Chapter 11: Team race

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I changed the number of students from thirty to 32 because teams of four.

"Team race? That's sounds pretty self explanatory." Zack said.

"That's because it is. Basically you'll all get into teams of four, and race to the finish, as soon as all four of your teammates cross the finish your done, the last four teams to finish, dont move on." She said while waving her flail around. "You have 10 minutes to get into your teams, choose wisely." She finished.

"Well Izuku, would you like to be on my team, I'll tell you about my quirk if you doooo~" Zack said while pulling his AUG around his shoulder.

"Uh y-yeah sure, but who else?" Izuku asked looking around at the other students, they were getting into there groups fast. Then Mina started walking over to them with another girl.

"Hey you two wanna team up for the race with me and Setsuna?" Mina said cheerfully waiting for an answer.

Zack looked over at Setsuna, slightly blushed, smiled and said "hell yeah! You in Izuku?"

"S-sure, sounds great!" Izuku said while Mina went to high five him, he obviously didn't leave her hanging.

Setsuna giggled and said "this'll be fun!" Zack went for a fist bump which she graciously excepted.

At another part of the stadium two people were arguing.

"Bakugou! We talked about being nicer to people, so why are you yelling angrily again?" The girl known as Ochaco uraraka said pouting.

"Well it's not my fault shitty hair thinks he's good enough to be on our team!" Bakugou yelled back at her.

"Well that's because he is good enough! And that's why we're going to let him be on the team." Ochaco huffed and crossed her arms.

"Fine! He'll be on the team but who else?" Bakugou yelled while looking around.

"What about tsuyu?" Kirishima said while pointing to her, staring awkwardly at the twos argument.

"That sounds perfect!" Ochaco said running over to her. "Wanna be in our group!" She asked fast to tsuyu.

"Sure." She responded.

"Woohoo!" Ochaco said putting her fist in the air. Bakugou slightly blushed at her action.

"Alright, everyone seems to have gotten there teams, so let's put the 8 teams on the board." She said pointing her flail at the board.

Team 1: Bakugou , uraraka, tsuyu and kirishima.

Team 2: todoroki, yaoyorozu, iida and Hatsume.

Team 3: midoriya, ashido, Goodman and tokage.

Team 4: Tokoyami, shouji, tetsutetsu and tsunotori.

Team 5: shiozaki, monoma, kendo and shinsou.

Team 6: kamakiri, Ojiro, satou and kodai.

Team 7: jiro, Kaminari, mineta and sero.

Team 8: kaibara, kuroiro, yanagi and tsubiraba.

"Now that the crowd has seen the teams, everyone line up at the gate." Midnight said smirking.

The teams got lined up at a giant gate, there was barely enough room for all of them.

"In five minutes that gate will open, and when you hear the bell then you run like your life depends on it!" Midnight yelled.

"So Zack, we got five minutes, what's your quirk?" Izuku asked.

"Well I can teleport up to about 30 feet, the draw back is if I teleport that far, well I get really tired, also I can teleport other people, but if I do that then I can't use my quirk at all for about ten minutes." He answered.

"Wow, that's cool!" Setsuna said.

"Oh, Zack I forgot to do this to you earlier." Mina said walking up to him.

"What is I-" Zack tried to say before getting a hard punch to the shoulder. "OW! What the hell was that for?" He yelled at her.

"That's for shooting torru in the back of the head with your gun." Mina said going back to her spot.

"Well I wasn't aiming for her head, but I can't really see much of her!" He retorted.

"Oh, but you couldn't hit mineta?" She said back at him.

"That's not fair, he's the size of a six year offense mineta." Zack said looking over at mineta.

"Eh I'm cool with my height." He says.

"Ok guys enough with the banter, we have a race to win." Setsuna said getting ready to run.

"You ain't gonna win shit!" Bakugou yells as the bell rings and the teams start running. Uraraka makes her team weightless and Bakugou jumps behind them and makes an explosion launching there team ahead of the rest. todoroki makes the floor ice and Hatsume uses her gear to jump upward and grab iida and Momo with two robot arms.

"My babies will be the star of this festival!" Hatsume yells as she flies through the air.

Mina slid across the ice with her acid, while Zack was teleporting repeatedly, Izuku pulled out a grappling hook and shot it onto the roof of the tunnel and swung to the otherside and Setsuna was floating her body across. Then Monoma shot fire through the ice melting all of it.

'When did he copy my dads quirk?' Todoroki thought while he kept making ice to slide on.

"It looks like bakugou team takes the lead!" Present mic yells to the crowd.

All the teams were going through the course, going through many different obstacles.

Iida activates his engines and flies through the course with ease until he hits a giant drop with pillars to jump on, todoroki ran up to him, made an ice bridge and slid across, iida following behind, as soon as iida got across he bursted to the finish getting there just barely before Bakugous team.

"Tenya iida is the first one to make it!" Present mic yells. Right after he says that all of bakugous team finish.

"Hahaha, can't beat me extras!" Bakugou yelled.

"You mean can't beat us." Ochaco said with her arms crossed.

Bakugou sighs and says "yeah you did help a lot." Ochacos face lit up and smiled at him.

"It seems bakugous team is first, and here comes todoroki!" Mic says.

Todoroki crosses the finish. The other teams are struggling to get to the finish but Hatsume arrives holding Momo with her robot arm and they cross the finish.

"And todorokis team gets second place!" Mic yells to the audience.

Monoma arrives and crosses while Ibarra right behind him holding both kendo and shinsou with her vines crosses and gets third place.

Mic yells about there team getting third but while he is izukus team starts to get to the finish but at the same time tokoyamis team is right next to them. Ashido slides into the finish and all of Setsunas body parts land across the finish.

Tokoyami pulls out dark shadow and grabs all his teammates and throws them to the finish and begins running as fast as he can while Izuku and Zack are right next to him.

"Fuck it." Zack says under his breath and grabs izukus arm and teleports both of them to the finish, as soon as they come out of the teleport Zack falls to the ground passing out instantly.

"And the final team to move on is izuku midoriyas!" Present mic yells to the crowd as a giant cheer can be heard.

Hey so, I have a question for you guys. Would you want me to put in music when it is related to a chapter or music for a fight? If you do then comment here and tell me, next is the 1v1s which I'm so excited for and thank you for 6 thousand reads, like holy shit we were at 4 thousand like 4 days ago! See ya and have a good day.

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