Chapter 22: Attack

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1-A was walking down different trails for a scary game called "A test of courage" where 1-B would scare them as they collected cards.

Zack and Rachel were on a team together, they had been walking for awhile now and had started to wonder why no one had attempted to scare them yet.

"It's kinda weird that no ones tried to scare us, isn't it?" Rachel asked

"Yeah I guess it is." Zack replied in a bored tone.

"Ok, I've had it!" Rachel says loudly which prompts Zack to turn to look at her.

"Are you alright?" Zack asks worriedly.

"Y-yes I'm fine, it's you I'm worried about!" She says louder.

"W-why? Why would you have any reason to worry?" Zack asks.

"Ever since the internship you've been acting completely different, you've been less caring about any situation unless something has any chance of hurting me!" Rachel yells.

"Well that's because I always am worried about you." Zack says thinking that will be the end of this argument.

"Yeah, you've always cared and worried about me, and I'm thankful for that, but every conversation you have with someone besides me, you just try to end it as fast as possible!" She screams angrily.

"I've just been really tire-" he was about to say until Rachel interrupted.

"No! It hasn't been because you're tired, that's just an excuse! You've been avoiding everyone but me, I mean you've told me a thousand times that you have a crush on Setsuna and that you love hanging out with her, but now every time she wants to hang out with you, you just tell her you have other things to do!" She says violently. "Enough avoiding it, why have you been like this?"

"I-I-I just-" he was about to reply until a familiar wall of blue fire forms in the middle of the path they were on.

Rachel freezes in fear and Zack notices and grabs her wrist and begins running back to camp.

Meanwhile Mina and Setsuna are on the way back after getting their cards and Mina getting the life scared out of her.

"That was awesome!" Setsuna said, fist bumping the air.

"Yeah it was!" Mina added on.

"Do you think the others got as scared as you Mina?" Setsuna asked giggling.

"Oh yeah, there is absolutely no way that Rachel wouldn't of screamed in terror." Mina replied.

They both laughed, until Setsuna saw a knife flying at Mina, she tackles Mina out of the way and looks in the direction it came from.

"Aw man, that was such a good throw too!" A female voice said from the bushes.

Setsuna got up and helped Mina up and they both got into fighting stance.

"who are you?" Setsuna asked demandingly.

A girl with two messy buns and a black and very intimidating face mask skips out giggling. "Hi! I'm Toga wanna be friends?"

"Why are you here?" Mina asks.

"Is that really important right now? We've just met, and we're becoming friends!" She replies jumping up and down.

"Yes it is, now tell us." Setsuna demands.

She sighs disappointedly and says "fine, we're after some cute boy."

"Who-" Mina was about to say until she was interrupted.

"Enough boring questions, let's get onto the good stuff! What blood types are you?" She asks while leaning forward toward them.

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