Chapter 5

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I walk up to the twins who were in the courtyard selling badges for the triwizard tournament, the badges support Cedric, and charmed to change and to say 'Potter Stinks'.

"Stop selling the badges." I demand once I get in front of them.

"And why would we..." George starts.

"do that?" Fred finishes.

"Unless you both forgot. My last name is also Potter. And because of me being related to Harry, everyone is targeting me as well. So stop selling them." I explain to them, crossing my arms.

"But you see that's bad for business." George replies.

I glare at them, "Fine. Then pay me. You already owe 20%, add on some inconvenience fees from you two and your brother, due to me no longer being able to hang out with my friends or brother like normal." I tell them annoyed.

They look at each other, then to me confused, "Wait, what did Ron do?" Fred questions.

"He's mad at Harry for some reason, and dragging Hermione and many of our other friends to not talk to him, and in turn me because he thinks I helped Harry get his name in to the goblet, which I didn't. And Harry is upset so he's just not talking to anyone, because he doesn't want me to get bullied with him, which isn't working. So I have no friends without sarcasm in a conversation, and I'm going bloody mad with worry because I can't help my brother." I rant explain, trying to say calmly, ultimately failing at the end.

"Okay, we'll stop for now, and pay you your cut tomorrow." Fred tells me, giving me a small reassuring smile.

I nod, "Good. Thanks." I reply, calming down a bit. And turning to leave the courtyard. I stop when I see Harry, and quickly make my over to him. "You're avoiding me." I say to him causing him to jump.

"No I'm not." he denies trying to walk faster.

"Harry stop it. I'm your sister, I'm going to worry and you're going to have to deal with it. Now please. Let me help." I argue back, stopping him from walking away.

"Fine okay, I know what the first task is." He tells me reluctantly.

"Really? How?" I ask surprised.

"Hagrid helped. But it's dragons." He whispers, as he continues to walk.

Before I can even reply, Draco gets our attention, "Why so tense Potter? My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last Five." he taunts from a tree he sits on.

Harry approaches Draco, as he got down, "I don't give a damn what you or your father thinks Malfoy. He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic." Harry snaps at him, shoving him back before turning to me.

I see Draco pull out his wand angrily, but before I could get mine out Draco is hit by a spell, and is turned into a ferret by Moody. "I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned." Moody scolds as he walks towards us.

He then levitates him into the air, "You Stinking, Cowardly," he begins to insult him as he levitates him up and down. I look around and see McGonagall not to far from us, I rush away from Harry's side to get her attention.

"Professor, come quick." I say to her and lead her over to Moody, who was still messing with Draco.

"Professor Moody what are you doing?" she questions him once we reach them.

"Teaching." Moody replies, not even batting an eye at her.

"Is that a student?" She questions, realising what was happening.

"Technically it's a ferret." Moody retorts, then sends ferret Draco into one of his friends pants. Everyone around laughs at the scene. Goyle squirms uncomfortable, trying to shake it out of his pants, and eventually it does.

McGonagall was quick and turned Draco back to himself. He spins around and stands seeming shocked and embarrassed, "My father will hear about this!" he tells Moody

Moody starts to walk up to Draco, "Is that a threat!" he says angrily. Which causes Draco to run off, his group following him.

"I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! It doesn't end here!" Moody shouts after him.

"We never use transfiguration as a punishment, surely Dumbledore told you that." McGonagall scolds him.

"He might've mentioned it." he says, not looking at her.

"Well you will do well to remember it." she says to him before walking away.

Moody sticks his tongue out childishly at her turned back before looking to Harry, "come with me." he tells him before walking away. Harry quickly follows, leaving me alone.

I roll my eyes, "Well that was eventful." I mumble, leaving the courtyard.

810 words.

Shorter then normal, but hope you enjoy!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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