Chapter 13

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The port key lands Harry, Cedric, and Rose back in the Arena. The crowd cheers in triumph. Music plays and everyone watching celebrates. But everything wasn't as it seemed. Harry was covering Rose and Cedric, crying.

A scream comes from Fluer as she sees Cedric not moving, blinking, nor breathing. Dumbledore rushes to Harry, confused as to why Rose was here, but more confused on what all happened. He attempts to get Harry to sit up, but Harry refuses. "Harry! Harry!" he calls to him, gaining his attention, "Tell me whats happened?" he asks him.

Harry still freaked out and tears streaming down his face, "He's back, he's back! Voldemort's back. He had Rose... Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there." He explains. The music had stopped by now, everyone wondering what was happening.

"It's alright Harry. It's alright, he's home, you all are home." Dumbledore comforts him, Harry sits back, his hand never leaving his sisters. She still hasn't moved. If she wasn't breathing he would of thought she was dead. That scares him.

"Keep everybody in their seats. A boy has just been killed. The body must be moved Dumbledore, there are... too many people." Fudge says quietly to the ministry people that were around. But people caught on.

"Let me through! That's my son! My boy!" Amos says pushing his way through the crowd, distraught. Falling to his sons side, crying.

Moody tries to pull Harry, but he didn't want to leave his sister, "Take her, come on." Moody whispers to the boy.

Harry, picks up his sister, she falls limp in his arms and Harry follows Moody out of the arena, his eyes not leaving his sisters face, wanting her to wake up.


They enter a room, Moody points to a clear table. "Lay her there." he tells Harry, and Harry does so. Taking a seat next to her, as he still cried. "Are you alright Potter?" he asks the boy.

Harry only nods, unable to form words. "Does it hurt?" Moody asks, looking at his bleeding arm.

"Not so much now." Harry answers, looking down at the similar cut his sister now has.

"I'd better take a look at it." Moody says, but Harry makes no move to show it to him, as he thought about what had happened.

"The cup was a portkey. Someone had bewitched it." Harry says in realization. Moody stands twitching a bit, he goes for a drink only to realize it was empty. He goes to grab another vial for a drink, only for it to be empty. 

"What was it like? What was he like?" Moody says, trying to keep him talking until he found a full vial.

"Who?" Harry questions, confused.

"The dark lord. What was it like to stand in his presence?"  Moody clarifies, as he searches.

"I dunno. It was like I'd fallen into one of my dreams. One of my nightmares." Harry explains, his tears had stopped.

Moody began to shake, having gone longer then normal without a drink. He opens a chest lift up empty vials. He stops needing to keep Harry talking, "Were there others? In the graveyard, were there others?" he asks.

Harry stops realising the words he heard, it was off. "Um. I don't think I said anything about a graveyard Professor."" Harry says, hesitantly.

Moody stops, he messed up, but he doesn't turn to look at Harry. "Marvellous creatures dragons aren't they? Do you think that miserable oaf would have led you into the woods if I hadn't suggested it?" he begins as he less carefully begins to look through vials all through the room, "Do you think Cedric Diggory would have told you to hold the egg under the water if I hadn't have told him first myself?" he continues, throwing open cupboards, not finding what he needed. "Do you think Neville Longbottom the witless wonder could have provided you with gillyweed if I hadn't have given him the book that led you straight to it? Huh??" Moody rants, going back towards Harry.

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