Chapter Seven

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Another divinations class, this time instead of tea prediction, we all had a crystal ball. "Relax... Let your mind... go..." Trelawney tells us. The mist was swirling in all of them, but I couldn't see anything but my own reflection "Crystal-gazing requires that you clear the Inner Eye. Only then, will you... See. Oh my, what do we have here...?" Trelawney continues, she looks over at Harry and his crystal ball.

Hermione rolls her eyes, "Here we go again. It's the Grim! It's the Grim!" she says, annoyed. I bit my tongue to keep myself from laughing, but a smile breaks out.

Trelawney looks over at her, her eyes narrowing a bit from behind her glasses, "My dear, from the moment you and your friend first arrived in my class, I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. You may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shriveled as an old maid's, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave." Trelawney tells her.

Hermione tries to respond, but nothing leaves her mouth. She stands and leaves to room quickly, "Hermione! Wait." I grab her book and mine and follow behind her, ignoring the stares both of us where getting as we left the room.

I rush after her, down the stairs, and finally reach her in an empty hallway. "She had no right to be that rude to me!" She says to me, sounding rather hurt.

"I know. Don't listen to her. Your soul is very bright. And if you'd like we can request to leave that class." I offer to her.

"You'd quit that class with me?" Hermione questions softly.

I shrug, "Sure. I'm not seeing anything she's saying. I'd rather have fun in a class with you, then be alone in that class being bored." I tell her truthfully.

She hugs me, "Thank you. I'll write a letter for the two of us to send to Dumbledore and McGonagall to leave that class." She says, then releases me from the hug.


Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I rush to Hagrid's hut after they explained that the Ministry were going to execute Buckbeak. "I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak! It's too horrible." Hermione says as we walk exit the bridge.

"It just got worse." Harry says, look in a direction. We all follow his gaze and see Draco with his two goons, they seem to be spying on Hagrid with binoculars, probably wanting to watch the execution.

"Did you see the big, fat blubbering oaf?! Oh, this is going to be rich. Did I tell you, Father said I can keep the head -" Draco boosts to his friends, before noticing us, "Ah. Come to see the show?" he sarcastically asks us.

"You... foul... loathsome... evil... little cockroach..." Hermione says angrily, taking steps towards him. Draco walks backwards away from her, til he hits a tree. She pulls out her wand as she got close to him, her wand right in his face. Fear now in his eyes.

"Hermione! No!" I try and stop her as we walk towards her but keep our distance. She looks back to me surprised.

"He's not worth it." Ron backs me up, causing her to nod and lower her wand. Then she punches Draco in the face, causing him to stumble and fall. 
He shuffles to his feet and runs from her, his goons following him "That felt good." She admits looking at us.

We continue down to Hagrid's, passing by Buckbeak who was chained up and eating. Hagrid let us in, no words exchanged. He stood by his window, looking out at Buckbeak.

Harry, Ron, and I were all sitting as Hermione elected to make tea. "Look at 'em. Loves the smell o' the trees when the wind blows..." Hagrid says, sadly.

"I say we set him free." Harry speaks up.

Hagrid shakes his head, "They'd know I did it. And tha' would only get Dumbledore in trouble. Gonna come down, yeh know. Says he wants ter be with me when it... when it happens. Great man, Dumbledore." Hagrid explains.

"We'll stay with you too, Hagrid." Hermione brings up, as she finishes her tea.

"Yeh will not! Think I wan' yeh seein' a thing like this! No. Yeh'll drink yer tea an' be off. But before yeh do -- I wan' ter see you an' Ron shake hands, Harry." Hagrid protests, then lectures the boys.

Ron and Harry exchange a glance, then look to Hagrid. "Thin' I haven' seen 'ow it's bin betw'n you two? Go on now..." Hagrid tell them, Harry and Ron agree and extend their hands and shake.

"Good. Now then. Ron, I wan' ter see you give Hermione a hug." Hagrid tells Ron, causing me to laugh.

"What!" The two exclaim, glaring at me for laughing, I cover my mouth but continued to giggle.

"Go on! You two've been at it all year. An' I'm sick o' it." Hagrid told them sternly. Hermione and Ron awkwardly go to one another and hug stiffly. "Crikey, tha's jus' abou' the most pathetic hug I e'er seen. But yeh did it, an' tha's wha' matters. There's jus' one other thing..." Hagrid says.

"I'm not kissing Fang if that's what you're thinking..." Ron says, sitting back down next to Harry. Fang sits up from hearing his name, looking happy. Hagrid moves over to a Tin and opens it a pulls out a rat. "Scabbers! You're alive!" Ron says happily taking it from Hagrids hands.

"Yeh should keep a closer eye on yer pets, Ron." Hagrid tells him.

"I think you owe someone an apology." Hermione says to him, waiting for an apologies.

"Right. Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know." Ron tells her sassily, as he pets Scabbers.

"I meant me." Hermione snaps at him.

Hagrid sighs, "Crikey. Here we go agin..." Hagrid says. Then a glass jar that was on a shelf suddenly shatters, Hermione looks over the broken jar.

"Ow!" Harry suddenly  says, rubbing his head, looking out the window. I stand now on edge. "Hagrid..." Harry says, still looking out the window.

We all look and see Dumbledore leading Fudge and an Executioner towards the hut. Hagrid begins to panic. "Yeh got to go! It's almost dark. Anyone sees yeh outside the castle it'll be trouble! Big trouble! 'Specially you, Harry -" Hagrid says, then a loud knock comes from the door.

Hagrid stiffens, obviously in fear, "C'mon." Harry whispers to us, leading us out the back door. We follow through the pumpkin patch, and duck down behind them.

A noise suddenly comes from the forest behind us, causing Hermione and I to look into the forest, I don't see anything immediately, just some branches moving oddly. "What?" Harry asks us.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw... Never mind." Hermione responds, and we look back towards the hut, and slowly make our way out of the patch seeing as we wouldn't get caught. We make our way to stand by a few trees, far enough away to not be seen, but enough for us to still see a bit.

The bell from the clock tower began to toll. Ding. Ding. Ding. could be heard from here. We knew that the time had come. Looking over at the others, unshed tears were in their eyes as we looked over the hut. Dumbledore exits the hut, then points to something in the distance away from everything, probably just to the sunset. Then after a few moments the executioner walks over to there Buckbeak was, were the trees covered the hippogriff.

Another Ding comes from the clock tower, it's almost like the wind had stopped. Anther Ding, then Axe is raised into the air. Ding. A sickening chop fills the air. I turn to Harry, not being able to look at the hut any longer. Feeling sick to my stomach. Buckbeak didn't need to die. Another Ding fills the air, Harry hugs me, rubbing my back as a comfort.

"He bit me." Ron says softly in shock, gaining my attention, his finger was bleeding, then he looks at his pocket and Scabbers runs away. Ron without a thought, chases after the rat.

"Ron! No!" Hermione tries to stop him, But he continues to run, And we quickly follow him

1401 words!

I hope you enjoyed!

The fun is just beginning!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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