Let's Get Violent

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"Aww Congratulations! Looks like your dream came true" Cadwyn said sweetly as Annabeth entered their dorm. 

"What are you talking about?" Annabeth asked, cautiously. 

"You and Fred, did you tell him that you tried to slip him a love potion last year?" Cadwyn said, now scowling. 

"How did you find out? We've been keeping it on the down low, waiting for the right time to tell Ginny" Annabeth questioned, shocked. 

"You were making out in mine and Cormac's 6th favourite make out spot" Cadwyn confessed, "we were gonna have a quickie but then we saw you both there and had to go to our 9th favourite make out spot" 

"Ok, sorry, I guess, I didn't know" Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"When I saw, I made this, a little book of all your fantasies" Cadwyn handed her some paper that had been stapled together.

It was copies of pages of her diary. The one about how she put a spell on Ginny's leg so that she would break it so that she could have some alone time with Fred. The one about how she'd had sex with Crabbe and pretended it was Fred. The one about how she punched her father in the face until it had become permanently damaged because he said that she couldn't go to the burrow. 

"What do you want?" Annabeth asked. 

"Look, I know you want revenge, so I'm just warning you. Making sure you remember who you're messing with" Cadwyn said, flipping her hair and then leaving. 

"Fucking bitch" Annabeth said, stuffing the papers under her pillow. 

She was furious. She walked down to the black lake, pacing back and forth. How did she get Cadwyn off of her back and go back to how it was before? For a moment she was so mad that she didn't care what Cadwyn had on her. 

"Accio Cadwyn's clothes" Annabeth casted the summoning spell. 

Moments later, hundreds of pieces of Cadwyn's designer clothing, including both Valentino jackets, came to her. With a flick of her wand she threw all of Cadwyn's clothes except for what she was currently wearing into the lake. As the clothes began to sink, the giant squid rose up, mouth wide open and swallowed them all. That'll get her, Annabeth thought. 


Cadwyn was still furious at Rhia for sleeping with HER Cormac. She wrote Rhia a note. 

Dearest Rhia

I'm dying for some alone time with you, meet me in the 3rd floor broom cupboard before dinner. 


Your Draco

Cadwyn waited by the cupboard, hidden further down the hallway. As she saw Rhia walk into the closet she rushed over and locked the door. 


"Aw what's wrong Rhia?" Cadwyn smiled. 

"You locked me in a cupboard with a blastended skrewt, you pyscho!" Rhia shouted. 

Cadwyn didn't answer, she just stood on the other side of the door, listening and laughing. 

"LET ME OUT! HE'S TRYING TO EAT ME!" Rhia screamed whilst shaking the door. 

"I can't do that" Cadwyn said, smugly. 

"Hang on a second..." Rhia said, she managed to get her wand out of her pocket, still kicking the skrewt off her, "alohomora" 

The door swung open, Rhia looked dishevelled and was covered in cuts and bruises but had escaped without any major injury. 

"Of course, you're stupid, you don't know how to lock anything that couldn't be unlocked with a simple spell" Rhia said and she walked past Cadwyn, who was pissed off that Rhia hadn't straight up died. 


After that attack Rhia was even more determined to kill Cadwyn. Voldemort had given her a vile of poison, to off her easily, with no suspision of the dark lord returning. 

Rhia walked into the Three Broomsticks and immeditley clocked Cadwyn's table. She was sitting with Cormac, both drinking butterbeer. Rhia hid behind the door and waited until Cadwyn went to the toilets. 

"Hey Cormac" Rhia winked as she approached the table.

"Umm, I'm not supposed to talk to you, Cadwyn said she would break up with me for good if I did, and she's extra angry right now because her clothes went missing and now she has to wear stuff from lost property until her mother owls her a whole new wardrobe." Cormac said.

"Oh, come on Cormac, you don't need her, we have something special" Rhia said, putting a hand on his thigh. 

"You said I was awful at sex" Cormac grumbled.

"I lied, I was scared because you are such a perfect man and I felt like I didn't deserve you" Rhia lied. 

"I am pretty amazing" Cormac smirked.

"Is that a Marc Jacobs one of a kind tailored suit in your exact size over there?" Rhia said pointing behind Cormac. 

"Where?" He said, turning excitedly, as he did Rhia poured the poison into Cadwyn's butterbeer and left the table and waited for Cadwyn to come back from behind the bar. 

"Omg, that bathroom was disgusting, I had to disinfect the entire thing" Cadwyn said, upon her return. "Ugh I need a drink"

"Drink your butterbeer then babes" Cormac said. 

"I'm not drinking the rest, do you know how fattening that stuff is? It's disgusting. I got one so I could have a tiny sip for a treat, I can't drink that!" Cadwyn said. 

She then walked up to the bar and asked the bartender for water and gifting her the butterbeer,saying she didn't want the rest. 

Madam Roserta chugged the butterbeer, it was rare she would get a free drink. Suddenly she started choking. She collapsed to the floor, her mouth foaming and dropped dead. 


Arya was not happy at the way George treated her. After all that effort, he just rejected her. She was fuming. She had already owled Daphne Truedore a bomb and was awaiting the announcement of her death in the paper. 

Arya sat in Honeydukes, eating a chocolate frog, trying to think of an idea of what she could do to get back at George for rejecting her. At that moment she saw him approach the shop window, looking at all of the treats from the outside. The idea hit her like lightning, she grabbed her wand and whispering a spell, pointiing it towards the window. The window smashed, the broken glass surrounding George. She hoped he had been close enough that it had killed him. She walked out of the shop and examined him. 

She sighed as it seemed he was still breathing. He did look traumatised and extremely hurt. Shards of glass poking out of his skin, laying in a pool of his own blood. 

"So annoying, he didn't even die" Arya mumbled on the way back to the castle. 

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