Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up early. Wanting to talk to Remus before Harry would, knowing that he'd want to talk about the night before with him. I make my way to his office, his door was open but I still knock to get his attention.

"Rose! What a surprise. Hello." He greets me, placing books he had in his hands on his desk.

I point to the map on his desk, "Not really a surprise." I say to him.

He sighs, "Clever as always." he says with a small smile. "What can I do for you?" he asks me, gesturing for me to enter. 

"Sirius, he had advised me that you were the person I should ask on this topic. So please, be honest. Do you know who my godfather is?" I ask him.

He had stopped everything he was doing, and I had all of his attention. "You're godfather. Oh yes, I do know who that is." He says to me.

"Really? Can you tell me who it is?" I ask eagerly, happiness and curiosity filling me.

"I'm your godfather Rose." he tells me softly.

I blink, not expecting that. "Really?" I ask in a whisper, not knowing what else to say.

He sighs, looking back down at his desk, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. With everything that was going on with Sirius, and knowing that you were fine with Severus. I didn't want to accidentally break your world. I was just glad I got to properly meet you and Harry." He tells me sadly.

"You don't need to apologize. I understand why you didn't tell me. But now, I am very glad to call you my godfather." I tell him genuinely.

He looks at me, "Really? Even though I'm a werewolf?" he questions hesitantly.

I nod, "Yes, you are a kind and caring man. And I'm very glad I got to met you." I tell him, feeling happy tears fill my eyes.

"Oh, dear." he says before coming to me and pulling me into a comforting hug. "If you ever need anything, I'm an owl away. Alright?" he tells me before we let go of the hug.

I nod, wiping away a tear that had fallen, "Same to you... Remus." I say his name a bit hesitantly.

He gives me a wide smile, "Rose, before, when I was teaching you about the patronus charm, where you able to see what creature yours formed?" He asks me.

I shake my head, "No, not really. It was all bright to me before I fell." I tell him.

"I didn't recognize it at first, but after some research I was able to find out what it was." He tells me before grabbing on of the books on his desk and flipping to a page, "It was an Occamy." he says before handing me the book.

'Those with the Occamy patronus are thoughtful

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'Those with the Occamy patronus are thoughtful. People with this patronus can often be found reflecting on previous events and on profound ideas. Those with this patronus often have a creative side too, excelling in creative subjects. Those with the Occamy are very protective of their friends'

I read from the book, before looking up at Remus, who had a small smile on his face, "Sounds just like you in my opinion. Always thinking. And protective of your friends." He says, before taking the book, and going back to his desk.

"Thank you for that." I tell him, genuinely glad that he had shown me that book.

 He nods, "Go on, Your brother is on his way, and I must continue to pack." he tells me, looking down at the map.

"I'm sad to see you go, you were an excellent professor, but I know we'll see each other again." I tell him before leaving. 


I arrive to the great hall to see owls leaving, seeming like the mail had just been delivered to some people. Many Gryffindors seem to be gathered around something on a table. "Whats going on?" I ask Ron, who jumps and turns around.

"Bloody Hell, stop doing that." He says with a hand on his chest, I give him a look, showing that he didn't answer my question. "Harry got a gift, and we're all waiting for him to come." he explains to me.

Some more people gathered around including Neville, Seamus, and Dean, making the crowd a bit restless for someone to open the gift. "Stand back, I said! I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle!" Ron says, grabbing the poorly wrapped up broomstick, making me suspect someone had already started to unwrap it before realising it wasn't there's. The handle was sticking out revealing just what kind of broom it was that had caused everyone to be excited.

Hermione clears her throat, catching everyone's attention to see Harry standing next to her. Which caused everyone to start talking to Harry.

"Harry! Wherever did you get it!" Neville questions.

"Can I have a go, Harry? After you, of course --" Seamus asks, but Ron stops everyone.

"Quiet!" he shouts at them, and they listen. "Thank you. Let the man through." he says, and they do, allowing Harry to see the gift. Immediately looking confused as he unwrapped the rest of it revealing the already obvious Firebolt Broom

"Whose is that?" Harry questions, causing those who was in the crowd to laugh.

"Whose is it? It's yours, mate." Ron tells him with a chuckle.

"Who? But... how?" Harry questions, confused as he looks at the broom.

"It's a mystery. Though... this fell out of the wrapping." Hermione tells him, handing a hippogriff feather.

"That's a Hippogriff feather --" Harry says, stopping when he realises, and looks at Hermione then me. And I raise my eyebrow, with a smile.

Harry stands and races to the courtyard, the group following behind him, wanting to see him fly. I follow along, curious to see just how fast that broom was. I get out just in time to see Harry jet off, that broom was truly faster than any other broom at Hogwarts.

1007 words!

Its the end of the Third year! Now we get to what I deem, the fun stuff to write!!

I hope you enjoyed this little adventure!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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