Besotted and Betrayed

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Arya sat alone at the Ravenclaw table at breakfast. It was the first day of her third year at Hogwarts, the only friend she had made, Luna Lovegood, had told her she was in search of 'nargles' and therefore wouldn't be coming to breakfast that morning. 

She glanced up towards the Gryffindor table, her mouth gaping open as her eyes fell upon the boy who lived. Arya had tried to talk to Harry once but no words left her mouth, just barely audible mumbles. She wasn't amazing at communicating with the average person, let alone the toned and handsome celebrity with the jet black hair and manly scar. 

She watched his every move. How he gathered his cereal and milk on his spoon, the way his hair swished as he turned to talk to Hermione, the sound of his laugh as Ron made a joke. I'm in love with him, Arya thought. Her mind wandered, she pictured what it would be like to walk down the aisle and have Harry waiting at the other end, for her and only her.

"Harry, that girl is starring at you again" 

Arya was brought back to reality as she heard Hermione speak. Shit, my cover is blown, she thought. She quickly picked up her bag leaving the hall as quickly as possible, so that Harry wouldn't be able to see the ruby shade of red her face had turned when he caught her starring at him.


"Did you have fun at the world cup, Ginny?" Annabeth asked, sitting next to the youngest of the Weasleys and the other girls from her dorm, bar one. 

"Yes! It was incredible, well until the dark mark appeared" Ginny smiled.

"I know, that's so scary, thanks for the invite by the way, I was so annoyed when I found out I couldn't come, but you know my cousin is hopefully only going to get married once." Annabeth replied.

"We're together now though, all four of us, I've missed our dorm" Ginny exclaimed. 

"Yeah, our dorm really is the best, even if we do have to put up with a certain someone" Juniper, one the their other roommates said, rolling her eyes at the thought of their other roommate. 

"I wish we didn't have to share with her, I mean she just insults us, she's so narcissistic" Annabeth agreed, looking around to make sure her roommate wasn't close enough to hear. 

"Don't worry guys, we have each other, and there is no way we are going to let Cadwyn Jones ruin our year" Ginny stated, positively and the others all nodded in agreement. 


The great hall doors slammed loudly as Cadwyn stormed in, making her way towards the Gryffindor table. 

"Is it true?" Cadwyn screamed as she approached Cormac McLaggen, her boyfriend of a year. Well, a year, on and off. 

"Is what true?" Cormac said, a mouthful of toast still in his mouth.

"Lavender told me you snogged that slut Janet Lang over the summer?!" Cadwyn yelled, her arms crossing her chest. 

"Babe, don't worry about it, it was just a summer fling, you're still my-" Cormac was interrupted as Cadwyn smacked him hard in the face. 

"How dare you! And to think I bought you some designer flip flops in Peru, guess I'll have to throw them in the lake now!" Cadwyn ranted.

"Come on babe, calm down, you know you can't resist this face" Cormac said, smoldering.

Unfortunately Cormac's shoulder was met with a second slap and his orange juice poured all over his golden locks. 

"WE ARE OVER CORMAC AND THIS TIME I MEAN OVER!" Cadwyn shouted as she flipped her hair and stormed out of the hall. 


"Trust a filthy half-blood to make a scene on the first day back, so tasteless" Rhia said watching Cadwyn as she left. 

"God, I know no class, that's what being part muggle will do to you though" Draco remarked, sitting at her side. 

"They are absolute animals, do you remember when that mudblood Hermyyy or whatever punched you last year?" Rhia snarled, fuming at the memory of a disgusting muggleborn daring to lay her fingers on a pureblood like Draco.

"I got ill afterwards, because she probably never washes her hands" Draco spat, "anyway let's not talk about that"

"We'll get her back Draco, don't worry about it, she'll regret ever looking at you" Rhia said, smirking. 

"This is why I love you" Draco said, pulling Rhia closer and kissing her. 

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