Chapter 32: Friday

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Three days ago Mina got into an internship with the pro hero Sir Nighteye, and right now was on her first patrol with lemillion, or Mirio Togata.

2:00 PM: Friday

"So explain to me again why we're patrolling this area?" Mina asked Mirio.

"Well, we're looking for information on the Shie Hassaikai clan, you're very forgetful aren't you?" Mirio explained and asked while smiling.

"Yeah, and also I'm still pretty nervous working under sir nighteye." Mina answers twiddling her fingers.

"Well you shouldn't be, you were able to make him chuckle, and that's a hard thing to do." Mirio tells her.

Then while passing an alleyway out of nowhere a little girl with white hair runs into Mina almost knocking her over.

"Whoa!" Mina yelps while trying to keep her balance.

She looks down to see a little girl with white hair and bandages wrapped around her arms.

"Are you alright little one?" Mirio asks smiling and leaning down.

It looked like she was gonna say something but was interrupted by another voice in the alleyway.

"Eri, you know it's wrong to run away like that." The voice said.

The duo look up to see a man with a red and gold beak similar to a plague doctor, a fur coat and wearing white surgical gloves.

Mina notices Mirio tense up but he doesn't break his friendly smile and speaks.

"Hey there sir!" He says in a cheery voice.

Mina hears the girl whisper only loud enough for her to hear "Help me."

"Hello, I see you've found my daughter, she has a habit of running away." The man says.

"It seems we have, I apologize if we were any trouble to you sir." Mirio says still keeping his smile.

Mina was frozen, not knowing what to do, should she just let him take the girl who is clearly terrified.

Mina is suddenly snapped out of her thoughts when the girl runs to the man in the bird mask and gets behind him.

"Thank you for finding my daughter, have a nice day." The man says while putting his left glove back on, Mina was so distracted she didn't even notice him take it off.

"No problem sir you have a nice day too!" Mirio says happily as the man walks away into the alley with the little girl worriedly looking back at the two of them.

"W-why did we just..." Mina was trying to say something but couldn't finish it.

"He was about to get violent, that's why that little girl ran back to him, if we confronted him, it wouldn't have ended well." Mirio explains putting a hand on her shoulder.

" just doesn't feel right, that girl looked terrified." Mina says.

In another town, 5:00 PM: Friday

"So, you two enjoying yourselves?" Fat Gum asks the two UA students.

"Nothing's really happened but, yeah it's cool actually patrolling." Setsuna answers looking around.

"Yeah, it's nice to do real hero stuff!" Kirishima states smiling.

"Well being bored is half the job, you don't run into villains and criminals everyday." Fat Gum tells them.

"I guess your right." Setuna replies with a yawn.


The three of them hear a gunshot from an alleyway and see someone run out holding their bleeding shoulder.

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