Chapter 36

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A/N - Axel's outfit^^

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For the first time in a while, I woke up with a smile on my face. I rolled out of bed, yawning, and slipped into a light blue collared t-shirt and white shorts with a pair of white converse.

I brushed my hair in the mirror before putting in some gel to make it stay in place. Once I was ready, I took out my cologne and sprayed it lightly, grabbed my backpack, and headed down the hallway to eat my breakfast.

"Hey, mom," I said neutrally, grabbing a bowl and a box of Lucky Charms.

"Axel, we need to talk about the cigarettes," my mother stated, crossing her arms.

I got the milk out of the fridge and grabbed a spoon before taking a seat at the table. "Mom, I told you that they're not mine," I declared, taking a bite of my cereal.

My mother scoffed. "I don't appreciate being lied to, Axel," she exclaimed, sounding more annoyed by the second.

"I'm not lying, mom," I declared, sounding defensive.

"Then why were they in your room?" She asked.

I sighed. "I forgot to lock my door. I'm sure Jace must have tossed them in there because he didn't want to get caught with them."

My mom raised her eyebrow irritably. "Jace is a good kid, but you've been going out and coming home later, I hardly know who you are anymore!"

I pushed away my food, no longer hungry. "I have a life, you know, mom. I have work until late and then I also have friends I hang out with. I don't need to be at home all the time."

My mother sighed. "You need to get to school, but Axel, this conversation is not over."

I walked around her, putting my dish in the sink and replied, "Fine, whatever."

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"Yo, Axel, you never wear collared shirts, are you high or something?" Tyler asked me, sipping his chocolate milk.

"Just drink your chocolate milk and shut the fuck up," I replied, only slightly-joking.

"Sheesh, what's gotten into you lately? I was just wondering-"

I cut him off, raising an eyebrow in annoyance. "I told you that the only way I'd be friends with you was only if you'd stop asking me questions. Now, drink up."

Tyler rolled his eyes. "This is about a girl, isn't it?"

Damn, he's good.

"No, now what did I just say?"

"Tyler, leave Axel alone," some girl commented, sitting down next to me.

"I'm sorry baby, would you like me to ask him to leave?" She suggested, running her finger down my arm.

Shivers ran down my spine and not the good kind. I slid away from her. "No, he's my friend. You, on the other hand, who are you again?"

She scoffed. "Taylor. And you didn't show up at my party!" She whined.

I sighed. "Sorry, I had work. Now can you please leave? This is my table."

She put her hands up in surrender and grabbed her lunch tray. "Fine, I'll leave, but you know where to find me when you change your mind. Bye, cutie," she said, blowing me a kiss.

Once she left, Tyler looked at me. "Why are you so rude to girls? Dude, I would kill to have half as much attention from them as you do."

"You want 'em? You can have 'em," I replied, dumping my uneaten lunch into the trash.

There's only one girl I want and I already got her. 

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