Chapter 14

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Draught of living death causes the drinker to go into a sleep like death if brewed correctly. If not, the drinker could die, or if brewed with another potion to give the drinker multiple affects, it can take time for an antidote to take affect. The only known antidote at the moment for general sleeping potions was the Wiggenweld potion.

It was once used on a princess to wake her from her sleep like death, a prince had saved her by placing some on his lips and kissing her. And similar to the muggle story, she awoken. Every other time this potion was used, it was on normal sleeping potions not as powerful.

The only person at Hogwarts who can successfully make a Draught of Living Death is Severus Snape. Unlucky for Rose, who was given the potion made by Barty Crouch Jr. It's a very difficult potion to make, Rose is lucky to be alive. Adding that Barty combined it with a slow acting potion, she is very lucky.

She's alive, but still asleep. The antidote is a simple potion to make. But she lays in a bed in the Infirmary, unresponsive. Stuck. The second potion makes the antidote, delayed. The days went on and she was given a dose, they hope that 'this time she'll wake from it', but she doesn't. Many people didn't leave her side unless instructed to.

Harry blamed himself. He should of been there for her, helped her, saved her. Warned her about his nightmares properly. He continued to think it was his fault. Only, it wasn't.

Hermione felt like she should of stayed with her that night. If she was with her, maybe she could of helped her early on, she could be awake now, with everyone. Hermione felt guilty. Only, she didn't have to be.

Ron would visit, he wanted to be there for all of them. He felt confused as to why this would be happening to her. She was a good person. She just wanted to learn and help her friends. She didn't deserve to be stuck like this.

Fred would stay as long as possible. When he was alone, he would just talk to her. He wasn't sure if she could hear him, but it comforted him. He felt like she was still there, awake, he didn't want to think of her as if she was dead. He would ignore the type of potion she was given. He hated the name of it. He just wanted her to wake up. To come back.

George would visit, sometimes with Fred. Other times by himself. He would also talk to her, only he would ask her to wake up. He would tell her how Fred really was, sad. He could see how everyone was about Rose being asleep. Everyone showed their emotion a lot more than they knew, and George saw it. He also felt sad, but sad for those around him. Sad for Rose not being around to cheer everyone up. 

Draco came by a few times, he didn't know what to do. He wanted her to wake up. He wanted her to hug him like when they were kids. He was sad and angry. Angry at her being stuck. Angry that her brother drags her into his problems. Angry that she chose a Weasley over him. And sad that he'll probably won't be able to be with her all summer. Sad that he won't be able to tell his mother about anything good that happened this year about Rose.

And then there was Snape. He struggled with her still being asleep. He failed her. He wasn't able to protect her. He was blinded by wanting to protect her, that he wasn't there for her when she needed protection. Ironic really. He wish he could go back and change things. But all he could do is wait. He wanted to talk to her. If she woke before they had to leave for home, she couldn't go back with him. Voldemort was back and he didn't know what he wanted with her, so as his last will to protect her, he's sending her away. Dumbledore says he has a plan for that. And against his selfish needs to keep an eye on her, he'll listen to Dumbledore.

All anyone could do was wait...

And then Rose woke up. Almost a week later. She was alone. Confused. Lost almost. She sits up looking around. The sun was high in the sky, coming through the window, causing her to squint for a second trying to get used to the light after such a long time in her head.

"Oh dear." a voice says in surprise. Madam Pomfrey was shocked to see the girl awake, sitting up in her bed. She woke up, surprising to what everyone had predicted her to. A month was predicted after 3 days. A month, when no one would of been at Hogwarts, they would of kept her there for safety. But lucky for everyone she woke up.

She walks over to Rose, "Are you okay? Dizzy spells? Do you remember anything?" she asks the young girl.

Rose didn't remember. She remembers up until the night before the third task. Did she miss it? "I'm fine. Did I fall and hit my head?" she asks confused, she lifts her hand to rub her eyes but stops seeing her arm wrapped up, adding to her confusion.

"Oh. Let me get Dumbledore." was all she was told before being left alone once more.

When Rose was left alone, she remembered what had happened, well sort of. She remembers being stuck in her head. Screaming mentally to wake up. Being stuck in darkness. Being alone. She hated it.

A tear fell down her face, as the almost helpless and dead feeling crawled back up her skin. What happened to her? She hates feeling like this.


Rose had just talked with many people. She felt a bit overwhelmed. They had explained to her everything that happened. 

Voldemort was back. He had used her, taken her blood for the power her magic held.

He used Harry, similar way, different reasoning. 

He killed Cedric. 

And now she can't even go home.

So much for having a normal year.
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Get a insight on everyone during these sketchy times!

More frequent updates because im excited for fifth year and im on vacation...

And I love my friends reactions to these last few chapters.

As always, hope you enjoyed!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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