." Ron explains what he felt.

Harry turns to Hermione. She shakes her head. "I was trembling. Cold. But then... Professor Lupin made it go away..." Hermione explains.

Then Harry looks at me, "I felt so much fear and sadness. It was overwhelming." I tell him.

"A tear went down her face, that's how terrifying it was, I've never seen her cry." Ron says shakily points out. I wipe my face, not even noticing that I had been silently crying when I closed my eyes.

Harry now looked at all of us confused, "But someone was screaming. A woman." he tells us.

Hermione and Ron glance nervously at each other. "No one was screaming, Harry." she tells him. 

1194 words

Hope you enjoy!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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