Last Christmas I Gave You My Fart

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"So Rhia, did we get you everything you wanted?" Rhia's mum asked her after she had opened all of her christmas presents  from her parents.

"I guess, well, all except what I wanted the most" Rhia grumbled.

"To prove to Voldemort that you are one tough bitch and have the potential to be a bad ass death eater if given the opportunity?" Rhia dad asked.

"Yeah, I want him to see me for the pure spawn of satan that I am" Rhia pouted. 

"Well we can make your Christmas dreams come true" Rhia's mum cheered.

"How?" Rhia replied. 

"We're having chrimbo din dins at Voldy's house!" Rhia's dad announced!

"Cool!" Rhia replied, excitedly. 

"We're leaving your ugly turd brothers here though, alone, don't want them cramping our style" Rhia's mum stated.


At the chrimbo dinner Rhia avada kedravaed one of the slaves Voldemort had bought to show off. 

"Wow Rhi-o-meter I am super duper impressed" Voldemort praised Rhia.

"I've been practicing" Rhia said, kissing her wand.

"Maybe I was wrong about you, you could do a really big task" Voldemort stated.

"Yeah, I can handle anything!" Rhia cheered.

"Maybe you could kill some innocent muggles for dramatic effect" Voldemort suggested.

"Sounds like a plan" Rhia replied, happy with her task but still a bit pissed off that it wasn't as cool as getting to kill Dumbledore. 


"Thanks for inviting me round for Christmas Mrs Weasley" Annabeth thanked, as she helped set the table for dinner.

"No problem, anyone who even slightly knows one of my children is welcome" Mrs Weasley stated.

"I'm just glad I don't have to be at home with my stinky stanky parents and my gross siblings" Annabeth admitted.

"Well, you're welcome here anytime" Mrs Weasley smiled.

"I get to see my sexy as fuck boyfriend as well, so that's a bonus" Annabeth stated.

"Did somebody say Fred Weasley?" Fred said as he entered the kitchen and gave Annabeth a kiss on the cheek. "Wanna go upstairs...we know?" 

"Oh absolutely" Annabeth said, following him upstairs. 

"Oops sorry" Annabeth apologized after accidentally bumping into Ginny on the way up. 

They stood and starred at each other awkwardly for 10 minutes before Ginny said 'excuse me' and pushed past. 

"That was awkward" Fred commented as they entered his room. 

"Yeah, she's been treating me weirdly after I went to the party with Dobby, she's being really judgmental" Annabeth sighed.

"But I told you I was fine with it" Fred stated, confused.

"Well, I guess she doesn't understand" Annabeth pouted, as they sat on his bed.

"I can make you feel better" Fred said, raising his eyebrow.

He started kissing her passionately, pulling her onto his lap. 

"You know I'm still here right?" George shouted.


"Uhhh Rashad this is like so last year!" Cadwyn complained as she unwrapped the Tiffany diamond bracelet "Everyone knows that diamonds are out and rubies are in!" 

"Sorry Cadwyn, I'll return it and get a ruby bracelet" Rashad said, fearfully. 

"Just do your research and get it right next time!" Cadwyn grunted.

Knock Knock

"I'll get it, I wanna show off my new Versace outfit" Cadwyn volunteered, leaving the living room and hopping on her pink golf cart and drove down the hall until she reached the front door. 

"Hello-ewwww what the fuck are you doing here!" Cadwyn shouted as she opened the door and saw Cormac on her door stop. 

"Cadwyn, I know this is the longest we've ever been broken up and I've banged like 37 girls since but I want you back, I saw my Valentino jacket this morning and cried for 3 hours" Cormac stated.

"I'm not taking you back Cormac, yes, we are perfect for each other because we are both horrible, superficial people, but and I know this is gonna sound really crazy...I'm kind of tired of the drama, I know weird, I usually live for the drama" Cadwyn confessed.

"But I bought you a Christmas prezzie and everything!" Cormac moaned.

"I can't be bought anymore Cormac! Mostly because I can afford my own stuff so I don't know why I forgave you so easily in the first place" Cadwyn folded her arms.

"Just open it!" Cormac begged.

"Fine" Cadwyn said, she tore the glittery paper off and opened the box encased inside to reveal a pair of hot pink rhine-stoned Jimmy Choo heels. "Oh my God, Cormac these are amazing!" 

"So you'll take me back?" Cormac asked.

"Nope" Cadwyn said and then slammed the door in Cormac's face, keeping the shoes for herself. 


"I've really missed you Arya" Adrian confessed as they sat on his bed Christmas evening. 

"I've missed you too, I wish you could be at Hogwarts" Arya stated, resting her head on his shoulder. 

"Me too, then we could spend every waking minute together" Adrian said, putting his arm around her.

"Adrian, I realised something whilst I was gone, I know it's wrong, but I  think I'm in love with you!" Arya revealed. 

"I know I'm in love with you" Adrian admitted, pulling her in for a kiss.

"But isn't this extremely wrong and disgusting?" Arya said before his lips could touch hers. 

"There's nothing wrong with true love" Adrian stated.

"True that" Arya said and leaned in. 

They began kissing, they each felt a thrill in knowing it was wrong, their kissing became more and more passionate and then...

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Harold, their father, shouted as he entered the room. "MY EYES! MY EYES!" 

"What's all this fuss about Hazza?" Lilith asked as she approached him.

"THOSE TWO WERE JUST SNOGGING!" Harold yelled frantically. 

"Oh, no big deal" Lilith said, calmly.

"WHAT" Harold replied.

"I've never seen the issue with incest, it's just really really loving your family, I dated my cousin when I was at Hogwarts" Lilith said nonchalantly.

"WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!!!" Harold shouted. 

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