Chapter 21: Discovery

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Rachel and Zack are sitting on a bench eating sandwich's, there's a entrance to a forest on there left where Aizawa and the pussy cats stand waiting for the students to arrive.

"Do you think it's kinda unfair that they have to go though that death forest, while we sit here and eat sandwich's?" Zack asks after taking a bite.

"Well, we aren't hero's in training, we're support students, engineers, so no I don't think it's unfair." Rachel replies.

As they're talking, 1-A comes out of the forest panting and some tearing up.

"It's past noon, looks like you're not having lunch." Aizawa says as he walks away.

"Seriously?" Kirishima says bent down with his hands on his knees.

"Hopefully he's not, anyway now that we have time to introduce ourselves properly, we're the wild wild pussy cats." Mandalay says smiling.

"Oh, who's this little one." Uraraka says after walking up to a child standing next to mandalay.

The kid looked like he was about to do something but stopped when a blonde grenade death stared him.

"That's my cousin, he's not big on hero's." Mandalay says while smiling nervously.

The kid just scoffed then walked away.

"Anyway the place you'll be staying is over here, we already put your luggage in there." Mandalay said leading them to camp.

It had been about six hours of gruesome training and now the classes were eating dinner, Zack, Mina, Rachel, Kaminari, jiro and shoto were sitting at the same table.

"That was the worst day of my life." Kaminari says while scarfing down a burger.

"Oh don't be so dramatic." Jiro retorts.

"Are you saying that was enjoyable?" Mina asked across from her.

"Oh no that was definitely the worst day of my life, he's just being dramatic about it." Jiro answers.

Everyone laughed at her comment except Kaminari who just looked sick of it.

"Oh so what did you two do today?" Mina asked Rachel and Zack.

"Just made more equipment." Zack said unenthusiastically.

Rachel glances at him, sighs and says "yeah, more equipment, uh I made blueprints for some cool stuff."

"Are you ok Zack?" Todoroki asks, sitting right next to him.

"Actually yeah, why have you been acting so weird lately?" Mina joins in from across the table.

"I'm fine, I've just tired after the final." Zack says finishing his burger and getting up and walking to the sleeping area.

"Wow, he didn't even give you a chance to retort that." Jiro says.

"Yeah, I've been worried about him a lot, he's been like this since the internships." Rachel says resting her head in her hand.

"I'm sure he's fine." Kaminari said with his mouth full.

"Oh my gosh, please speak with an empty mouth." Jiro said facepalming.

Rachel chuckled and said "I hope so, and I hope he gets back to normal soon."

After that everyone went to a sauna to relax and then to sleep for the night.

*two days later*

Izuku has been working on his equipment for two days straight, now it was Tuesday night at 8:30 pm, Izuku was planning on leaving for the raid at 9:00.

'I guess since I have some time, I can do what Setsuna and Rachel asked me to do' Izuku thought as he got up and walked to Zacks room.

He tried to twist the handle but of course, it was locked. Izuku went to his balcony, walked over to Zacks and began to pick the window doors lock because it'd be much easier than the normal door.

He got it open and walked in, turned on the light and began looking around, he looked under Zacks bed and saw the box that he didn't want anyone touching, Izuku grabbed it and opened it.

There was a journal inside, Izuku opened it and half of the pages were ripped out, he read the pages that weren't and it read, I will never forgive him for what he did to Rachel, he cared for us for three years, every time they did another experiment on us he was their to comfort us. But then on the night of our escape, he betrays us, like that faceless fuck brainwashed him, but you know what sucks, he didn't brainwash him, he burned her with his own free will, when he burned her, she instantly passed out and I beat him till he wasn't moving, I don't know if I killed him that night or not, I really hope I did.

Izuku closed the journal and let out the breathe he didn't know he was holding. 'Experiments? Burned? Killed? What the hell happened to them?' Izuku thought and looked at the clock and realized what tim it was, 8:58.

'I need to go, how the hell am I gonna explain this to Setsuna and Rachel, well Rachel probably already knows...shit man' Izuku thought as he got into costume and went on his way to the warehouse.

When he arrived, the front door wasn't guarded like it was when he checked the place out before. He grappled onto the roof and opened a skylight and fell in, the place was dark, Izuku switched his helmets visor to thermal and saw one heat signature behind a crate holding a gun.

"I know you're over there, come out and I won't have to beat you." Izuku says while pulling out his staff.

Izuku can see the man shaking in fear and the man yells to him "You'll kill me anyway you psycho!"

"Why would I kill you? I don't kill." Izuku says slightly confused.

"Everyone knows the ghost doesn't spare any villain!" The man shouts and jumps out from behind the crate and shoots at Izuku who dodges, runs at him knocking the gun out of his hand and shoving him to the ground pulling his arm back and subduing him.

"As you can see I'm not the ghost, now tell me where everyone is, last time I was here the place was packed with guards." Fury says as he twists the mans arm more.

"T-they abandoned t-this place after t-the mission b-began, I came back because I forgot my gun." The man says in between grunting from the pain.

"You forgot your gun? Seems like something important you wouldn't want to forget." Fury says as he pulls out some makeshift handcuffs and puts it on the man, getting off of him and sitting him up against a wall.

"I know I'm stupid the others call me that already." The man says pouting.

"I don't care if you're stupid or not, anyway what's this mission that began?" Fury asks.

"There was a t-team made to attack some training trip that UA is having." The man replies.

Izuku eyes widen under his helmet and asks him "when do they attack?"

"They should be beginning the attack in twenty minutes." The man says looking at the ground.

"Where?" Fury asks.

"The beasts forest, in nagano." He says.

"Whats there objective?" Fury asks.

"There going after some kid, I think his name was Zack." The man answers.

Izuku eyes widen more and search's the man, finds some keys on him and runs outside to see a motorcycle.

'Kiri's dad taught me a bit how to drive one of these, let's hope it was enough' Izuku thinks as he twists the key and rides off to save his friends.

I'm glad I'm finally getting into Zack and Rachel's backstory. I was afraid of making any OC an important character but I think it adds a bit of originality to the story. Anyway hope you're enjoying this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it and I'll see ya later!

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