Chapter Eleven

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We sneak over to the pumpkin patch, and hide behind some, and peer into the hut. We see when Hermione and Ron hug awkwardly. I cover my mouth to keep from laugh, and glance at Hermione to see her just analyzing what was happening, and seeing Harry grinning at her from her other side.

Hermione looks at both us then asks, "What?"

We look at one another then back at her, "Nothing" then turn back to the hut.

I see Dumbledore leading the others towards the hut a little ways away. "Here they come. I better hurry." Harry moves to go to Buckbeak but Hermione stops him.

"No! Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free!" she warns him.

He nods in understanding, "That's Pettigrew -" He says, going to stand, but we both pull him down.

"No, Harry! You can't!" I warn him, but he gives me a frown.

"Rose, that's the man who betrayed our parents! You don't expect me to just sit here.." Harry tries to convince me, as much as I wanted to just go in there as expose him. I shake me head.

"Yes! You Must!" Hermione reasons, and points to the hut, "Harry, you're in Hagrid's hut right now. If you go bursting inside, you'll think you've gone mad. Awful things can happen when wizards meddle with time. We can't be seen." she tells him, causing me to calm down and look back to the hut, not wanting to see Harry's sad eyes.

"Fudge is coming and... we're not leaving... why aren't we leaving?" Hermione says, now confused. After a second she grabs a rock and throws it, and smashes a glass jar, just like before.

"Are you mad?" Harry asks her. I grab a rock and throw it to help Hermione, only to hit Harry in the head.

"That hurt." Harry tells me, rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry." I tell sincerely. 

A knock on Hagrid's hut is heard, "C'mon. Any minute now we're going to be coming out the back door." Hermione tells us, and we dash into the trees. Luckily right before we arrived to the pumpkins. Hermione and I share a tree and look at ourselves.

"Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?" Hermione whispers, but I shush her and pull her back, just before past Hermione and I turn around. The branch next to us moves oddly and past us continue to look into the trees.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw... Never mind." we hear past Hermione say.

We watch the past us begin to go up the slope and to the trees were we could barely see the hut, and not Buckbeak. "Now Harry." I tell him. And he goes to where Buckbeak is.

Hermione and I watch Harry try and move Buckbeak, struggling. Then the bell from from the tower begins to chime. Causing Harry to look over to us, and tries to tug harder on the chains. Hermione runs to grab something and returns after a few seconds with dead ferrets

"Here, Beaky... Come and get the nice dead ferret... yum yum..." Hermione says to the giant hippogriff. And it started to work, Buckbeak got up and started to walk forward.

"Stop." I whisper once the door opens, and we all freeze. No one looks over to us, and Dumbledore points off to something in the distance, away from us.

"Professor Dippet had those blackberries planted when he was Headmaster..." Dumbledore starts talking, and gesture for them to continue to walk. As we reach the trees we all shoo Buckbeak into the trees.

We all hide back in the tree line and watch them all approach were Buckbeak no longer was. "But... where is it? I just saw the beast not moments ago --" Fudge questions, "Hagrid?" he asks him.

Rose Lily Potter (H.P. Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now