Chapter 16: Finals approach

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The only thing the news was talking about was the fight between stain, fury and the ghost, and so were all of izukus classmates.

"The pro hero native was attacked last night by the hero killer, he reports that the vigilante, fury saved his life and stains life from another vigilante, the ghost." The news caster says, catching the attention of the students as they were bringing in there luggage from the internship.

"Damn that must have been a battle to witness." Kaminari says setting a suitcase down.

Momo sets down two suitcases and says. "Yeah, and fury's popularity skyrocketed when they heard about him saving stain from the Ghost, a lot of people seem to not like the fact that he kills criminals."

"Well they should hate him, he's no different from that hero killer." Setsuna says while eating a cereal bar.

Kirishima was pulling in a suitcase but noticed that Zack was staring at Izuku. "Hey, Zack you okay?"

"Huh, yeah why wouldn't I be?" Zack replies breaking his stare to look at Kirishima.

"Well ya seem to be staring at Izuku." Kirishima says catching izukus attention.

"Oh, I was? I didn't notice." Zack says grabbing his suitcase and walking upstairs to his room, Izuku noticed how he gave him another glance as he walked up the stairs.

"He seems more serious than usual." Mina says walking up to izuku.

"Yeah, I've never seen him in a bad mood before." Izuku says back.

Rachel joins in and says "he doesn't get like this a lot, but when he does, it's best to just leave him alone."

"Oh, okay." Izuku says while carrying his suitcase up the stairs.

A few hours later, Momo and Rachel were hanging out in Rachel's room.

"Here's that water you ordered." Momo said with a smile handing Rachel a water.

"Why thank you, waiter." Rachel replied with a posh face. Momo laughed and accidentally spilled the water on Rachel's shirt.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, let me get you a towel." Momo said rushing to her bathroom.

"Oh, I-it's ok, d-do you have a s-shirt I can change into?" Rachel asked taking her wet shirt off.

"Yeah I've got plenty in my closet, put on anything you want." Momo replied walking out holding a towel, when she walked out the first thing she noticed was the giant burn mark on the right side of Rachel's belly, it leads from her hip all the way up to her bra. "Are you okay?" She asked after handing her a towel.

"Oh, this um yeah, I'm fine, I just got it when I was a kid." Rachel says drying herself off and grabbing a shirt from the closet.

Momos curiosity and worry got the best of her and she asked "do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really, maybe some other time." Rachel says while putting on the new shirt.

"Ok, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here." Momo said with a sweet smile.

"I know Momo, I know." Rachel said back with a smile.

It was 3:00 pm and Everyone except Zack were hanging out in the common room, making conversation, watching tv, or eating. While they were relaxing Aizawa and power loader walked into the room and got everyone's attention.

"Listen up everyone, your final exams are coming in four months, there will be a written and practical, and no we won't tell you what the practical is going to be like." Aizawa said and then motioned for power loader to say his part.

"For you support students, I won't be holding back any information, you're going to be assigned a pro hero, it can be any that have agreed to the program, then you will make a device to help them and if they find it useful then you pass, if they don't find it useful then you won't pass. You won't be told who it is until the month of the final so there's no need to worry until then, we're just letting you know in advance." Power loader said while smiling.

"And also one last thing is, there will be a training camp after the exams for the hero course, of you fail, you won't go. Any questions?" Aizawa finishes.

"Why don't we get to know what our practical is?" Mina asks.

"Because you won't be able to prepare in a real situation." Aizawa answers. "Anymore?"

Everyone shakes there head no, so the two teachers tell them to have a good rest of there day and leave.

"I'll go tell Zack about the exams." Setsuna says and gets up off the couch and goes to his room.

Setsuna smiled and rolled her eyes when she got to Zacks room and she could hear some old rock music playing, but what she didn't expect to hear was a thud and a muffled swear, she knocked and asked. "Hey Zack, it's Setsuna I heard a noise, are you okay?"

The door opened and she saw Zack shirtless, in shorts and sweating. "Yeah I'm fine, I just tripped over something."

The first thing she noticed was the giant slash mark from his shoulder to his belly. "Oh, okay um, I came to tell you that Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Maijima came in and told us about the final exams in four months." Setsuna said with a slight worry on her face.

"Okay, just text me the info about it." Zack said as he was shutting the door, but Setsuna blocked the door.

"Are you okay? You haven't left your room since last night." Setsuna said crossing her arms.

Zack sighs and says "yes, I'm fine just tired from the internship."

"And also why are you sweating?" Setsuna asked looking at Zack up and down.

"Cause I'm exercising." Zack said with a kind of annoyed face.

"Ok, And lastly what made that giant scar?" Setsuna asked with an even more worried face.

"Car crash, from a while back, bye." Zack answered slamming the door shut.

Setsuna was taken aback at the slam, and now she was full on scared. 'I need to ask Rachel about this.'

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