Chapter 4

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Hermione and I sat talking and reading as we watch people place their name in the goblet for the chance at getting picked for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. We were both avoiding Weasley siblings seeing as Ron continues to complain to Hermione about Krum, or the tournament, or anything honestly. 

Ron had found us after some time, but Harry was quick to arrive and distract him as they also watched people coming in to place their names. And I was avoiding the twins as they continued to bug me to help them try and find a way to put their name into the goblet without getting in trouble, or in their case, to much trouble.

Cedric came in with a bunch of his friends, shoving him towards the Goblet. He passes by the age ring and places his name in the flames, and all his friends cheer. 

Then the twins come running in cheering. Holding up vials, and some people cheer them on, obviously hearing of their plans. I close my book, wanting to watch this fail. They walk towards where Hermione and I were on the bench high fiving people on the way. 

"Thank you thank you, well lads we've done it." George tells them.

"Cooked it up just this morning." Fred continues.

"It's not going to work." I tell them teasingly, grabbing their attention.

They both come over to me, Fred leans down on my right, and George goes between Hermione and I on my left. "Oh yeah?" Fred says.

"And why's that Rose." George finishes.

"You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself." I tell them simply.

Fred shrugs, "So?" he retorts.

I roll my eyes, "So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted such as an age potion." I explain to them.

"Ah but that's why it's so brilliant." Fred says.

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted." George finishes.

"Boys, it won't work, trust me." I warn them, trying to save them from humiliating themselves.

"Lets put a wager on it." George suggests.

I think for a second, "Okay. If it  doesn't work, I want in on 20% of your profits on whatever products you sell." I say.

They look at one another for a second before nodding, "Okay, but When we win.." George starts.

"You owe both of us an apology kiss." Fred finishes, the both of them smirking.

The crowd 'oooooh's at what they said. I raise an eye brow at them, before crossing my hands for them to shake, "Deal" I say. 

The both stand chuckle and shake my hands before going and standing on the bench next to me.

"Ready Fred?" Ready George?" The say to one another, before shaking up the potions, and opening it, "Bottoms up." The both say before drinking it.

Then they both hop off the bench and over the age line. After a second nothing happens and people begin to cheer that their plan worked. The danced a bit happy that it had worked. I look at Hermione, "This isn't going to end well." I tell her, and she gives me a smile and closes her book as we watch the scene.

The both put their names into the blue flame, nothing happens after a second and everyone cheers once more. Then the blue flames start to burst out causing many people to gasp and back up. Before it hits the twins sending them flying across the floor.

As the twins sit up for everyone to see their hair started to turn grey and white, and they both had identical beards, making them look older. It causes many people to laugh, Hermione and I included.

"You said.." George points to his brother

"You said.." Fred retaliates, before they both pounce on each other. They roll around the floor fighting, and people began to cheer on the fight. 

"Idiots." I mumble with a smile before reopening my book. The room suddenly goes quiet. I look up and see the Viktor had grabbed everyone's attention in the room. He walk to the goblet and puts his name into the flame, then looks in our direction, at Hermione, giving her a look before leaving the room.

I look over at her eyes widen, and she had a small smile on her face, before looking at me, "What?" she asks in a whisper.

"What do you mean 'what'? Viktor Krum looked at you in a way that wasn't just in a passing glance type of way." I retort also in a whisper.

"I- uh- shut up." She stutters before looking back at her book.

"I'm not dropping this." I warn her looking back down at my book.

"You're insufferable sometimes." she says jokingly.

"Yes but you love me." I reply with a laugh.

The time had come for the champions to be picked, we all sat around the great hall, everyone was buzzing with excitement. "Sit down please. And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!" Dumbledore announces before going to the Goblet. The flame changes from blue to red, and a paper flies out and changes back to blue.

"The Durmstrang champion is ... Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore announces. Everyone cheers, the Durmstrang students cheer loudest, as Victor walks over taking his paper, and is lead to the back room.

The flame changes colors again, and another paper flies out, "The champion from Beauxbatons... Fleur Delacour" He announces and all the Beauxbaton girls cheer as a beautiful blonde girl stand and goes to retrieve her paper, before being lead to the back like Victor.

The flame changes again before another flame shoots out before going back to the calming blue color. "The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory." He announces and we all cheer. Cedric looks a bit shocked but happy as well as he stands retrieving his paper and going to the back like the others.

"Excellent! we now have our three champions! But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory the tri-wizard cup!" Dumbledore announces and everyone cheers once more, but we stop once we see the flames from the goblet grow high and turn red once more, before another paper flies out.

Dumbledore grabs it, reading it silently, before saying confused, "Harry Potter. Harry Potter?" I look at Harry shocked.

The crowd was silent, we could hear Hagrid mumbling, "No... No." denying what was just said.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouts, when Harry doesn't move.

Hermione, shoves Harry lightly snapping him out of his shock when he didn't move still "Go on Harry. Harry for goodness sake." she says before shoving him harder for him to finally stand slowly making his way  to dumbledore, grabbing the paper.

"He's a cheat! He's not even seventeen yet." Someone in the crowd points out, as Harry slowly goes to the back room where the other champions went to.

"What did you get yourself into Harry." I whisper to myself, not believing what had just occurred.

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Let the games begin.




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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