Chapter Twelve

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We run through the dark forest as fast as we can. And we all stop and hide behind a really large a tree. We can hear the Werewolf stop, and then run in another direction. We sigh, "Buckbeak. We've got to find him." Hermione whispers to us, and we all turn to move, but right in front of Hermione was the werewolf, causing us to freeze. The wolf moves as if ready to strike, when a noise from the trees above us.

Buckbeak appears with a wind of fury, causing the werewolf to snarl at him angrily, and they both charge at one another. Buckbeak was faster and clawed at the werewolf, missing nearly, causing the werewolf to stop and then Howl, then runs off into the forest. "Poor Professor Lupin is having a really tough night..." Hermione says sadly.

A chill goes down my spine, and the leaves in the trees trumble around us.  I slowly look up and see Dementors flying around. "Let's go." Harry tells up and pulls over to a clearing at the edge of the black lake. Looking across the lake to the other edge, there was like a cyclone of Dementors over past Harry and past Sirius.

"This is horrible." Hermione says softly as we watch past Harry fail at casting a patronus.

"Don't worry. My Dad will come... Right there... you'll see... he'll come... any minute... he'll conjure the Patronus." Harry says, as he stares across the lake.

More and more Dementors come from the sky to the others across the lake, causing my anxiety to rise. "No one's coming, Harry..." I tell him sadly as there was no one else here but us.

"HE WILL! He will come!" He shouts at me, not looking my way. I look at Hermione and she looks just as desperate and sad at the situation like I was. I look back across the lake to see past Harry and Sirius in pain, dying from the dementors.

"No one's coming! You're dying, both of you... and no one's coming!" Hermione shouts to him, hoping to get his attention.

Harry takes out his wand and rushes to the edge of the lake, where he can be seen, "HARRY, NO!" we both shout at him but it was to late.

He stands and raises his wand out towards the dementor, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He shouts, and a silver light comes from his wands and explodes over the lake, causing all the dementors to flee. I squint into the light and see that his Patronus was in the shape of a stag. Then all the dementors are all gone.


We leave once on Buckbeak, flying into the sky towards the castle. "You two were right. It wasn't my dad I saw earlier. It was... me. I saw myself conjuring the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time, because... because I'd already done it. Does that make sense?" Harry tells us, as we were in the air.

Hermione thinks for a second, "No." she says, then looks down, almost in fear, "But I don't like this!" she tells us.

Then Buckbeak lands. We quickly and quietly move towards the cell Sirius was in. We look in and see Sirius paces within the small cell. He sees us and stops, looking shocked to see us.

Hermione moves to stand in front of the door, "Out of the way!" she says then pulls her wand out and points tot the lock, "Alohomora!" She says, Sirius moves to open the door, but nothing happens, "Didn't really expect that to work." She sighs.

Hermione continues quickly spell after spell, but nothing works, "Dunamis! Liberare! Annihilare! Emancipare! No. No. No. No." she says after nothing works. And I try to think about any other spell that could work.

"You might try --" Sirius tries to help but is shut down.

"Quiet! I'm trying to think." she says, pacing as she thought. But I stop her.

"I think I have one." I tell her, and move her out of the way before taking out my wand and pointing to the door, "BOMBARDA!" I say and the door explodes into the sky. Technically opening.

Sirius gives me a smile, "That'll do." he says, walking out of the room, and we quickly make our way to Buckbeak, and get on and fly way. 

While flying in the air, Sirius looks around, amazed by the sight and lets out a laugh. "You two truly are your fathers children." He says, look to Harry and I.

We land in the courtyard, the darkness of the night leaving us undetected. We all got down. "I'll be forever grateful for this. To the three of you." Sirius tells us.

"I want to go with you." Harry tells him quickly.

"One day perhaps. For some time... life will be too... unpredictable. Besides, you're meant to be here." Sirius tells him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "But promise me something, Harry." He says.

"Anything." Harry tells him.

"Trust yourself. No matter the challenges you face -- and I fear they will be many -- you'll be
surprised how many times you can find the answers..." Sirius advices him, at taps his chest over his heart gently, "" he says.

Sirius steps back to go onto Buckbeak, "Wait Sirius." I say, causing him to look my way. "Before, you said that you weren't my godfather, but you are Harry's. Can you tell me who's mine?" I ask, hoping to get some answer.

Sirius gives me a soft smile, "Talk to Remus. He knows." he says, then climbs onto Buckbeak, before looking up at the night sky, "A shooting star. Make a wish." he says, before flying off into the night.

Then the Ding from the clock tower causes Hermione and I to look at one another, "We have to go." She says, and we both begin to drag Harry back to the Castle.

We all run down the corridor towards the infirmary, as we all turn a corner we barely stop intime to not run directly into Dumbledore who was leaving. "Well?" he questions us.

"He's free -- Sirius. We... we did it." Harry tells him, slightly out of breath.

"Did what?" Dumbledore responds, a knowing look in his eye as he walks past us, allowing us to enter the room.

We see past us disappear with the time turner and Ron look over at us, utterly dumbfounded. "How'd you three get over there? I was just talking to you... over there." he says pointing.

I give him a smirk, "Would you believe magic for an answer?" I say to him, causing the other two to snicker. Ron frowns at that.

"What d'you think, Harry? Too much for him -- everything that's happened tonight?" Hermione questions. 

"Afraid so. Always been a bit of the nervous type, Ron has." Harry says, the two adding to the fun. Slowly, Ron smiles.

1151 words

I hope you enoy this chapter!!

Should I change my update schedule on these books?




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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