Chapter Four

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The day came where we are actually going to have a big Defense Against The Dark Arts lesson. The tables were moved and we all stood around. In the middle of the room stood a tall wardrobe, it was shaking violently making me question what whats inside.

"Intriguing, yes? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside?" Professor Lupin announces to the class from near the wardrobe.

"That's a Boggart, that is." Seamus says use, in realization.

"Very good, Mr. Finnigan. Can anyone tell us what a Boggart looks like?" Professor Lupin questions.

"No one knows." Hermione and I say at the same time unintentionally. Causing Ron to jump from next to us.

"When'd they'd get here?" Ron tries to whisper to Harry, not really whispering.

"Boggarts are shape-shifters." I say simply, ignoring Ron's comment. 

"They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears most. That's what makes it so --" Hermione adds.

"Terrifying, yes. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now, shall we? With our wands, please" Lupin waits as we all take out our wands  "Riddikulus!" he shows us.

We then follow, "Riddikulus!" we all say, with the wand movement

"Good. So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a Boggart off is... laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly
amusing. Neville, come up here, will you?" Lupin explains, gesturing to Neville to step forward.

Neville slowly steps forward away from the crowd of students. "What would you say is the thing that frightens you most?" Lupin asks, the nervous Neville.

Neville then mutters something quietly and incoherently. "Didn't catch that, Neville, sorry." Lupin says.

Neville sighs, "Professor Snape." he admits a bit louder, causing a lot of the class to start laughing. I frown, knowing that sadly Neville does have a good reason to have such a fear.

Lupin nods thoughtfully. "Hmmm... yes. Neville, I believe you live with your grandmother?" he asks him.

Neville nods, "Yes, but I don't want the Boggart to turn into her either." he admits, seeming more anxious.

"It won't. But I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes, very clearly in your mind. Can you do that?" Lupin instructs.

Neville nods, "She carries a red handbag..." he begins to describe.

"That's fine. We don't need to hear it. If you see it, we will. Now, when I open this wardrobe, Neville, here's what I want you to do..." Lupin cuts him off, then leans into Nevilles ear, and whispers something to him before taking a few steps back. Neville looks over to Lupin, seeming unsure. "You can do this, Neville." he tells him

Neville nods nervously, takes a deep breath. "Right then. Wand at the ready. One. Two. Three!" Lupin announces, opening the wardrobe with his wand. The doors burst open, and out comes the Boggart looking like Snape. It begins to walk towards Neville, causing him to take a step back in fear. "Think, Neville. Think!" Lupin reminds him.

"R-r-riddikulus!" Neville stutters out, and quick flash of light hits the boggart, causing it to stumble back, and the clothing was replaced with that of what I could only assume of Neville's Gran. Causing all of us to start laughing at the sight of Snape in a dress and colorful accessories.

Lupin drops the needle on an old gramophone. Music fills the room, then he turns and points to Ron, "Ron! Forward!" He says.

As Ron steps forward, the boggart dissolves from being in the shape of Snape, and turns into a giant Spider. Ron gasps, causing me to look at Harry and Hermione nervously. Lupin grabs on to Ron's shoulder from behind to steady him. Ron stakes a breath and raise his wand. "Riddikulus!" Ron casts, the light hits the spider, causing roller skates to appear on the fear of the spider causing it to shuffle, unable to stay balanced. The whole class laughs.

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