Chapter 26: Bloodlust

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"You shouldn't have done all this Goodman." That faceless fuck states.

When the roof caved in it separated fury and Zack from the rest of the group and the man with no face was only focused on Zack.

Zack gets up, grins and says "oh, I'm so happy you could make it."

Izuku could barely see through all the dust, but what he could see was Zack holding a katana and grinning at some big guy in a suit and mask.

"You took all those men's lives, not very heroic is it." The man says.

"I'm no hero." Zack says removing his grin.

'Shit, this is bad, who is that?' Izuku thinks as he gets up.

"I also see fury is here, first that pesky ghost vigilante comes after us, and now you." The man states.

"You shouldn't be focusing on him." Zack says.

"Is everyone okay?" A male voice says from the other side of the rubble.

The man looks over to the voice and sees the group from UA and smirks, "I see your fellow classmates have come to save you, maybe I can find some motivation for you to join."

"Don't you dare touch them!" Fury says pulling out his baton.

"Oh? Do you happen to care for those individuals?" He asks.

"We just gonna keep talking or am I gonna get to kill you." Zack says.

'I don't know who this guy is, but just by looking at him I can tell he's powerful, there's no way me and Zack could take him alone.' Izuku thinks.

"Zack, I'm not here to fight you, you know that I would win and it would be tiring for everyone here, and how would little Rachel feel about what you've done today?" The man says.

"She would hate me." Zack says bluntly.

"If you stop this nonsense and just work with me, then I won't kill all your classmates over there." He says half smiling.

Zack smirks and teleports up to him and slashes his sword, but the man blocks it with his arm.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?" He says as he grabs Zack by the shoulder and throws him into a wall.

'Shit, I gotta help him!' Izuku thinks as he grapples up to them and attempts to hit the villain from behind, but the man somehow senses it and blocks with the same arm.

"You too?" The man says as he goes for a punch but Izuku dodges and jumps away to make space.

A helicopter flys in saying news on the side and begins filming the scene.

"We have just arrived to where the explosion was and it seems that the vigilante, fury is fighting what we assume to be a villain an- wait is that the missing UA kid?" The female newscaster explains.

Zack gets up from the ground and teleports toward the villain and swings his sword down toward his head, it was about to hit until he moves to the right and dodges it completely and says "you seem to be competent with a sword, how interesting." He states smiling and tries to grab Zack but Zack dodges it and tries to slash his legs but the villain just smashes the sword by stepping on it and kicking Zack away.

"All For One!" A booming voice calls in the distance.

"All Might." The man assumedly names all for one says smiling.

All Might lands in front of of all for one and yells "your not gonna hurt anyone else here!"

"Oh all might, your too late for that." All for one states smiling and his right arm grows massively and before all might can react, hits the ground and destroys the entire city block.

The group sees the roof blow apart and they fall over because of the shockwave.

"Is everyone all right?" Momo asks everyone.

"Yeah we're fine, we need to get to the other side of this wall of rubble." Kirishima says while helping Mina up.

Bakugou gets up and sees Setsuna just crying while looking at the ground.

"Hey, scales we gotta go." Bakugou tells her.

"Zack...killed all of those people." She says.

"Yeah...he did, but we have to get to him before something else happens, so lets go." Bakugou says while holding a hand out to help her up.

She looks at him, nods and grabs his hand and todoroki makes a stairway up to the surface.

When they get there, they see all might fighting a villain and fury holding Zack back.

"Goodman, all might will take care of him, you need to stay, rest and wait for help!" Fury yells at him.

"All might will let him live." Zack says not taking his eyes off all for one.

"Just sto-" fury was about to retort but Zack says something quietly so only they could hear.

"Izuku, move out of my way." He says, taking his eyes off of all for one and looking directly at Izuku.

" did you-"

Zack teleports past Izuku and yells to all for one.

"Hey, look at me you faceless fuck!" Zack yells.

All for one punch's all might away and looks over to Zack.

"I've been hunting you down for months now, so if anyone is gonna kill you, it's gonna be me." Zack says.

"Months?" All for one begins in a questioning tone then chuckles and continues "all this time, it was you, that just makes you more valuable."

"What are you trying to say all for one!" All might yells at him.

"This child was able to slaughter through so many of the leagues men, he's skilled with a sword, and there's the killer aura around him, I should've assumed by those clues." All for one explains while smirking.

Zack smirks too and says "yeah, I'm the thing that villains fear, the thing that haunts them in the dark."

"I'm the ghost."

There it is, the reveal I've been building up to for so long, I still think that I put to many hints in, especially the fact that the ghost is dressed like corvo and Zacks quirk is blink from dishonored, but anyway I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later!

And also I made a titanfall x mha story, and I'm really excited to keep writing it so please read it!

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