Chapter Three

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On the first day, while everyone was getting their class schedules in the great hall, Hermione and Rose were both requested to go to McGonagalls office, regarding the classes they had requested. Both girls had requested more classes then the school day can give a student. So she was going to give them an item.

McGonagall trusts both the girls enough that they would use this object for whatever she tells them it would be for. They were both responsible girls, both of them were tied for the top of their year, she knew they wouldn't use it for anything other then instructed. The object, a time turner.

When the girls arrived she explained to them exactly the situation, the time turner, and the rules that comes with the time turner. After much discussion, they decided the girls will both have the same schedule, and since there is only one time turner, that Hermione would keep it in her possession, seeing as McGonagall was head of Gryffindor and in charge of the time turner, if something were to go wrong, she would have to deal with it. And with that both girls were off with their new, long schedule


A new class that all 3rd years were able to take was Divination. A mix of students sat on little pouffes around the classroom floor.

"Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the mysterious art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess..." the professor starts speak, gliding around the room, a bit dramatically" ... the Sight. Hello. I am Professor Trelawney. Together, we shall cast ourselves into the future. But know this. One either has the Gift or not. It cannot be divined from the pages of a book. Books only cloud one's Inner Eye." Professor Trelawney says.

"What rubbish." Hermione says under her breath from next to me.

"Kind of agree." I tell her in a whisper.

Ron spins. Looks at both of us and frowns at Hermione and I. "Where'd you two come from?" He asks us confused.

"Us? We've been here all along." Hermione was quick to lie to him.

"You, boy! Is your grandmother well?" Trelawney was quick to ask at Neville who now seemed nervous for suddenly being on the spot.

"I... I think so." He responds unsure.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." she tells him, then looks around the classroom, leaving Neville looking shocked and concerned. "The first term will be devoted to the reading of tea leaves. If all goes well, we will proceed to palmistry, fire omens, and finally... the crystal ball." She continues to tell the class before look towards Parvati, "By the way, dear, beware a red haired man." she warns her ominously.

Parvati looks towards Ron suspiciously. Edges her pouffe away from him. Causing Ron to look away with a huff. "Unfortunately, classes will be disrupted in February by a nasty bout of flu. I myself will lose my voice. And in late spring, two of our numbers will... leave us forever." Trelawney tells us, causing everyone in the class to look at someone uneasily. Yet Trelawney smiles brightly at us. "Well then. Shall we?" she says.

The class continues and we were attempting to do tea leaves readings. Hermione and I were facing one another looking through our books as we looked into each others cups.

"Broaden your minds, my dears. And allow your eyes to see... beyond." Trelawney speaks, then takes Lavender Brown's cup,  and peers inside. "A five-leaf clover... You can expect to wake with a horrible rash tomorrow morning, dear." she says, then moves over to Neville, "Mr. Longbottom, after you've broken your first cup..." as she says this he drops the cup he was holding, and it breaks. "... would you be so kind as to select one of the blue ones? I'm rather partial to the pink." she says them moves near us, and looks at Ron who sat in front of us, "What do you see in Mr. Potter's cup, Mr. Weasley?" she asks him.

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