Chapter 31: A special offer

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Class 1-A was sitting in class waiting for Aizawa.

"He's late today." Kirishima says looking at the door.

"Yeah, mr. Aizawa is never late it must be important." Kaminari replies.

As he says this Aizawa walks in with three students that some of the class recognizes and others have no clue.

"Settle down, sorry I'm late today, I had to get these three out of there class." Aizawa says to the class while pointing a thumb at the three students.

"As some of you know, we're the big three!" The blonde one says smiling.

"I'm nejire, that's mirio and the one looking at the wall in embarrassment in tamaki!" The girl now known as nejire explains while smiling wider than mirio.

"Oh, you're the big three, I've been wanting to meet you guys since I heard about you." Uraraka states.

"Well here we are and we're here to offer you something very special!" Mirio begins explaining. "Some hero agencies want to take in some students, and it won't be like your last internships, you'll be doing full hero work with the help of some pros and us."

"That's right and it's completely optional and also you have to get the agency to accept you but that's not hard just make a good impression!" Nejire explains giving a thumbs up.

"So, we'll be doing full hero work and not just training?" Mina asks with a look of excitement.

"Yes ma'am that is correct and you'll also get to learn what it's like to be a sidekick, or something similar to one." Mirio answers.

"So what agencies are asking for students?" Tsuyu asks.

"Only a few." Tamaki finally says something while still looking at the wall.

"As my friend says, yes only a few are offering so you better be quick about it." Mirio says.

"Oh yeah, the papers!" Nejire says excitedly while reaching into her bag. "These papers say all the ones offering and how many students they want!" She explains while handing out papers to everyone.

"Sir nighteye!" Mina exclaims in excitement looking at the paper.

"You like sir nighteye?" Kirishima asks her.

"He's only like my second favorite hero ever! I could learn so much under him!" Mina says signing it.

"Well if you're lucky enough to get accepted by him, you'll also be working with me!" Mirio says pointing at himself.

"That's amazing! I really hope he'll like me!" Mina exclaims.

On the other side of the classroom.

"Come on katsuki, it'll be fun and you'll learn a lot." Uraraka says trying to convince him to sign up for an agency

"Why in the hell would I want to do this again, last time I was made into a male model!" Bakugou yells.

"Oh come on, ryuku wouldn't do something like that, she's sweet and nice." Uraraka argues.

"I can vouch for her!" Nejire says appearing out of nowhere.

"Eek!" Ochaco squeaks while Bakugou just annoyingly looks over to her.

"She's kind, cares and she's a really good hero." Nejire explains.

"S-see, the two of us would make a great team." Ochaco says recovering from the fright.

"Well actually it would be the three of us!" Nejire exclaims excitedly holding up three fingers.

"Really? That's great! Come on katsuki, please!" Ochaco begs him.

Bakugou blushes at the cute beg, sighs and says "fine, but as long as I don't have to comb my hair!"

"Yay!" Nejire and Ochaco yell at the same time.

At the back of the class.

"So, Setsuna you plan on joining an agency?" Kirishima asks.

"I don't know, none of them really match my style." Setsuna states looking through the paper.

"I think you'd go pretty good with fat gum." Kirishima tells her showing the part of the paper with the pro in it.

"Hm, are you planning on interning with him?" Setsuna asks him.

"Yeah, he suits how I plan on being a hero and he seems like a cool guy." Kirishima explains smiling.

"I do like the sound of that, is anyone else with him?" Setsuna asks him.

"I am." Tamaki says behind them.

"Ah!" Setsuna and Kirishima both scream in fear.

"O-oh s-s-sorry, I didn't mean to s-scare you." Tamaki says as he begins walking away.

"Hey wait, it's fine it was just an accident." Setsuna says.

"Yeah man you're fine!" Kirishima says giving him a thumbs up.

"O-ok." Tamaki says walking back over to the two.

"So you said you work with fat gum?" Kirishima asks.

"Yeah, he asked if I wanted to be his sidekick awhile back." Tamaki explains.

"So how is he?" Setsuna asks him.

"He's a good man, and an amazing hero, he's also really funny." Tamaki says smiling.

"Sounds cool the three of us could be a great team! You in Setsuna?" Kirishima asks.

"Well he seems like the best option so yeah I'm in!" Setsuna says fist bumping Kirishima and attempting to with Tamaki, he shyly accepted the fist bump.

In a nice and clean meeting room.

"So, what would you like the two of us to do?" Dabi asked the leader of the shie hassaikai.

"The plan is for the two of you to protect a valuable asset, there are a few hero agencies looking into my organization and I fear it's inevitable for them to come after us." Chisaki explains to Dabi and Toga.

"Sounds fun!" Toga says excitedly.

"Sounds good to me, but don't forget the deal." Dabi says.

"I haven't forgotten, whatever you need my organization to do, we will be glad to help." Chisaki finishes.

On a rooftop across the street.

'I could kill him right now, just take the shot Zack, come on!' Zack thinks to himself while aiming a sniper at Dabi's head.

"Argh!" Zack shouts throwing the sniper to the ground.

'I just can't fucking do it, if I'm gonna kill that's gonna be face to face.'

I am so excited to get into the shie hassaikai arc! Kai Chisaki has always been my favorite character ever since he was introduced.

I also wanted to thank all of you, this story has kept me busy and less bored over quarantine, all of your comments have been wonderful and yes I have read them all (I get a notification everytime someone comments) I love reading them so much and you better be prepared for what's coming in the next few chapters cause it's gonna get fun!

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