Chapter Nine

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"S-Sirius... R-Remus. My old friends." Pettigrew tries to greet them, but he receives silence in return. He looks around the room, then tries to make a run for the door only to be shoved back by Sirius. He then sees Harry, and points to him shakily. "Harry! Look at you! Y-you look just like your father. Like James. We were the best of friends, he and I --" but he is cut off.

"Shut up!" Sirius snaps at him.

Pettigrew then sees me, "Oh, Rose! Look at you. So Beautiful. Y-you look just l-like-" but this time I stop him.

"He told you to shut up." I say to him coldly, holding my wand up to him only for him to flinch away and look to Sirius and Remus.

"I didn't mean to! The Dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses! Ask yourself what you would have done, Sirius. What would you have done!" Pettigrew tries to reason with.

"Died! Died rather than betray my friends! And you should have realized, Peter, if Voldemort didn't kill you..." Sirius shouts at the cowering man.

"We would." Remus says rather darkly.

"No... please... you can't..." Pettigrew begs then looks at Ron, "Ron! Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you? I was your rat..." He begs to him. But Ron looks at him in disgust. Pettigrew looks to Hermione "Sweet girl. Clever girl. Surely you won't let them..." he tries to beg her, but gets no reaction.

Remus and Sirius both raise their wands at Pettigrew's face, causing him to close his eyes in fear, "No." Harry stops them.

Everyone looks at Harry, surprised, "Harry, this man..." Remus tries to reason.

"I know what he is. But we'll take him to the castle." Harry tells them.

"Bless you, boy! Bless you --" Pettigrew  praises Harry, crawling to his feet.

"Get off! I said we'd take you to the castle. After that, the Dementors can have you." Harry tells him.

We leave the house and all go back through the tunnel and back to the whomping willow, that seems to be still as we get out of the gap. "Turn me into a maggot. A dung beetle. A lobber worm! Anything but the Dementors..." Pettigrew begs, "Ron! Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you? I was your rat..." he continues to beg, repeating himself.

Ron draws back in disgust. I flinch when a charmed Uncle Sev hits a low tree limb on his head, I catch Harry looking at him warily, "Don't worry. He's under the Somnambulist Charm. It's primarily used to transport the seriously deranged." I tell him, knowing he's worried about him waking up suddenly.

As Harry nods, Pettigrew's  looks over at me with pleading eyes, "Sweet girl. Clever Rose. Surely you won't let them..." He tries to talk to me holding my robes, but I pull them from his grasp, and glare at him.

"Shut up." I say to him, and look over at the others, and see Sirius looking over at the castle in wonderment.

"Beautiful, isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again. Freely."  he says, then looks over at Harry. "That was a noble thing you did back there. He doesn't deserve it." he tells him.

"I don't reckon my father'd want his best friends to become killers for a worthless piece of vermin like Pettigrew. Besides: Dead, the truth dies with him. Alive... you're free." Harry tells him, and Sirius looks moved by his words.

"I don't know if you know, Harry, but when you were born, James and Lily made me your godfather..." Sirius tells him, glancing at me for a brief second.

Harry nods, "I know." he tells him.

"And, well, I'll understand if you choose to stay with your aunt and uncle, but, so you know, you could --" Sirius starts his offer, but Harry quickly cuts him off.

"When! Come live with you? Can Rose come too?" Harry asks very fast.

"I'm not Rose's Godfather, but... Soon as my name's cleared..." Sirius says to us, with a smile looking between us.

"Harry... Rose..." Hermione's shaky voice captures our attention. She was looking up into the sky, I look at, the full moon.

I gasp quietly and look over at Lupin and see him tense and hands shaking. "Remus, old friend... did you take your potion tonight?" Sirius asks cautiously. Lupin shakes his head, his arms twitching. "Run. All of you. Now." Sirius tells us.

But none of us do. Sirius goes to Remus, hugging him, "You know the man you truly are, Remus. This flesh is only flesh." he says to him, then releases the hug, and pounds on Remus's chest, "This heart is where you truly live. This heart! Here!" he tells him. Then Remus drops his wand, and Pettigrew from behind him dives for it.

"No!" Harry shouts, and was fast with his wand, "Expelliarmus!" he says and the wand flies from his grip, but it was to late. Pettigrew transforms back into his rat form disappearing into the night.

A howl gets my attention, and I see Remus throw Sirius, and finish turning into a werewolf. He turns and faces us. "Professor...?" Hermione questions. But the wolf showed no sign of recognition, and let out a growl.

We all quickly turn to run, and we just run into and fall with Uncle Sev, snapping him out of the charm. He looks at all three of us, and moves us off him. "Out of the way!" he says to us, then look up and sees the werewolf.

He quickly gets up and stands in front of the four of us, his wand pointing at the Werewolf. It then runs towards us, then it gets attacked by a giant black dog, away from us. The two begin to fight. "Sirius!" Harry shouts.

The wolf flings the dog into the tall grass. Harry pushes past all of us and I lose him in the night. I go to follow but am held back. I look back to see it was Uncle Sev holding my arm, keeping me from going after him. I look back in the direction that Harry ran off into, "Harry!" I shout after him. Then a howl could be heard coming from the forest. Then a few seconds later a second howl could be heard. 

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Lets go! The excitement starts!!

Hope you enjoy!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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