Up in the air. Chapter 1.

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Rose's Pov

I buckeled my safety belt as soon as I sat in my seat. I cannot wait to get out of this hellhole and have a change of scenery to clear my mind.

I was sat in the window seat, next to Mason and Eddie. Lissa had invited me to sit with her and Christian but I didn't fancy third wheeling that gross make out fest. Besides, talking with Mase and Eddie was so easy, especially when Eddie handed me a bottle of Sprite. Honestly, I should of known better than to take a huge gulp of any liquid Eddie gave me. The strength of the Vodka burnt all my taste buds and causes me choke hard.

"You ok Hathaway?" Guardian Yuki asked as he walked down the aisle, doing a head count.

My eyes were streaming as I continued to splutter. Eddie just laughed, while Mason handed me a bottle of water.

"She fine, she's just choking on a Jolly Rancher." Mason explained lifting up his bag of sweets.

"Jeeze, chew before you swallow Hathaway," Guardian Yuki lectured before he rolled his eyes and walked down towards the front of the plane.

"I thought you could handle your drink." Eddie snickered.

I just flipped him off as I took a large gulp of water. I had no idea how Eddie always managed to get his hands of alcohol but never get caught.

"Better?" Mason asked as he rubbed my back.

"Yes thanks."  I looked up to smile at him but froze as I saw who was now standing next to us.

"All alright Hathaway?" The Russian God asked, his face was impassive but I could see a little concern in the back of his eyes.

"I'm fine, thanks Guardian Belikov." I replied, my face and voice just as impassive.

He nodded at continued walking to his seat a few rows behind us, with Tasha Fucking Ozera hot on his heels.

"You don't think he heard the alcohol comment do you?" Eddie whispered, with a worried look.

Looking between their panic stricken faces, my mood shifted to tense amusement.

"No, he would of flipped his lid is he did." I giggled.

Mason relaxed into his seat but Eddie just gave a strange look.

We spent the next hour playing plane Texas holdem poker. To spice things up, we all agreed the winner got to pick forfeits for the losers. Mason lost pretty quickly but Eddie and I battled it out for over half an hour. After two bad hands I went all in when I have a a straight flush, only to be beaten by Eddie's full house.

"Haha losers! Oooh the fun I will have thinking up your forfeits." Eddie smirked in victory.

"Wow Eddie, you are such a good player." Meredith flirted, from the seat on the opposite side of the aisle.

Grinning, Eddie turn to flirt with Meredith for the rest flight. I didn't know why they weren't together. They have been flirting for years.

"You ready for the ski challenge?" Mason asked lifting an eyebrow.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Don't worry," he said. "I'll go easy on you."

I scoffed and leaned my head back against the seat. "You're so delusional."

"Sane guys are boring."

To my surprise, he slid his hand over mine. His skin was warm, and I felt my own skin tingle where he touched me, but it wasn't the same thrill I got when Dimitri touched me. My mind wondered back to the kiss with Dimitri in the gym. While the kiss had caused so much tension between us, my stomach still did a back flip when I thought of it.

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