Chapter 13: Sports festival finale

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"Begin!" Midnight yelled.

Bakugou moves his arms behind and propelled himself toward Zack, he teleported behind him and tried to punch him in the back of the head, but bakugou wipped his arm toward Zack making a giant explosion of smoke. Bakugou stood there looking at the smoke waiting for Zack to attack him.

When the smoke cleared, Zack was gone. Bakugou heard a cough above him and looked up to see Zack falling with his foot aimed at katsuki.

Bakugou just barely dodges it and while Zack is distracted by the dodge, he primes his explosive hand to blow him out of the arena.

"Fuck." Zack said and tried to dodge the explosion, but it hit him head on. Zack flew off the edge and into the grass.

"That was your all?" Bakugou yelled at him.

"Well honestly I wasn't supposed to cough, if I didn't I would have won easily." Zack said getting up and dusting himself off.

Bakugou growled and said "Where can I get a real fight?" He stormed off to the waiting room, not interested in the next fight. While he was walking he ran into endeavor.

"Are you bakugou katsuki?" Endeavor asked him with a looming voice.

"Why do you care?" Bakugou said with venom.

"Shoto is about to fight a quirkless kid, he will no doubt win, after that he will fight you. It's my shotos duty to surpass the number one hero, so don't hold back, I want to see how much training he has left." Endeavor was about to walk away until Bakugou said something back to him.

"You think you need to tell me to give my all? You're just an idiot." He said as he walked away.

Endeaver just narrowed his eyes at him and walked away as well.

Izuku was sitting in the waiting room shaking.
'I'm about to go up against todoroki.' He thought while chugging some water.

The door opened and bakugou walked in.

Izuku froze and waited for him to say something but he just looked at him and walked over to a bench and started stretching.

The speaker came on calling Izuku out to fight, Izuku got up and right before he stepped out the door bakugou spoke.

"Break a leg."

Izuku looked at him and walked away.

'Did bakugou just basically give me good luck? Or does he actually want me to break my leg.' He thought as he stepped up to the arena. Izuku saw todoroki and he looked angry, like he just talked to someone he hated.

"Are you boys ready?" Midnight asked them.

Todoroki nodded and so did Izuku.


Todoroki shot a giant row of ice at him but Izuku jumped out of the way just barely not going over the edge. Izuku thought fast and reached into his bag and pulled out a flashbang Zack gave him and threw it in the air and turned away from it. Todoroki couldn't see or hear anything while Izuku could see but couldn't hear either, without wasting anytime Izuku ran at Shoto to try to kick him out of bounds, but the blinding white on shoto went away, and he instantly shot another glacier at him. Izuku dodged again and cursed at himself but noticed todorokis left side was freezing.

"Why don't you use your right side?" Izuku asked him while dodging more ice. There was no response, except him getting angrier.

"You'd be a better fighter if you used it so why wouldn't you?" After he said that, todoroki stopped launching ice at him.

"Did my dad pay you to try and make me use his fire?" Todoroki yelled at Izuku.

Izukus eyes went wide when he realized what's going on.

"I'm going to win this without his help!" He yelled at Izuku again.

"What did he do to you?" Izuku asked him.

"Shut up!" Todoroki yelled as he launched another glacier at him.

Izuku tried to dodge but he wasn't fast enough, it hit him launching him out of the arena and he lost the match.

Todoroki stood there breathing heavily and in shock at how he reacted to Izuku.

Izuku got up with a confused face, 'what could he have done to Todoroki for him to react like that?' He thought while he watched Todoroki leave into the doorway.

Bakugou was in the waiting room getting ready for the final match between him and todoroki, but he was interrupted by that exact person. Todoroki walked in looked over to bakugou and walked over to a mini fridge, grabbed a water and began walking to the door.

"You better give it your all." Bakugou said to him.

Todoroki turned his head to him and walked away.

'He looks pissed, probably his old man.' Bakugou thought.

They both walked up to the arena and the crowd cheered when they saw them.

"This is the final match of the sports festival! Whoever wins this will be number one!" Midnight said smiling and licking her lips. "Now I know you boys are ready. SO BEGIN!" She yelled.

Bakugou flew toward shoto with the force of his explosive, shoto blocked his path with a barrier of ice. Bakugou quickly shot down at the ground blowing over the wall and toward him again. Todoroki made an ice tower below himself and jumped off of it to the other side of the arena, he was already getting cold.

Bakugou landed and looked over to him and yelled "you look like your getting chilly! Why don't you heat up, use your quirk it's not a real victory unless you go all out!"

"I won't!" Todoroki yelled as he launched another glacier of ice at Bakugou who easily dodged it and ran at shoto getting ready to obliterate him. Todoroki didn't have enough time to dodge so he made a layer of ice on his left side to cushion the blow. When the explosion hit todoroki grunted in pain but he was still in. Bakugou was right in front of him so he blew ice at him and it covered him fully.

"It seems bakugou is unab-" midnight was cut off by an explosion out of the ice and bakugou charging shoto. Shoto couldn't make any more ice, he was too frozen. He made a slight bit of fire in his right hand but stopped and looked at the ground knowing he was about to lose. But bakugou canceled his explosion, grabbed him and threw him to the other side of the arena. Then he heard izukus voice yell from the stands.

"Just because your his son, doesn't mean your him!"

Shotos eyes went wide, then he heard bakugou yell at him.

"As much as I hate to agree with the's your quirk half n' half not your old mans! SO DONT YOU DARE GIVE UP NOW!"

Todorokis mouth was agape and he was shaking, then suddenly, he lit up with fire on his right side and ice on his left side and was grinning like he had no care in the world.

"That's the spirit, NOW LETS FINISH THIS!" Bakugou yelled as he charged at him getting prepared for one final blow and todoroki did the same.

"Alright cementoss it's getting to dangerous we need to step in!" Midnight said as she released her pink mist, while cementoss was making cement to stop them.

It didn't matter though.

They both collided making an explosion just barley big enough to not hurt the audience.

There was smoke everywhere. When it cleared, people could see todoroki laying on the grass outside of the arena, and bakugou barely standing in the arena and grinning just as wide as shoto was.

Holy shit. I'm done with the sports festival (besides the aftermath) but I'm happy I'm done and I think I'll stop updating fury so much, mostly because I feel guilty for taking so long on unleashed's next chapter. But there will be more to come, see ya!

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