Year Four

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After a stressful 3rd year. 

Rose was able to have many answers to questions she didn't know she had.

But that year had also accidently put a strain on her relationship with Severus Snape.

They both tried to reconnect, but the connection wasn't the same. 

He was more stressed on wanting to keep her safe. To keep his promise.

But her growing up in this world, she's not a little kid anymore.

And after this year, they'd have wished they did spend that summer as a close family like when she was a kid.

Because it would sadly be their last.

The first half of her summer was being stuck at home.

Only sending mail to her friends.

By the end of the summer she was sent of to the Weasleys at their request instead of going to the Malfoy's like when she was young. 

And lucky for her, she was going to have fun, and go with them to the Quidditch World Cup.
Have a new years early peak, from me to you. Year four begins next week!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

Rose Lily Potter (H.P. Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now