Trouble, Bubbles, Owl and Trouble

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"Dumbledore wants to see you in his office Cadwyn" McGonagall approached Cadwyn as she turned up to breakfast on Monday morning.

"Urgghhh, what does he want?" Cadwyn whined.

"I don't know but he wants to see you right away" McGonagall instructed.

"Can I at least have my soy vanilla iced latte first, I can't cope with mornings without my soy vanilla iced latte?" Cadwyn inquired.

"No. Now go to his office" McGonagall demanded.

"Ughhh Fine" Cadwyn moaned, pouting and flapping her arms.


"Ok Grumbledore, what is it?" Cadwyn asked as she was let into Dumbledore's office.

"Ah, Miss Jones" Dumbledore said, smiling softly "Yes I wanted to talk to you about how you snuck off the grounds this weekend to go to a luxury spa"

"What the fuck? How did you find out?" Cadwyn exclaimed, folding her arms.

"I know everything that happens on my turf" Dumbledore said, "Obviously you broke quite a lot of school rules in doing that"

"Why isn't Cormac here?" Cadwyn quizzed, pissed that she was getting in trouble and he wasn't.

"I'm going to talk to him after, I wanted to do this separately" Dumbledore explained.

"Are you gonna turn me in to Scumbridge then or what?" Cadwyn remarked, attitude reaching new levels.

"No, she's a bitch, and if I can stop her punishing people I will, you will be serving detention with Flitwick for 2 weeks" Dumbledore stated.

"What the hell?! I don't want to spend 2 weeks with that fucking dwarf!" Cadwyn shouted.

"I don't think he's going to be thrilled about spending time with you either, now off you go!" Dumbledore said, pointing Cadwyn to the door.

Cadwyn huffed and dramatically turned towards the exit, flipping her hair as she did so and sulked as she strutted to the door.


Arya had spent the weekend brewing an intense love potion to use on Jake. He was going to be hers and this time he didn't get a choice in the matter. She poured it into a vile and slipped it into her pocket before heading to breakfast.

She sat next to Jake at the table, ready to make him hers.

"Hi Jake" Arya smiled as she sat down.

"Oh hi, Artie" He replied, giving her a small smile back "thanks for your help the other day"

"That's ok, glad to help" Arya responded.

The doors flung open and the owls flew in to deliver the morning post. As everyone was distracted by the arrival of parcels and letters, Arya quickly slipped the love potion into Jake's tea.


"Arya, I love you so much" Jake confessed as they sat in the common room that evening.

"I love you too Jakey" Arya smiled.

"You are the sun that lights up the world, without you, my soul would be dead" Jake proclaimed, he had been making romantic confessions to her all day and she loved it.

"Kissing you is like kissing an angel" Jake said and then leaned in and kissed Arya on the lips.

Perfect, Arya thought, he is in the palm of my hands.


"Where's Cadwyn?" Annabeth asked as she was nowhere to be seen in their dorm.

"Apparently she had detention for 2 weeks, so she's spending her evenings with Flitwick" Ginny laughed.

"Yes! That means less time around her! Brilliant!" Annabeth said.

"And more time to mess with her" Ginny stated.

"True" Annabeth laughed.


"This is the ultimate payback!" Annabeth cheered as her and Ginny entered the owlery.

"I know, she killed your pet, so you kill hers" Ginny exclaimed.

"And she won't be able to send her owl to her mother so he mother can send her designer clothes" Annabeth said, excitedly.

"Which is hers?" Ginny asked.

"Oh, that brown one, her name is Carrie" Annabeth replied, pointing at Carrie the owl. "She's so cute, I don't know if I can do this"

"It's only fair, Cadwyn killed Gerty!" Ginny encouraged.

"Ok" Annabeth said, taking a deep breath.

Her uncle gave her a shotgun to protect herself after she'd told him about all that crazy stuff that was happened in the wizarding world. She pointed to gun at Carrie and pulled the trigger, shooting her dead.


"Ok, so what I've gotta do is do a simple lil avada kedrava and then she's dead" Rhia told Draco as they walked to the common room after dinner.

"Yeah, simple as that" Draco nodded.

"But I can't do it with my wand, because they'll be able to track it back to me" Rhia said, "So I've got to steal someone else's wand"

"Who's?" Draco asked nervously, thinking he might want hers, and he did not need that kind of drama in his life.

"Just any loser I can him" Rhia said, pointing at Colin Creevey.

"Hey Colin" Rhia greeted as she approached him in the hallway.

"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hi" Colin stuttered.

"Give me your wand" Rhia demanded.

"What? No!" Colin replied.

"Fine" Rhia stated, turning away before quickly turning back and attacking him, grabbing his wand out of his hand and running away.

"Haha suckkkerrr" Rhia laughed as she ran to the common room.

"What if he just tells Dumbledore you stole his wand?" Draco asked.

"Oh, shit yeah, better go back down there and do a lil oblivate on him" Rhia said, heading back towards Colin. 

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