Epilogue - Rhia

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"I win" the dementor said glumly as he placed his final card down, sparks flying from the card pile as he did so.

"Again? You stupid ball of depression" Rhia muttered scornfully, tossing her cards to the side "I'll beat you one day" 

She sat in her cell in Azkaban, playing endless games of exploding snap with one dementor that was particularly good, Rhia was furious that she was unable to beat the creature and was determined to get her victory. 

She had been arrested after the Battle of Hogwarts, unlike most death eaters she did not deny siding with Voldemort, or lie and say she was under the Imperius Curse, she did not want to dishonour the Dark Lord by betraying him even in death.

"WAAHHHHHH!" She heard a baby cry and she sighed.

"Sorry mate, gotta get back to the fam" Rhia stood up from the cold floor and walked 3 metres to Draco and her 4 children. 

Draco had also been arrested as he sided with Rhia and they persuaded the guards to let them share a cell, so with all the spare time they had, naturally Rhia had gotten pregnant a few times.

"Stop crying Draco" Rhia instructed.

"You know I struggle changing nappies" Draco cried. 

"God, I'm so sick of it here, I'm bored as fuck and I'm scared to bang you again because I ain't having a fourth child and we don't have our wands to do the proper protection charms" Rhia stated.

"The dementor is a good baby sitter though" Draco pointed out.

"We need to escape Draco, we are both too sexy to be here, I mean we're used to living in mansions, and I know they moved us to a family cell when we had the kiddos but it's still tiny" Rhia said and then started to think, she was going to get out of Azkaban but she had to figure out how. 


"Did you get the wands?" Rhia asked Draco as they walked out of the prison underneath the dementors cloak. 

"Yeah, here you go" Draco said, passing Rhia her wand. "Who knew that all you'd have to do to escape was make pals with a dementor"

"I know, we could've escaped years ago but I guess we had to really bond to take our friendship to that level" Rhia agreed. 

"I do feel a bit bad leaving Aston, Marvin, JB and Oritse behind in the cell though" Draco admitted.

"Oh, they'll be fine, they're always singing and doing dance routines, besides they haven't committed any crimes so they'll probably be released" Rhia said nonchalantly. 

"Yeah, I guess they will beat again, and we have to figure our own lives out, we can't let them drag us down." Draco smiled.


"Urgh dad are you kidding me!!! This is the worst news ever!" Draco moaned like a teenager, he and Rhia had arrived at Malfoy Manor. 

"Fuck off Draco, I thought you were gone for good and besides it's not that bad" Lucius replied.


"Ew, your dad is going out with Arnold schwarzewebber!" Rhia scoffed. "We can't stay here, not with her spreading her Ravenclaw germs everywhere" 

"Let's go to your gaff then" Draco suggested, and that's exactly what they did. 


Rhia and Draco stayed low key after escaping Azkaban. They stayed together of course, Draco never could resist the wink and they had a beautiful pureblood wedding.

Neither of them worked because they couldn't be assed and their families were already loaded so they just didn't bother. 

Rhia still held her beliefs that muggles and mudbloods were disgusting and that Slytherins were the best, so without a leader to follow, she decided to become the leader herself. 

"Listen up, sluts!" Rhia demanded as she stood before her followers in her mansion, wearing a really sleek and sexy yet bad ass outfit. 

The room was at her attention.

"I've come up with a bunch of knew dark spells, you know because they beat Voldemort and he did all the classic stuff, avada kedavra, crucio, you know, so we won't be doing them, because they'll be expecting that. Instead, if you turn to the next page of the pamphlets I handed out, we will be doing these spells; Drownus Downus - The Dean Thomas spell, it makes the victim drown instantly, even with the smallest amount of water" 

"But Dean Thomas is alive!" Pansy said, snarkily, she was just here in hopes of stealing Draco's attention. 

"Yeah, but he had a curse put on him, so he nearly drowns whenever he's around water, and that was the inspiration, honestly, shut your gob Pansy or I'll kick you out before the tattoo party tomorrow!" Rhia snapped back.

"Ooh, I can't wait to see the design of your dark mark!" Blaise chirped happily.

"Ahh yes, if you turn to the next page of the pamphlet, you'll see the design, Draco drew it actually" Rhia announced, looking towards her blushing husband. 

All of Rhia's loyal followers turned the pages of their pamphlets, revealing that Rhia's dark mark tattoo was a moving image of her doing her legendary wink. 

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