Chapter 24: Plans for a rescue

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When Rachel opened her eyes, she saw that she was in a hospital room. To her right was Setsuna, asleep with her head in her hands. Rachel shook her so she would wake up.

"Setsuna, wake up." She said as She shook her.

She woke up startled then looked at the person who woke her up and hugged her tight.

"I'm so glad you're ok!" She said, as she lets go of Rachel.

"Uh yeah, how long was I out?" Rachel asked.

"Only a day, the knife went pretty deep, it's lucky that we got you to recovery girl in time." Setsuna said.

"Wait, is everyone ok?" Rachel asked in a hurry as She began to remember what happened.

"No one else got severely injured but...they, got Zack." She answers looking at the ground.

Rachel was on the verge of tears after she heard that, but she held it in.

"Do we have any idea where they might've taken him." She asks.

"Um YaoMomo said she put a tracker on a nomu that was there, she gave it to the pros." Setsuna answers.

"Oh god, I hope that they don't..." Rachel drifts off not finishing.

Then the door opened and Izuku walks in, and smiles when he sees that Rachel is awake.

"It's good that you're up." He said as he took a seat in the room.

"Yeah, I'm guessing that everyone told you what happened." Rachel said looking down.

"Yeah, I should've done more." He said under his breathe.

"Even if you were there, nothing would have changed." Setsuna said somberly.

"I hate to bring this up now, but did you find anything in Zacks room?" Rachel asked.

"Um...yeah, if you remember back when we first moved into the dorms, Zack had a box that he didn't want anyone touching. Well I opened it and there was a journal, it said that both of you were experimented on." Izuku said pulling out the journal.

Rachel eyes went wide then back to normal and she said "Uh...y-yeah they did horrible things to us, and I guess they weren't done since they came back for him."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Setsuna asked.

"Because me and Zack didn't want to talk or even think about it." Rachel answered.

"Well, after the doctors check you, you're gonna have to give this info to the hero's." Izuku explained.

"That makes did the journal mention anyone else besides me and Zack?" Rachel asked Izuku.

Izuku hands Rachel the journal and she goes through it.

"I'm guessing you didn't find the pages that were ripped out." Rachel said as she closed the journal.

Izuku shook his head, then the door opened and a doctor came in with Mr. Aizawa and principal Nezu.

"It's good to see you awake Ms. Danvers." Nezu said with a smile.

"Please just call me Rachel." She told him.

"As you wish, we're gonna need you two to leave the room while we ask her some questions." Aizawa said with a stoic face.

"Yes sir." Izuku said and walked toward the door and Setsuna followed behind.

They went to a bigger room where the rest of 1-A were being treated.

"Hey you two, is Rachel doing alright?" Mina asks getting out of the seat she was sitting in.

"Yeah, she just woke up and Mr. Aizawa and Principle Nezu is talking to her." Setsuna answers.

"Did she tell you why they would want Zack?" Kirishima asks as well.

"Yeah, it's because of something that happened when they were kids, it would probably be better if she just explains it to you all when she's ready." Izuku informed them.

"We're going after them." Bakugou says looking out the window.

"What?" Ochaco asks him in confusion.

"I said, me and whoever wants to join me are going after them." He says getting up and looking at the group.

"I'm in." Kirishima joins in.

"I made a backup gps, so yeah I'm in too." Momo also joins in.

"I don't know if this is a good idea, let's just let the pros deal with this." Izuku retorts fully knowing he's gonna go as fury.

"No, I'm not gonna sit around and let Zack get tortured, or worse." Setsuna says crossing her arms.

"Same here." Mina says putting a hand on Setsunas shoulder.

"I'm in as well." Todoroki states getting up out of his chair.

The rest of the class just looked down or shakes their head.

"Alright then, we're leaving tonight." Bakugou states and walks out of the room.

"How's it feel, Zacky?" The villain known as dabi says to a chained up Zack.

Zack doesn't even look up from the ground.

"You and Rachel broke out of this very same lab all those years ago, and your back, I still remember what you did to me." Dabi says smiling and walks up right to Zacks ear and says "And what I did to Rachel."

Zack still doesn't move or even make a sound other than his breathing.

"You know, we told toga not to go for any lethal throws back at the camp, but I guess she couldn't resist, I highly doubt Rachel survived that gut wound." Dabi states chuckling. "You gonna talk, say anything? Or did you care so little about little Rachel that you won't even say a word about her."

"Alright Dabi that's enough." A blue haired man says as he opens the door.

"Ok, ok I'll stop, so what are you planning on doing with him for now?" Dabi asks him.

"I'm gonna let master decide." The man says and walks up to Zack and continues "you know I didn't really get to know you back then, I would usually just watch when master brought me along. I guess that'll change soon." He finish's with a smile.

The door opens again and the villain mr. Compress pushes a roller table with a tv on it into the room and in front of Zack.

The tv turns on and a man with a black mask appears and says "everyone leave the room."

The three leave the room and close the door behind them.

"So, it's been awhile Goodman." The man states.

Zack finally looks away from the floor and at the tv.

"You've been through a lot, and your escape back then surprised me, but what surprised me more was that child, Touya attempted to stop you instead of escape with you." The man explains.

Zack just stares at him.

"We experimented on him just as much as we did to you and Danvers, but he chose to try to stop you, when I asked him personally why he did that, he said that he knew the punishment of disobeying, now that he's older, I'm not sure why he helps us." The man continues.

Zack continues to stare, looking angrier with every word.

"Sorry, I'm rambling, we don't need to do any more experiments on you since it seems that it worked all that's left is to turn you to our side, so join us or you'll join under different conditions." The man finishes.

"I'm going to kill everyone in this building." Zack states holding back shouting.

"I guess that's a no then, You really have gotten more confident since you were a kid." The man says as the screen shuts off and compress comes into the room and pulls the table out of the room and closes the door, leaving Zack in darkness.

Damn I'm updating this fast, I'm just really enjoying writing it at the moment, anyway see ya!

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