Epilogue - Cadwyn

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Cadwyn didn't bother fighting in the battle of Hogwarts because she didn't care and she certainly didn't want to ruin any of her clothes, also she didn't know any spells. She didn't receive any NEWTS and decided to leave the wizarding world after finishing school. She went back to live with her mother in the family mansion and lived as a socialite.

Having a famous mother meant she was able to go to a lot of celebrity parties. She met Howard from Take That at one of them and they soon became an item, which Cadwyn loved as she got a lot of media attention, which she lived for. 

"Howard, I'm dumping you!" Cadwyn announced as she walked up to him at a party, nearly a year into their relationship.

"WHAT!" Howard shouted, "Why?!"

"Well, I just met your ex-bandmate Robbie Williams and he is much more famous than you so I'm gonna date him instead" Cadwyn said.


"I know, soz babe, you're really cool and all but he's richer and I'm bound to get more press going out with him" Cadwyn admitted. 

"GET OUT!!" Howard yelled, pointing towards the door. 


"My name is Cadwyn Jones" Cadwyn said, smiling at the camera. 

"I like fashion, money and being rich" 

She strikes a pose. 

"Three words I would use to describe myself would be stunning, rich and gorgeous" 

She flips her hair. 

"I would say that my type on paper is a guy who is God-like in appearance, lots of muscles and very attractive and has a lot of money in the bank" 

She spins around.

"Maybe mention something that isn't about looks and money as well" the director said from behind the camera. 

"Fine" Cadwyn sighed.

"Oh, and also someone who is....smart....and......uuuhhh.....can make me laugh" She stated, blowing a kiss at the camera. 

"Perfect! That's a wrap, you're all done, we'll see you in Greece next month" The director stated. 

Cadwyn had been scouted to go on a new reality dating show after Robbie Williams broke up with her because apparently she was an obnoxious, attention-seeking, gold digger. So she decided to take part in the show in hopes that it would make her super famous.

"Ok girls! Welcome to Lust Isle! Are you ready to meet the boys?!" The presenter greeted a month later, in a Lust Isle Villa. 

Cadwyn lined up with four other girls besides the pool and waited for boys to come down the stairs. 

The first two boys didn't appeal to Cadwyn at all so she didn't step forward, they were muscular but not quite muscular enough. 

"Are you ready to meet the next boy? This is ... Dean!" The presenter announced. 

Dean walked out and Cadwyn recognized him, he was in the year above her in Hogwarts, she sighed, was there not going to be any hot boys on this show.

"I hear coming on this show is quite nerve wracking for you, why's that?" The presenter asked Dean.

"Yeah, I'm facing my fears, the thought of being around a pool every day for month is terrifying to me" Dean confessed.

"Well, don't worry we won't let you drown" The presenter teased, laughing.

"Don't joke about that" Dean said, sternly. 

After Dean had paired up with a girl, the presenter introduced the next boy and Cadwyn's draw dropped as he came into view. 

"Oh for fucks sake" she muttered. 

Cormac came down the stairs, flexing with every step, smiling cockily. 


"You are ruining this experience for me" Cadwyn whisper shouted at Cormac in the living room area after all the couples had paired up.

Cormac had partnered with a blonde girl called Tiffany and Cadwyn a tall brunette called Brock. 

"I didn't know you were going to be here" Cormac defended. 

"You're ruining it regardless, I hope you get sent home first" Cadwyn said, bitterly.

"That won't happen, everyone knows I'm a catch, I'm definitely going to win" Cormac boasted.

"No! I was born to be a superstar, I going to wi-"  Cadwyn started but was interrupted by a scream.

"AHHHH I'M DROWNING! I'M DROWNING!" Dean screeched from the pool, splashing the water everywhere as he panicked. 

"Sweetie! Just stand up, you're in the shallow end" Dean's partner, Lacey said.


"What! What do you mean you think you fancy Tiffany!" Cadwyn yelled at Brock. 

"We just have an emotional connection, right babe?" Brock explained, looking towards Tiffany, who had just joined him.

"Totes, I just told Cormac that we're coupling up" Tiffany replied and they went off to the balcony to make out.

"Looks like we're both the single ones in the villa then" Cormac said, approaching Cadwyn.

"No, I'm not coupling up with you, there's no way!" Cadwyn stated.


"The boy I'd like to couple up with is.....Cormac" Cadwyn announced as they stood around the fire pit for the recoupling. Strangely enough, with him bothering her all week, she was reminded of how good they used to be together and decided to give it a go again, and he was the only person available in the villa.


"Urgh, Cormac, change your shirt, that one clashes with my lip gloss!" Cadwyn told Cormac as she sat at the vanity in their hotel room. 

"I can't wait to get out there, all those people screaming our names, the cameras flashing, I love it" Cormac confessed.

"They love us, they voted us the winners of Lust Isle" Cadwyn smiled. 

"I'm going to get so many babes" Cormac smirked.

"Yep, and I'm so famous, I'm going to be able to be with some really elite men" Cadwyn said.

"But we're still in a relationship, right?" Cormac questioned.

"Duh" Cadwyn said, raising her champagne glass. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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