Chapter Eight

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The three of us reach a ridge, looking down at Ron who was chasing the rat. "Harry. Rose. You do realize what tree this is..." Hermione questions rather nervously.

Ron was able to nab Scabbers, cradles him in his bloody palm. "Now behave yourself." We hear Ron say. Only issue, Ron was right under the Whomping Willow.

"That's not good." Harry says realising what was about to happen.

"Ron! Run!" I shout at Ron. He turns and looks at us.

"Harry! Run!" Ron shouts back.

A big black dog suddenly jumps over us, towards Ron, causing him to scream. "Aaaahhh!" The dog bite down on Ron's foot, and began to drag him towards the trunk of the whomping willow effortlessly. Harry rushes forward and grabs Ron's hands, only to also get dragged along.

Hermione and I quickly follow, grabbing Harry's feet to hopefully help, only to also get dragged with them, "I've got you -" Hermione says but  our efforts weren't helpful.

"Harry!" Ron shouts fearfully. The dog had vanished into a gap within the base the tree, while pulling Ron with it. 

"Hold on, Ron!" Harry shouts, but the dog continued to drag us. "No, Ron..." Harry says but Ron let go of Harry allowing the dog to drag him. "Nooooo!!!" Harry shouts as they disappear.

We all look down into the hole. Then the Whomping willow came to life. Just our luck. It hit us all back away from the hole on our back. We all quickly try to go to the hole to try and follow Ron, but a branch blocks our path. Then sweeps to us.

Hermione and I jump over it but Harry got knocked away. I go to run, But stop when Hermione screams as the willow grabs her. Another branch goes to hit Harry but he dodges, and grabs it getting lifted up into the air. I go into the tunnel hole, and try to think of something to help them.

I didn't have to think long, because they both came crashing into the tunnel, "Oh thank god." I say in relief. Hermione was on top of Harry. 

"Thanks" Hermione says to him, as I help her up.

"Don't mention it." He tells her standing.

I pull out my wand, "Lumos" I cast and light up our way in the tunnel.

"Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione questions as we start walking.

"I have a hunch. I just hope I'm wrong..." Harry says to her.

We make our way, avoiding roots and things that hung around the tunnel. Then it ends abruptly. We all look at one another confused, then as if we all had the same thought, we look up seeing a small opening. Harry reaches up and was able to hoist himself up. He moves and helps both of us out of the tunnel and into a room. The walls had paper peeling from it, and random furniture around skewed around.

"We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione questions. I nod, and Harry looks up hearing  the ceiling above us creak. And we all rush up the stairs.

We stop before a hall, one door showing light. "Nox" I say, having the light from my wand go away, and we slowly make our way towards the door. Harry leads us, giving us all a nod as we all had our wands ready. And Harry kicks the door open.

Ron sits upon a sagging bed, clutching his bloody foot. "Ron! You're okay -" Hermione says in relief, as we rush over to him.

"The dog -- where's the -" Harry quickly tries to question Ron.

"He's the dog. It's a trap, Harry. He's an Animagus..." Ron says shakily.

We all look to the other side of the room, and see a man in the shadows. Dark long matted hair. His skin was almost like a corpse. It was Sirius Black. He was just staring at Harry.

Rose Lily Potter (H.P. Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now