Old Flames

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Rhia was a lot happier now that Voldemort thought she was top notch again. She had already killed 304 innocent muggles, Voldemort rewarded her with stickers of him, which she placed all over her suitcase, which earned some disgusted looks from her classmates but she kept telling people she was being ironic. 

Her and Draco were on much better terms now as well, Draco hadn't earned any stickers at all, so Rhia finally felt superior again, which was, of course, the key to their relationship. They were close as ever, Draco was fully dependent on her again. 

She, however, still felt unsatisfied as she had still not killed Cadwyn and she felt even more suspicious of that little bitch as she'd been keeping a low profile. Well, a low profile for her, she was still loud and flashy but she hadn't done anything explicitly evil in a while. 

Rhia decided not to move in for the kill straight away, no, she hadn't made Cadwyn suffer in a while. 

"Hi Cormac" Rhia winked as she approached Cormac in an empty classroom, he was organizing a huge pile of photos of himself.

"Well hello, Slytherin hottie" Cormac flirted straight back, her plan was working. 

Rhia and Cormac proceeded to have sex on top of the pile of Cormac photos, Rhia smiled as she knew that when Cadwyn heard she fucked her boyfriend again she'd flip.


"Colin! Did I say that you could stop?" Arya shouted at Colin as he stopped walking for a moment to catch his breath. 

Arya had started using fear to turn Colin into her personal assistant, unpaid of course. Unless you count, not killing him, as payment. Colin trailed behind Arya as she shopped in Hogsmeade, carrying a large amount of heavy shopping bags. 

"Colin get me 4 chocolate frogs, a pack of Bertie Bott's, 2 peppermint toads and 6 acid pops!" Arya demanded as they entered Honeydukes.

"But I've hardly got any money left" Colin complained.

"Well, you won't be able to spend it when you're dead" Arya warned. 

Colin nervously scuttled towards the counter and paid for her treats and Arya smiled, this is the life, she thought. 


"What is it, Colin?" Arya asked as Colin had been starring at her for 15 minutes straight without a word. She knew she shouldn't have got him a butterbeer, she was ruining her scary as shit image. 

"Um um um um um um um uh uh uh uh uh uh uh um um um uh uh" Colin stuttered.

"SPIT IT OUT YOU TWAT!" Arya yelled.

"Are are y-you r-r-r-really dadating your o-own bra-bra-bra-bra-brother?" Colin said extremely nervously.

"Hell yeah" Arya confirmed proudly. 

"That's gross" Colin said, plucking up the courage to do what he hadn't all day because he was so disgusted by the incestuous girl in front of him. He tossed his butterbeer in her face and walked away. 

"I'll get you for this Colin! You'll regret crossing me!" Arya shouted angrily. 


"Ginny, please talk to me, you've been ignoring me all week" Annabeth moped as she followed Ginny to the great hall. 

"GINNNY PLEASE!" Annabeth cried as Ginny ignored her.

"Fine." Ginny said, stopping in her tracks and finally facing Annabeth.

"What's your problem? Why are you ignoring me?"Annabeth asked.

"You took Dobby to Slughorn's party, it was so weird and I feel like I don't know who you are anymore" Ginny confessed. 

"But you already knew I snogged Dobby, it was in my diary, everybody knows I did, and you never judged me then, so why are you judging me now?" Annabeth questioned.

"Because I hadn't actually seen you do it, I thought it was an exaggeration or something! After seeing you shoving your tongue down his throat on the dance floor, I realise that you actually are a massive creep" Ginny insulted.

"That wasn't creepy, it was sexy, and I never judged you for anything in your diary! I thought we were in this together. Fred still loves me, but I guess you can't handle that our relationship is mature enough that he doesn't mind me and Dobby having a special night when he can't be with me" Annabeth argued. 

"I'm never going to be on board with this!" Ginny stated.

"Fine! Then I guess we aren't friends anymore!" Annabeth said before storming off. 


"Cadwyn" someone said as Cadwyn sat at the Gryffindor table, eating her breakfast.

"What?" Cadwyn said as she turned and was surprised to see Rhia Notta in front of her.

"I had a great night last night" Rhia boasted. 

"Good for you" Cadwyn replied, rolling her eyes.

"Aren't you going to yell at me? Call me a slut?" Rhia prompted, very confused at why Cadwyn wasn't outraged.

"We haven't interacted in anyway for months..." Cadwyn stated, not sure why Rhia was even talking to her, she still hated her but she thought their feud had fizzled out.

"That's you think, I fucked YOUR boyfriend last night" Rhia bragged proudly.

"I don't have a boyfriend" Cadwyn admitted, shrugged.

"WHAT?!" Rhia shouted, shocked, this was not what she expected. "WHAT ABOUT CORMAC?" 

Rhia flung he arm and pointed at Cormac who was sat a couple of metres away. Cormac turned at the mention of his name and walked closer to them.

"Ladies, there's no need to fight over me" Cormac said as he approached them.

"SHUT UP, YOU SLEAZY GIT!" Rhia yelled, punching his arm.

"Cormac and I broke up over the summer, we haven't been together for months" Cadwyn admitted.

"BUT YOU ALWAYS GET BACK TOGETHER!" Rhia said through gritted teeth.

"She wanted me back but I wouldn't have her, a guy like me can't be tied down" Cormac interupted. 

"Didn't seem like that when you came to my door and begged for me back" Cadwyn said bitchily. 

"YOU MEAN TO TELL ME I HAD SEX WITH THAT STUPID UGLY LOSER FOR NOTHING!!!" Rhia shouted and screamed as she ran off, visibly fuming. 

"So Caddy Waddy Doo Da? Wanna meet me at our 3rd favourite make out spot at lunch time, we can do a little more than just make out" Cormac asked, winking at Cadwyn.

Cadwyn smiled and gestured with her finger for him to come closer, when he did music started playing out of nowhere and Cadwyn dramatically stood up from her chair and started to sing in Cormac's face. 

You got the swagger of a champion
Too bad for you
You just can't find the right companionI guess when you have one too many
Makes it hard, it could be easy
Who you are
That's just who you are, babyLollipop
Must mistake me, you're the sucker
To think that I
Would be a victim, not anotherSay it, play it, how you wanna?
But no way I'm ever gonna
Fall for you
Never you, babyWomanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, babyYou, you, you are
You, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer

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