Chapter 1

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The sun was barely peeking into the sky, causing me to groan when it got in my eyes. "Is sleeping beauty awake yet?" I hear one of the twins say.

"No her eyes are still closed." I hear another say.

I squint open my eyes and glare at George, the twin who at the moment was not giving me a piggyback ride up a hill. "I wasn't sleeping I was merely resting my eyes." I told them, causing George to smirk at me.

"Could of fooled me. You know you talk in your sleep." He tells me.

I roll my eyes, "I do not talk in my sleep." I tell him, lifting my head up so it rest on Fred's shoulder.

"See, but you do. I could very clearly hear you declaring your love to someone." George continues to taunt me, a bit dramatically.

I glare at him, "I did nothing of the sort." I say to him, before looking to Fred, "Right Fred?" I ask him, hoping he'd back me up.

He glances at me, "I don't know, I distinctly heard you say the words, 'I' and 'love'an-" but I stop him.

"Five Sickles so we'd stop talking about this." I interrupt him quickly. I see Fred look past me to his brother.

"Ten Sickles." They both say.

I sigh, "Deal." I say to them. And we continue on our way seeing a man standing under a tree waiting for us.

"Arthur! It's about time son." The man greets. And then a handsome boy jumps out of the tree he was under. I can only guess he is his son.

"Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the ministry. And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Arthur greets and tells us.

"Yes sir." Cedric says as the three of them shake hands.

"Merlin's beard, you must be Harry Potter." Amos says seeing Harry come up the hill.

"Yes sir." Harry says rather awkwardly.

"Great great pleasure." Amos says, shaking his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you too sir." Harry says.

Fred sets me down, much to my annoyance, and we continue on our way to the other hill. "That's it, just over there." Mr. Weasley points out with his walking stick. To the thing that was on top of the hill.

"Shall we? We don't want to be late" Amos says and we hurry just a bit to reach an old looking boot that sat on the grass.

"Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" Harry questions, looking confused.

"That isn't just any old manky boot mate." Fred tells him

"It's a portkey." George finishes, as we all circle around the boot, kneeling and grab onto the boot.

"Time to go. Ready?" Amos asks us, and most of us nod.

"What's a 'portkey'?" Harry questions, not doing what the others were doing.

"After 3. One... Two..." Amos starts to count down.

"Harry!" Mr. Weasley tells Harry urgently, and lucky enough he quickly grabs the boot.

"Three!" Amos says and with a flash we fly into the air, with all of us holding onto the portkey boot.

"Let go kids!" Mr. Weasley tells us, causing my eyes to go wide.

"What?!" Hermione questions.

"Let! Go!" He tells us once more, and we all let go flying and crash to the ground. I sit up and see Arthur, Amos and Cedric come down more gracefully then the rest of us. "I bet that cleared your sinuses eh?" Mr. Weasley jokes.

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