Chapter 8

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We were halfway through the class, and I was nearly finished with my essay, when the boys started to procrastinate. Lots of people were whispering, and Ron was trying to talk to Harry. Issue with him, he can't whisper in a class, any other time he's fine.

"This is mad. At this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates." Ron whispers to Harry, earning a slap on the head from an essay that Uncle Sev was reading through as he walked past. "Well, us and Neville!" Ron continues, talking a bit quieter.

"But then again he can take himself." Harry replies, unsure if he was joking.

"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone." Hermione tells them, annoyed with there whispering.

"Good for him." I comment, proud that he was able to snag a date.

Ron all but gasps, "Now I'm really depressed." he says rather sadly, slumping in his seat.

Fred hands Ron a note, and he reads it before looking back to Fred, "Who you going with then?" he whispers to his brother.

Fred crumples up a paper and then quickly throws it over to Angelina Johnson, causing her to look over at him.

"Will you go to the ball, with me?" Fred asks her for George, using a bit dramatic hand gestures.

She smile, "Yeah." she replies before looking back over to her friends.

Fred looks back to Ron, giving him a wink before going back to work.

Ron looks defeated for a second, then turns to Hermione. "Well Hermione, you're a girl." he says, causing me to cover my mouth to keep me from laughing out loud. Oh gosh Ron, now you've done it.

"Oh well spotted." Hermione says sarcastically, and Ron gets hit again for talking.

"Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl it's just sad." Ron says to her, I guess as an attempt to ask her to the ball.

"I won't be going alone because believe it or not someone's asked me." she tells him, standing from her seat, walking over to hand in her essay, before walking back to grab her things "And I've said yes." she tells him before storming off.

"Bloody hell." Ron sighs, before turning to Harry and I, "She's lying right?" he asks.

"If you say so." Harry replies unsure. Then Ron looks at me.

"Hey Rose." Ron starts.

"Don't bother. I've got a date. And I'm not your last resort." I tell before standing, and handing in my essay and leave the room.

Walking back down the hall I was in not to long ago, going back to my common room, when I am stopped for the Second time. "Rose!" A voice calls out to me.

I turn to see Draco walking towards me, "Oh, Draco. Hi." I greet him, surprised to see him all alone.

"Uh, here." he says handing me a box. "I know its a bit early for Christmas present. But with the ball being on Christmas eve, I figured I'd give it to you now." he explains.

"Oh, well thank you. You didn't have to." I say, giving him a smile.

"It's no problem. Also One more thing." he says, grabbing my free hand gently. I give him a questioning look, "Can I escort you to the Yule Ball?" he asks me.

"Oh. Draco. That sounds lovely, only someone's already asked me, and I agreed to go with them." I tell him softly, taking my hand from his slowly.

His face fell for a second before giving me a half smile, "I had a feeling I was to late. Who ever's taking you is lucky." he tells me.

"How about I save you a dance." I offer to him, giving him a smile.

"I'll take that. Can't wait." he tells me giving me his normal smile, not the smirk front he puts on for his friends.

"Until then." I say, turning away and heading to my common room.

670 words

Are you as excited as I am for the Yule Ball!!!

Shorter chapter then normal but all the more hype!




Lots of luv~ snowflake

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