Chapter 34: One long night PT 2

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Izuku sighs and says "this is gonna be a long night."

"Pretty short if we're dead, so let's get going." Zack replies to the comment.

Izuku nods and aims his grappling hook at a building, but right before he shoots, a chain wraps around his arm from the floor below and pulls him off the building and through a window.

Izuku lands on the floor of a bedroom and quickly dodges a stomp from the chain man by rolling to the side.

"Will you just give up already?" Izuku asks the man.

Instead of answering he just retracts the chain on izukus arm pulling Izuku toward him.

Izuku quickly unwraps the chain from his arm and stands up. Izuku then begins to hear gunshots and fighting outside the room.

'Damnit Zack.' Izuku thinks as he gets ready to fight.

The chain man starts spinning his chain and walking closer to Izuku.

"You know those burns from that bear are pretty bad, you sure you don't wanna rest?" Izuku asks the man as he backs away.

He huffs and swings the chain at Izuku in a slashing motion.

Izuku grabs a broken piece of wood off the ground after narrowly dodging the chain and throws it at the man.

The man still in his attack couldn't defend against it so the wood hits him in the head making him grab his face in pain.

While he's distracted, Izuku runs for the door and busts it open to see to his left Zack brutally beating a man in a hallway of at least ten knocked out thugs.

Izuku runs over to Zack and asks him "you know he's knocked out right?"

"Yeah." Zack answers as he punches him one more time and let's the thug fall to the floor.

"You didn't kill any of them did you?." Izuku asks Zack.

"I would never." Zack deadpanned.

"Good, we got bigger problems." Izuku explains as the chain man walks out of the room he was in.

"I really, hate this guy." Zack says in a tired tone.

The man doesn't waste a second as he flings two chains down the hall towards them

Izuku pulls up his staff and knocks it away from him while Zack does the same thing but with one of his swords. Then Zack takes the offense and teleports toward him and slashes his sword at the mans neck but the he narrowly dodges.

Izuku runs toward them and yells "what the hell are you doing Zack!"

"Taking this asshole down!" Zack yells back as he keeps swinging.

'Goddamnit, why did I trust the man who kills villains, to not kill villains?' Izuku thinks to himself as he blocks Zacks sword from hitting the man.

The chain man takes an opportunity with the opening to fling a chain into Izuku, stabbing him in the forearm.

Izuku screams in pain and falls back onto a wall to help hold himself up.

Zack tried to rebound his sword into the man but he blocked the sword with his chain and punched Zack in the face knocking him to the ground.

The chain man goes up to Izuku and grabs his helmet, he tears it off his head and without even caring about seeing Izukus face tries to slam the helmet into Izukus skull.

Izuku saw the helmet coming down and was terrified, the two second moment felt like minutes, he thought this was how he was gonna die...but then two swords plunged out of the mans chest.

"Boo." Zack says as he rips the swords out of his chest and slits his throat, finally ending the battle.

"N-no." Is all Izuku could say as he watched the mans bloody body fall to the floor.

"Finally, we're done with that bullshit." Zack says as he sits down on the floor.

"I-I told you no k-killing!" Izuku tried to scream but he was hurt so bad that he couldn't.

"He saw your face, and he was gonna kill you. I had to kill him." Zack explains calmly.

" can you be so calm after killing a human being?" Izuku asks angrily.

"Because I know they deserve it. That man has probably killed plenty, and as I've said before, he was gonna kill you, and I don't really want you to die at the moment." Zack responds.

"I would've rather died than let someone die to save me." Izuku tells Zack.

"I don't care what you would've preferred." Zack says as he gets up and reaches out to help Izuku up. "Because if I did what you preferred, then Rachel would've lost one of her best friends."

Izuku looks at his hand and tries to get up himself but realizes he is way to hurt for that.

"For fucks sake, come on." Zack says as he pulls Izuku up and puts his arm around his back.

Then a door slams open behind them.

Before Izuku could turn around, Zack pulls his skull mask out and puts it on Izukus face.

"What the-" Izuku was about to say until Zack interrupts.

"Keep the mask on and move your feet." Zack says as he begins running with Izuku limping next to him.

More bikers begin walking through the door that slammed open and see the two of them.

"There they are, get em!" One of them yells as they all begin running down the hall.

Zack tries to run faster but Izuku trips and stumbles to the floor.

"Come on!" Zack yells as he pulls Izuku up and carries him on his back.

Zack runs to the stairs, goes up to the roof and slams the metal door shut.

Zack sets Izuku down and grabs Izukus grappling hook.

"You don't mind if I use this for a second right?" Zack asks while loading it.

"Just shut up." Izuku groans.

Zack pulls Izuku up again and puts the grappling hook in his hand and says, "Alright grapple away." Then he teleports to the next rooftop.

Izuku grapples to the same rooftop and sees that Zack is already gone.

"Asshole." Izuku says as he begins limping back to UA.

After about two hours of walking and grappling, Izuku arrives at UA and sneaks his way to the dorms and rappels up to his room and climbs through.

"Izuku?" A concerned and sweet voice says from the doorway.

Izuku looks to the door and sees the final nail in the coffin of this horrible night.

Mina Ashido.

"Goddamnit." Izuku says as he falls to the floor passing out.

Well that ends one long night.
I am actually really happy with how this turned out, I think it's the best I've written since the sports festival. Also if you have a question about the story or just me in general ask it here and I'll make sure to answer, anyway have a great day and I'll see ya later.

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