Chapter 30: An Important Talk

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Sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy!

It's been 2 months since the Kamino incident and class 1A and 1B went through there provisional license exam early because of it.

"You want me to work for Kai Chisaki?" Dabi asks his leader.

"Yes, I think it will greatly benefit us, and he's already agreed to our offer." Shigaraki answers him.

"And that offer is?" Dabi questions.

"We help him out with a problem he has at the moment and in the future he'll help us out, a simple and productive deal." Shigaraki explains.

"Am I going alone or with someone?" Dabi asks his final question.

"Toga shall be accompanying you, the two of you make a great team." Shigaraki tells him.

"Alright, as long as it benefits us." Dabi says walking out of the room.

"Don't worry, it'll help greatly." Shigaraki states grinning.

It was 6:00 AM and Izuku just finished brushing his teeth, when he gets a call from a random number.

He answered and says "hello?"

"Good morning Izuku." A familiar voice greets.

Izuku makes a fist with his hand and says "Zack."

"Yeah it's me, you remember the rooftop we met on? The apartment building with the giant neon sign in front." Zack says.

"Yes, why?" Izuku asks holding back shouting.

"I just need, want to talk to you about a couple of things." Zack explains.

"And what would these things be?" Izuku asks.

"You'll have to show up to find out." Zack answers, Izuku could tell he was smirking.

"When?" Izuku asks with gritted teeth.

"Wow, you really hate me, anyway how about tonight, you don't even have to go as fury if you don't want to." Zack explains.

"Sure, I'll be there." Izuku states and Zack hangs up without saying another word.

'I've been searching for him for two months, and all of a sudden he wants to talk? This is strange.' Izuku thinks as he finishes getting dressed and heads off to class.

11:00 pm:

Izuku arrives on a rooftop across from the meeting location, Izuku taps a button on his helmet that zooms in and he sees a figure sitting on the building looking at some sort of picture.

'I guess that's Zack, doesn't look like a trap.' Izuku thinks as he unzooms and grapples to the building next to the apartments the figure is sitting on.

Izuku hides behind an air vent, he peeks over and sees that the figure is indeed Zack and the picture is the photo of izukus classmates that Zack took the day after kamino, also next to Zack is his vigilante mask.

"You know, fury it's rude to spy." Zack says while looking over toward the air vent Izuku is behind.

Izuku curses under his breathe, stands up and says "well I couldn't exactly trust that this wasn't a trap."

"You really think I'd do that?" Zack asks raising an eyebrow.

"Well after being betrayed by someone you can't really trust them." Izuku answered while balling his fist.

"Yeah, I can understand that." Zack says while walking over to the edge of the building.

"What are you doing?" Izuku asks while getting ready to fight.

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