Chapter 25: Damned soul

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Two guards stand watch in front of a metal door, inside is a chained up Zack.

"I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, And I fear no evil because I'm blind to it all, And my mind and my gun they comfort me, Because I know I'll kill my enemies when they come.~" Zack sings from inside.

"Hey! Shut up in there!" One guard yells and bangs on the door with his gun.

"Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell on this earth forever more, Said I walk beside the still waters and they restore my soul, But I can't walk on the path of the right because I'm wrong.~" he continues singing.

"Fucks sake, I'm gonna go shut him up." The other guard says as he opens the door and walks in to see the chains empty of anyone in them.

"What th-" he was about to say until a hand covers his mouth and snaps his neck.

'Ok, that's the building that was on yaoyorozus gps, this better be right.' Izuku thought as he jumped down from the roof he was on and crouch walked toward a window, he was about to open it and go in until he heard voices behind him, he hid next to a dumpster.

"Are you sure this is the right place yaomomo?" A familiar voice whispered.

"Yes the gps says it's right here." Another familiar voice whispered back.

'Is that Mina and yaoyorozu? Shit that means that the rest of the group is here too.' Izuku thought.

"If this is it ponytail, then let's get in." Kachann's voice said.

Izuku peaked out slightly from the dumpster and saw that they were all in really bad disguises, he thought for a second then realized that he only had one option.

"I'll just blow it open." Bakugou said with a smile.

"That's a stupid idea, we need to go in quiet." Setsuna retorted as she stopped him.

"You all do realize there's a window right here right?" Fury said as he leans against the wall of the building.

The group turned quickly to look at him and Bakugou said "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm surprised you don't recognize me, I'm on the news all the time." Fury retorted smiling under his helmet.

Bakugou was about to say something until Setsuna interrupted him with a question "what are you doing here fury?"

"Most likely the same as you, that kid that was taken at your training camp, I got info that he was here." Fury said as he walked toward the window.

"What're you doing?" Kirishima asked.

"Obviously getting in the building. And I wouldn't mind a couple of hero student teammates." Fury says as he opens the window and waits for them to reply.

They all look at each other, then Setsuna steps forward and says "If you really are here to help Zack, then I have no problem with teaming up."

"But he's a vigilante." Momo retorted hesitantly.

"Well what we're about to do could be classified as vigilantism." Todoroki says as he steps up and joins them.

"Sure, but I'm not taking orders from you!" Bakugou says aggressively.

"Fine by me, now if you'll join me." Fury states as he climbs through the window with everyone else following.

Once they all got in, they see big tubes containing nomus.

"Isn't that one the one you put the tracker on?" Kirishima asked Momo.

"Yes, that's the one, they're producing an army here." Momo replies.

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