Chapter 6

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It was the day of the first task. I don't know who was more worried, me or Hermione. I stood with Hermione as she leans near an entrance trying to get Harry's attention.

"Pssst! Harry? Is that you?" Hermione whispers.

"Yeah." Harry's voice whispers back, making me sigh in relief.

"How are you feeling? OK? The key is to concentrate. After that you just have to..." Hermione tries to comfort him.

"Battle a dragon." Harry responds, after a second Hermione rushes into the tent, surprising me and hugging Harry, leaving me outside.

I hear a camera go off, and I enter the tent to see Harry and Hermione let go of their hug looking at daily profit reporter Rita Skeeter, and her cameraman. "Young love! Ohh how.. stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today you might make the front page." she tells them as her magic quill writes that down.

Viktor Krum walks up to her, "You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends." He tells her annoyed.

Rita just shrugs, "No matter. We've got what we wanted." she tells him before leaving the tent with a smug smile. I glare at her as she leaves.

I hug Harry from behind, surprising him, "Rose!" he says not expecting that.

"Just wanted to wish you luck. Sorry." I tell him letting go.

Before he could respond, Dumbledore enters the tent along with Barty Crouch, and the other schools headmasters.

"Good day champions. Gather round please. Now you've waited, you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived. The moment only four of you can fully appreciate." Dumbledore tells them as the champions gather around us, he looks around nodding, then does a double take at Hermione and I. "What are you doing here Miss Granger? Miss Potter?" he asks us confused.

Hermione and I glance at each other, "Oh um.. Sorry I'll just go." she says awkwardly.

"Good luck everyone." I tell the champions before we rush out. Once we got far from the tent to the stands I let out a giggle, "How did we not get in trouble?" I ask her, astonished.

She laughs along with me, "I have no idea, but did you see Dumbledore's face?" she questions, giggling again.

I nod and we reach our seats before it would start. A canon fire goes off, and a dragon is brought into the arena. And then Cedric enters, and he faces his dragon, the swedish short snout. A golden egg was in the center in a nest, indicating that was the goal to get.

Cedric after a few minutes transfigured one of the rocks into a dog, distracting the dragon, and he was quick and grabbed the golden egg.

After Cedric was Fleur, they had switched the dragon before she came out which was a Welsh green, longer the last dragon. And she had to do the the same as before get the golden egg from the nest.

Fleur faces her dragon and seems to put her dragon in a trance, and was able to make it fall asleep. The crowd was silent, nervous as she sneaks closer to the dragon to go past it to get to the egg. At one point a part of her clothing caught fire when the dragon breathed out. It took her a moment to put it out but she was fast enough to grab the egg before the dragon could wake up.

Next was Viktor, his dragon was a chinese fireball. It was smaller but much more hovering over the eggs in the arena. Vikor tries to use a curse of some sort on the dragon, but just made it angry and caused it to thrash around and it accidently destroyed one of the real eggs. He grabbed the golden egg when it looked at the destroyed egg.

Lastly, was Harry. "Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant." Dumbledore announces to us. And Harry enters the arena.

As the crowd cheers, he tries to make a run for the egg, only to be stopped by his dragon, the Hungarian Horntail. Harry hides behind a rock as the dragon breathes fire at him. And Harry ends up going from Rock to rock.

"Your wand Harry! Your wand!" Hermione shouts to him from next to me.

Harry listened and pulls out his wand, pointing it to the sky and says something. And avoids the Dragon again, ducking down. After a few seconds. Harry dives from the rock, jumping and landing on his broom flying into the sky.

The Dragon tries to follow Harry, breaking its chain, and follows Harry out of the arena. After a few confusing minutes, Harry returns scoping the golden egg into his arms. Ending the first task.

Points were then Rewarded, Harry gained 40 points, for speed, skill, and no injuries to himself or the other eggs. Viktor gained 40 points, he was the fastest out of the 4 but lost points for the broken egg. Cedric gained 38 points he wasn't as fast, but he was clever. And Fleur gained 36 she took a long time making the dragon fall into the sleep trance and injured herself.


The Gryffindors decided to celebrate Harry's victory in their common room. Lucky for me, I was allowed to celebrate with them. The twins were carrying Harry between their shoulders in the air. While Harry held the egg up above him.

"We knew you wouldn't die Harry." George tells him

"Lose a leg." Fred comments, as Harry allows the egg to be passed around.

"Or an arm." George continues

"Pack it in altogether." Fred adds

"NEVER!" The shout together, as more people cheer, and I laugh at it.

"Go on Harry, what's the clue?" Seamus questions, handing the egg back to him.

Harry looks around for a second "Who wants me to open it? You want me to open it?" He asks the crowd, and everyone encourages him.

He opens the egg and a loud horrific screech comes out, causing everyone to cover their ears and the twins let go of him in the process. And he quickly goes and he closes it, stopping the noise, allowing us to uncover my ears.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron questions entering the room.

"Alright everyone, go back to your knitting. This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all  you nosey sods listening in." Fred tells everyone, dispersing the group. Harry and Ron go off to the side to talk, and hopefully stop fighting or whatever.

I go over to the couch that the twins were in sitting on. "Hello Boys." I greet them, sitting between them.

"Hello Rose." The both say in return. The both move so that they're facing me.

And they both just look at me weirdly, "Whaaat?" I ask them suspiciously, looking between the two.

"Have you always worn makeup?" Fred questions me, both of them leaning in closer to me face.

I feel my heat up, and I look down at my lap, "No, I um started wearing it this year..." I mumble to them.

I feel them lean closer, causing me to tense, "Well it suits you." The both say before leaning away from me like they hadn't just done that.

My face still feels warm and I was now confused. What just happened.

1241 words!

The first task, it was interesting to write. I hope you enjoyed!

I have a new book out! Book 3 of my Vampire Diaries series! Check it out if you are interested!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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