Chapter 15: Battle of the vigilantes

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"The ghost has been getting dangerously close to finding out our plans, shigaraki." A misty man says to a blue haired teen.

"I know, he'll be in hosu hunting the hero killer, and since stain refused to cooperate with us, we can knock out two birds with one stone." The man named shigaraki states scratching his neck.

The internship has been going for five days now and nothing significant has happened, besides Izuku learning a lot about making better gear and also he's beat up a lot of small time criminals as fury.

Now it was the night of the sixth day and Izuku was sitting on a rooftop taking a break, then he heard a massive explosion. He jumped up and ran toward the sound to find endeaver facing off against things that looked like that creature his friends told him about at the USJ.

Izuku ran to the fire to go help, but while he was running, he saw in a alleyway the hero killer about to kill a hero.

"Time to die false hero." The hero killer said as he shoved his sword down, but fury jumped in at the last moment and blocked it with his staff.

Stain made some distance between him and fury and started talking "That was a mistake, I'm not interested in killing you."

"Well me being a vigilante, I gotta save whoever needs it." Fury says while detaching his staff into two batons.

"Oh, you must be fury, I didn't recognize you cuz of the helmet." Stain said while readying his weapons.

"Wanna just surrender?" Fury said getting ready to fight.

"No." He replied while charging fury.

"Well shit." Fury said dodging the charge.

Fury ran at stain and swung at his head, but stain dodged down and tried to retaliate by stabbing fury in the ribs, fury put his forearm in front of his chest and blocked it with the armor.

Stain made some distance and said "you're not half bad."

"It's not much of a compliment coming from you." He retorted.

Stain sighed and at speeds fury couldn't even prepare for charged at him and sliced his leg.

"Why'd you go for my le-" fury tried to say before falling to the ground, paralyzed.

Stain chuckled, sheathed his knife, took out his sword and began walking toward fury.

"You're a good fighter, but besides that you're pathetic." He says standing over fury. "And you'll die pathetic." Stain swings his sword down and Izuku closes his eyes and tensed up his body.

But all he heard was a loud clang.

"Hey, Stendhal." The ghost said slashing stains sword away.

Stain made some space and replied "that's not my name."

"Well it used to be, remember when we used to tag teamed." Ghost said.

"Yeah, I hated it." Stain replied while sheathing his sword and pulling out two knives.

Ghost sighs and says "well, I quite enjoyed it, you shared my ideology...mostly. But now you just kill hero's, and now I'll have to kill you." Ghost pulled out another retractable sword and was now duel wielding. "You doing okay down there stranger?"

"It's fury, and Sure, being paralyzed and bleeding from my leg isn't that big a deal." Fury replied trying to move.

"Oh, nice new helmet, and It'll wear off soon." Ghost said back.

"Enough, let's finish this." Stain said as he charged at ghost swinging both his knives at his head.

Ghost blocked them with one sword and countered with his other sword by going for a stab to the chest, but stain had just enough time to jump out of the way and throw a knife into ghosts arm.

Ghost was about to pull the knife, but he stopped and left it in.

'I've got to move, I can't let ghost kill stain, or stain kill ghost.' Izuku thought as he kept trying his best to move.

"You know the amount of blades you have on you is a bit ridiculous." Ghost said while getting ready to charge at stain.

"I've always hated your wisecracks." Stain retorted also about to charge.

"That hurt worse then the knife." Ghost said as he rushed toward him.

Stain unsheathed his sword, ran at ghost and jumped for and overhead swing. Ghost stopped and put both his swords up to block, and when the strike hit his swords they flew out of his hands hitting the ground. Stain shoved ghost into a wall and tried to jab a knife into his throat, but ghost grabbed stains arms and pushed back with all his force, he was pinned.

"You've gotten faster." Stain commented smiling while pushing harder.

"Yeah, sure man." Ghost grunted while pushing harder as well.

Then ghost chuckled and head butted the knife, which cracked his mask, yanked the knife in his shoulder out and plunged it toward stain to kill him.

But instead fury jumped up and deflected it with his staff and knocked stain out.

"What the hell was that for!" Ghost yelled at him.

"You're not gonna kill him." Fury said while positioning himself in front of stains body.

"Oh come on, just this once let me kill this sack of shit!" Ghost yelled furiously.

"No." Fury remarked while getting ready to defend against whatever ghost is about to throw at him.

"This filth kills hero's, do you really want him to continue to do that!" Ghost yelled clearly pissed off.

"He won't, because he'll be in prison." Fury replied.

"Like that will stop him! I don't want to fight you again, but I will and you know how that ended last time." He said while picking up stains dropped sword.

'The heroes had to of heard his yelling, I just have to stall until they get here.' Izuku thinks.

Like on queue he hears talking outside of the alleyway.

"I heard yelling in this alleyway, someone might be in trouble come on!" A young voice yells.

"If you don't wanna get caught up in a fight with a lot of pros you better get out of here." Fury says still standing ready for an attack.

"Fine, you win I won't kill stain, and you better go too." Ghost says as he grabs his swords off the ground and runs up some fire escape stairs to the roof.

Izuku lets out the breath he didn't know he was holding and pulls out his grappling hook, but before he grappled away the hero that stain almost killed said something.

"Thank you." He said smiling at him.

Izuku smiled under his helmet and replied "anytime." And grapples away.

Izuku gets onto the roof and runs away just as the hero's step in to arrest stain and help the injured pro.

"What happened here?" The young hero in training lemillion asked the injured pro.

"A hero, saved my life."

Well there's this chapter done, the next few chapters are gonna be special, I've been planning them since like chapter 2, and also I made a thing about my opinions involving mha if you wanna check that out, it's in my works, keep in mind a lot of it is exaggerated (I don't hate tsuyu as much as I said I did, but I still don't like her.) so don't take it too seriously. Anyway I hope you liked this chapter, and I'll see ya later!

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