Chapter 11

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Today was the second task. The twins were taking lots of bets as everyone made their way to the black lake. I was able to convince some Ravenclaws to get in on it, many of them placed a bet on Cedric, but a handful gave their bet on Harry.

"Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they'll be on their own." Dumbledore announces once it started. I was with Ginny while her brothers were dealing with the bets. "You may begin at the start of the cannon." As he says this Flich fires the cannon, starting the task earlier then before.

The champions all dive into the water, Harry falling in a few seconds after.  Then Harry suddenly flies out of the water almost like a dolphin before diving back in, having people cheer his trick. After around 30 minutes Fleur resurfaced, empty handed.

She was helped up to the deck, given a towel and explained that she was attacked leading to her early retreat. 15 minutes after that Cedric refurced with Cho Chang. Both of them being helped up and given a towel. 5 minutes after them Viktor surfaced with Hermione, the same treatment as the rest of them, causing many people to chant his name.

Harry only has 10 minutes left. What could be taking him so long. Then Ron and Fleur's little sister surfaces from the water right before time ended. They were helped up and given towels. Ginny and I make our way down to Hermione and Ron, who were both soaking wet. Harry suddenly leaps out of the water and lands on the deck.

Harry!" Dumbledore says, surprised as Harry coughs a bit.

"Get him another towel." Mr. Crouch says, and someone hands Harry a towel.

"I want all the judges over here now." Dumbledore says, going off to the side with the judges.

Fleur rushes over to Harry, saying some word to him before kisses his cheeks, most likely as a thank you for saving her sister. She then does the same to Ron.

I rush over to Harry, Hermione by my side. "Harry!" I say, kneeling down to his side.

"Rose!" He says, shivering a bit.

"You gave me such a scare. I'm so glad you're okay." I tell him, giving him a quick hug, ignoring how wet he was. I kiss his forehead once I pulled away.

"Are you alright? You must be freezing! Personally I think you behaved admirably." Hermione says, putting her towel over his shoulders.

"I finished last Hermione." Harry reminds her, sounding defeated.

"Next to last." Hermione tells him, referring to Fleur.

"Attention! Attention! The winner is... Mr Diggory!" Dumbledore announces, causing many people to cheer.

"For showing unique command of the bubble head charm. The way I see it, Mr Potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr Weasley but the others as well. We've agreed to award him second place! For outstanding moral fibre." Dumbledore continues.

In the end Fleur earned only 25 points, finishing last. Viktor earned 40 points causing his headmaster to grumble a bit. Harry got 45 points for his 'moral fibre'. And Cedric was in first place earned 47 points just for finishing first.

People began to leave, finding the twins as we all leave together, cheering that Harry wasn't losing horribly. "All that moral fibre eh?" Fred says to Harry, as he holds their betting box.

"Blimey even when you go wrong it turns out right." Ron comments, almost amazed causing me to laugh at the truth of that statement.

"Well done 'moral fibre'." George compliments with a slight tease.

Harry was stopped by Mr. Crouch, as we walked by. I almost wanted to stay with him, but I guess it has something to do with being a champion. So I continued along with the group.


That night Harry, Ron, and Hermione had invited me to go with them to celebrate with Hagrid. Which I declined, having said I already promised the twins to help them faster with sorting out the bets in a more organized fashion.

Declining seemed to be a good idea, because apparently Harry had found the dead body of Mr. Crouch out in the forest. But nothing was really being done. Harry had explained to me what all he heard, which was that they wouldn't cancel the tournament. 

Harry and I were alone in the Gryffindor common room. It was slightly late, but I didn't feel like leaving him. "Do you get... weird dreams Rose?" Harry asks randomly.

"I don't remember many of my dreams. So probably, why?" I question, looking at him more.

"It's just, I've had weird dreams... Nightmares really. It could just be nothing." Harry shrugs.

"Oh, okay." I say, looking away, wondering just what kind of dreams he could be having.

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Double post the week because I felt they were both on the shorter side.

Hope you enjoy!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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