Chapter 3

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"Alastor Moody." Moody says to us from the the front of the classroom, writing his name on the blackboard as all of us sat in the DADA class. I sat next to Hermione in the second row. "Ministry malcontent. And your new defence against the dark arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions? When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" he asks looking around the room.

"Three sir." Hermione answers a bit hesitantly, unsure on how he would respond.

"And they are so named?" he asks her, turning back to the board as he writes the topic on the board..

"Because they are unforgivable. Use of any one of them will..." Hermione fades off, not wanting to finish.

"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban. Correct. Now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared, you need to find somewhere else to put your chewing gum other than the underside of your desk Mr Finnigan!" Moody calls out not even turning around.

Seamus sighs, "Aw no way, the old codger can see out the back of his head." he whispers, causing Moody to whip around and throw the chalk at him, narrowly missing him.

"So, which curse shall we see first? WEASLEY!" He calls on, causing Ron to jump from his seat and face Moody, surprised.

"Yes..." He answers shakily.

"Give us a curse." Moody requests.

"Well, my dad did tell me about one... The imperious curse." Ron says a bit hesitantly.

"Ahhh yes, your father would know all about that. Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why." Moody says before going to the table with with small bugs and creatures on it and opening a jar that had a spider like creature in it. "Hello. What a little beauty." he says as he turns to us.

He pulls out his wand, and makes the creature fly in the air around the classroom. "Don't worry. Completely harmless." He tells us trying to ease the class, "But if she bites... she's lethal!" he tells us, causing some of us to jump. 

He sends the creature to fly over Pavarti. Then sends it on top of Ron's head, causing him to panic a bit.

Draco and a few of his slytherin friends start to laugh at that, "What are you laughing at?" Moody asks him, sending the creature to be on Draco's face, casusing some to laugh at his panic.

"Talented isn't she? What shall I have her do next? Jump out the window?" He questions, sending it to the edge of the window, causing the class to go silent, "Drown herself?" He asks, sending it over a bucket of water, where it begins to freak out a bit not being able to move away from the water.

"Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only do did you-know-whose bidding under the influence of the imperious curse. But here's the rub, how do we sort out the liars? Another.. another.. Come on come on. Longbottom is it? Up." He explains, and gesturing Neville to the front where he had placed the creature down on the table.

"Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology." Moody says to his, probably to have the nervous boy relax.

"There's the um... the cruciatus curse." Neville stutters out nervously.

"Correct! Correct! come come. Particularly nasty. The torture curse." Moody says then, points his wand at the creature, causing it to squeal in pain. After a few moments I begin to see how uncomfortable Neville was at what was happening and I got fed up.

"Stop it! Just stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him, stop it!" I shout, causing him to stop. He then picks up the spider creature, which was still making a noise, and walk over to Hermione and I, setting the creature down between us..

"Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse Miss Potter." He asks me. But I refuse to look at him or the creature. I shake my head, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. He then casts a spell in front of us, killing the creature.

I close my eyes, trying to hold it together, to not yell or cry. "The killing curse. Only one person is known to have survived it. And he's sitting in this room." He tells the class referring to Harry, walking away from our desk.


We all walk out of the classroom. Walking down the stairs listening to Ron rant about the class we just left. "Brilliant isn't he! Completely demented of course. Terrifying to be in the same room with, he's really BEEN there you know." Ron rants as if everything we just witnessed was normal.

"There's a reason those curses are unforgivable, and to perform them in a classroom. I mean did you see Neville's face..." Hermione says, fading at the end as we reach where Neville was stood on the stairs looking out the window.

"Neville?" I ask him softly, knowing he's feeling uncomfortable at the moment. Placing a hand on his arm, causing him flinch. I quickly retract my hand. Moody then walks over and pats Neville on the shoulder, ignoring the rest of us.

"Son, you alright?" He asks him. He nods slowly, then moves Neville to walk back upstairs, "Come on, we'll have a cup of tea. I've got something to show you." he tells him and they both walk back to the classroom.

I sigh, still very uncomfortable, "Lets just go." I tell the others, continuing down ahead of the others.

"Rose?.. Rose." Hermione tries to get my attention. Grabbing my arm, causing me to stop.

"What?" I snap, but sigh again. "Sorry." Looking away from the others, knowing its not her fault.

"Are you okay?" She asks me softly.

"I will be. Come on." I tell her truthfully, and continue down a head of the group.


Sitting in the Great Hall alone, trying to just forget what had happened earlier with the unforgivable curses. I didn't feel like dealing with Ron's ramblings on how amazing Moody was, so I sat at the Ravenclaw table today.

I barely had any of my lunch when I felt someone sit down next to me. I glance over to see green on the robes instead of the normal blue, turning I see Draco sitting next to me. "Are you okay?" he asks quietly.

I look away for a second, before looking back to him, "I've been better, but I'll get over it." I reply honestly.

"He's mad. Don't understand why Dumbledore hired him." he complies, as he leans on the table getting a plate for his food.

I look at him amused, "Wouldn't you rather be sitting at your table? I see some of the Durmstrang students found friends in your group?" I question, seeing his goon of friends talking the ears off to some poor boy.

Draco groans making me laugh a bit, "Honestly they all talk more nonsense then I can listen too. And add on that Pansy won't leave me alone. Besides It's been far to long since we've had lunch together." Draco explains giving me a smile at the end.

I return the smile, "Well, lets have lunch shall we." I say, taking a bit of my bowl of fruit.
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2 chapters in one day... just cause the last one was more of a short info dump.




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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