Chapter 10

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I stared at myself in the mirror, smoothing out my outfit for maybe the tenth time. "You can do this Rose. It's just a date. A lunch date. With a boy who likes you. With a boy you like. Oh I can't do this." I say to myself, sitting back down on my bed. 

"Are you going on that date with the Weasley boy?" Luna's soft voice floats through the room, making me look up towards her.

"Yes, but I'm nervous. What if I mess everything up?" I question, worry filling me more so.

Luna gives me a soft smile, "You can't mess anything up. He's really smitten for you. Besides you were bestfriends before all this." She reassures me.

I get what Fred was saying when he said he was nervous around me. But Luna is right. "It's just Fred. Normal Fred. Thanks Luna." I try again to encourage myself, standing and heading to the door. 

"Have fun!" she calls out before I leave, and I give her a smile. I stop in my tracks once I get outside my common room.

Standing there was Fred. "Am I late?" I ask, realizing I never looked at the clock during my time getting ready.

"No. Right on time actually." Fred reassures me, holding his hand out for my to hold. When I do so, the butterflies return to my stomach and I give him a smile.

"George kept bugging me about this date, saying how he want to come with. But I told him that would make it less of a date. But don't be surprised if we see him today." Fred tells me.

I laugh at the thought of George wanting to come on the date. "Alright." I say between giggles.


Arriving at the three broomsticks, it was easy to spot George. He pretended he didn't see us, sipping on his butterbeer, looking anywhere but at the two of us. Fred leads me to the other side of the room, pulling out my chair for me.

We ordered drinks and food, and just talked about nothing and everything. We had already knew a lot about one another, but I still had fun. He told me about how he and George were trying get money to be able to open a jokes shop, similar to Zonkos but with their own products. Much like the buttons from earlier in the school year.

"If you ever need help with products I'd be willing to help." I offer to him.

"Really?" Another voice says, causing us both the jump and look to see George, moving another chair to sit at our table.

"Wow George, you cracked a lot later than I thought you would." Fred says to his brother, chuckling a bit.

"I was getting bored. You two flirting wasn't as fun to watch when you can't hear anything, so I decided to come over and see what the topic of conversation was, I dare say I came at an interesting time." George says, giving us a smirk.

 "I guess you did." I tell him, sipping my drink.

"So, I was thinking. For the rest to the tournament, instead of selling charmed team buttons, we just take bets. We have them pay us a down payment for us to hold and keep track of everyone's money that way we still make money even if we bet against them or not." George explains rather excitedly.

"That's actually not a bad idea. That could work." I say, after thinking about it.

"Told you it was good." George tell his brother, lightly shoving him. Fred laughs lightly.

"Yeah okay. You've made your business pitch. Now go, we're in the middle of something." Fred tells him, giving him a look.

George holds up his hands in surrender, "Alright, I can take a hint. Have fun in your little date love birds." he teases us, leaving us alone again, this time leaving the three broomsticks.

"Sorry about him. I kind of figured he'd do something, scaring us hadn't crossed my mind." Fred says to me, holding my hand on the table.

I feel myself blush a bit, "It's no problem. It's just George. Like he said, he was bored. I'm surprised he scared us as lightly as he did." I tell with a laugh.

"That's because George knows I'd be able to get him back if he ruined this." Fred says, his cheeky smile returning.


As we walk back to the castle, it was peaceful. Not many people had went out to Hogsmeade this trip around, so we were enjoying being alone on the trail. The snow was nearly all melted away, having the weather not be to cold or to hot. 

As the castle came into view, Fred stopped walking causing me to stop. "What is it?" I ask, concerned on why we stopped.

"Well, we've known each other pretty well, and for a good while. So, I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?" Fred asks, looking to me by the end.

"Yes. I'd like that." I tell him, a smile growing on my face wider than before, nodding lightly.

He returns my wide smile, "Fantastic." he says, pulling me into a side hug, continuing our trek to the castle.

877 words

Yay! Here's a sweet little date chapter!

Hope you enjoy!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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