Chapter 6: Vigilantes and the USJ

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"It's done." Izuku said to himself while looking at his new suit. He looked at the time and it was 4:00 pm, he's going on his first patrol at 9:00 when everyone went to bed and he could sneak out.

Izuku POV
I put my suit on and was ready to go, I got to my window checked around and left the UA premises and headed to the outskirts of Musutafu to patrol.

Time skip of a few hours.

"Ugh, it's already 11:00 and there's been nothing." I said while dangling my legs off the side of a building.

I was so bored, three hours and there was nothing, which was good for the city but boring as hell for me.

Then I heard a gunshot.

I jumped up and headed in the direction of the sound and when I got there I saw a man aiming a gun in the air while holding a human shield. There were 2 cops in front of him trying to defuse the situation but before anyone could react Izuku dropkicked the man with the gun knocking him out.

"Who are you?" One of the cops asked.

Izuku thought for a moment and told them "names fury."

"You're one of those vigilantes, aren't you?" The cop asked while reaching for his gun.

Izuku noticed and quickly pulled out a grappling gun and shot it to the roof of the building in front of him and flew away.

The officer sighed and said "great, another vigilante to deal with in this city."

I get back to the dorms and start getting my costume off smiling like a dumb idiot. 'That was awesome! I saved that man and thought of a cool name for my persona! Damn I'm tired I should go to bed.'


Izuku wakes up, takes a shower and walks out of his room to make some cereal. Everyone was up eating breakfast except for bakugou. Izuku sat on the couch next to Zack.

Iida turns on the tv to the news and the broadcaster says. "Last night a new vigilante appeared in the west districts of musutafu." Izuku went wide eyed but he corrected himself quickly so no one would notice, Zack saw this but didn't mention it to the class.

"The vigilante stopped a hostage situation and said his name was Fury, that's it from me now we go to Ito for the weather." The newscaster finished.

"A vigilante? There hasn't been a new one in almost 2 years." Kirishima stated

"Wasn't the other one in the city called the ghost?" Kaminari asked

"Yeah, he's the one that kills criminals and leaves notes about why they deserved it." Tsuyu answered

Zack chuckles "the ghost? Seems pretty generic, but fury? Now that's a badass name."

They all finish there breakfast as bakugou comes out of his room eating a cereal bar. They all get ready and head off to school.

Izuku POV

"MINA? KIRI?" Izuku was frantically searching the different rooms in the UA medical area for his friends. He opened a door and saw all of class 1-A getting patched up. He ran in and went straight to Mina who was right next to kiri and said "Are you okay, I came as soon as I heard what happened, who did it!"

"Hey calm down Izuku we're fine, the villains didn't hurt us that much, well except Mr. Aizawa he was severely injured." Kirishima said trying to calm down Izuku.

"Okay, sorry I just feared the worst." Izuku said wiping some tears out of his eyes.

Mina walked up to him and hugged him and said "it's okay, we're not gonna die on you, especially before we become hero's."

Izuku chuckled and asked "so, what exactly did happen?"

"Well the villains teleported in and transported all of us to different zones where we fought off villains, then they released this big freakish creature that was supposed to rival all might!" Kaminari said waiting for Izuku to gasp or look surprised "I said, rival all might." He said again.

"It's not that surprising that there's things out there that can beat all might." Izuku said

"Okay well, all might barley beat the thing and the villains retreated." Kaminari said pouting

"Wow that's a lot, so how bad are Mr. Aizawas injuries?" Izuku asked turning to the rest of the class.

"I'm fine." Everyone yelped and turned around to the door to see Aizawa standing in the door bandaged up and with crutch's. "If you don't have any injuries, head back to the dorms and get some rest class will resume tomorrow." He says as he limps away. Everyone just looks at each then start heading back to the dorms.

Well that took a while, sorry I kept second guessing what to write and also to be honest I kept getting distracted by other thing like my other new story "Unleashed" I'm working on the second chapter to that so it may be awhile till the next chapter for this story come out, also about the USJ incident, it wouldn't make sense for Izuku to be there cause he would have just been in classes. Anyway hope you enjoyed and see ya.

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