Urge To Kill

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"Hey, I've got something to show you" Rhia said as her and Draco entered an empty train compartment. 

"What?" Draco asked, trailing slowly behind.

"Hurry up, before anyone else gets here" Rhia said, closing the door and sitting down opposite Draco. 

"Check this out" She said, pulling up the sleeve of her super cool leather jacket, revealing the brand new dark mark, tattooed on her forearm.

"Wow" Draco said, touching it. "So you're like a deatheater now" 

"Yeah, Voldemort thought I was good enough to be part of his crew!" Rhia boasted, pulling her sleeve back down, not wanting anyone to walk in and see. 

"So you know what he's planning this year?" He asked, excitedly.

"Yeah, he's like looking for a prophecy or something, it's gonna tell him who the chosen one is" She squealed. "Oh and obviously he's gonna try and kill Harry but he always does that so that's not  really a surprise.

"Damn, I wish I could be a deatheater" Draco whined. 

"Maybe you will Draco, but I don't think you're ready right now" Rhia confessed "You need to have the urge to kill" 

"I have the urge to kill" Draco defended. 

"Nice joke Draco" Rhia laughed. "Ew, it's Crabbe and Goyle" 

As Crabbe and Goyle entered the compartment, Rhia moved to sit at Draco's side.

"Don't tell anyone" Rhia whispered in Draco's ear and then slowly kissed his cheek, knowing that would send shivers down his spine.


Arya was disappointed that Dean hadn't made an advance on her since school started again. She had been expecting him to ask her out on the  Hogwarts Express before school even started. However, it was three weeks in and Dean hadn't even spoken to her. Maybe he was so in love with her that he was too scared to approach her, she thought.

With things not going the was she wanted with Dean and Umbridge's arrival meaning that Hogwarts was getting stricter and stricter, she grew increasingly angry. She had started to bring her Harry voodoo doll with her, everywhere she went. When she got an E on her homework instead of an O she poked the needles into the doll. One time she did it at dinner as they were serving cottage pie, Arya hated cottage pie, it made her extremely angry so she poked the doll under the table. Her face lit up as she saw Harry wince across the great hall, clutching the areas of his body that she had prodded. Her voodoo doll worked. Harry was in pain. 

Arya folded her arms and kept her head down as she walked to her Potions lesson. Her bad slung over her shoulder, clutching her textbook to her chest. 

"Ahh" She screamed as she was knocked over by a boy zooming past. 

"Are you ok?" A boy asked, Arya looked up to see it was Dean.

Arya nodded. Gazing up at Dean, not noticing that as she'd fallen, the entire contents of her bag had fallen on the floor. 

"I'll help you" he said, picking up her bag and collecting her items and placing them inside. 

"T-t-thanks Dean" Arya stuttered, still not moving, just watching him pick up her things. 

"No problem, thanks, for the cupcakes by the way, I don't know how you got my address but it was a nice gesture I guess...What the fuck is this?" Dean said, picking up the voodoo doll.

Arya froze, completley panicked. 

"Is this a voodoo doll of Harry?" Dean asked, in disgust, holding it up. 

"Umm" Arya said, not knowing what to say as she'd been caught redhanded. 

"You know, he's been concerned that he's developed a lethal disease?" Dean snapped.

Arya said nothing.

"Nothing? Fuck you. You absolute bloody pyscho!" Dean cursed, dropping the doll and storming off. 

After that reaction to an innocent little voodoo doll, Arya could safetly say she was no longer in love with Dean Thomas. 


Cadwyn skipped breakfast that morning. When all of the other girls in her dorm left to go to the great hall, she pretended to still be asleep. As soon as they were gone she made her way to Annabeth's area of the room. She smiled as she saw her cat Gerty sitting in her cage. She took the cage and got dressed before making her way out of the dorm.

She had walked all the way down to the entrance of the forbidden forest. Nobody was around. This was good. She opened the cage and picked up the cat. Holding it against her chest as she pulled something out of her bag. A knife. She put the cat on the floor and started stabbing it. Gerty squealed as her blood squirted all over the floor. Cadwyn had performed a spell to make sure none of the blood landed on her and therefore could walk around the castle not looking like she'd just murdered a cat. The cat let out one final squeak before it passed. Cadwyn smiled. That'll show Annabeth who she's messing with. 

She pulled a blanket out of her bag and wrapped the cat in it. She walked over to the lake and threw the knife deep into the water. Finally she made her way back up to the dorm and placed Annabeth's cat cage back where she had found it, leaving the door opened so it looked like Gerty had escaped. 

She then travelled to her next destination, carrying the blanket that sported a dead cat inside in her arms.


Annabeth sat next to Ginny in her first lesson of the day Transfiguations, she made notes as McGonagall began her lecture only to be interupted when Cadwyn came into the class 15 minutes late, crying loudly as she held a blanket in her hands. 

"Miss Jones, what is the matter" McGonagall asked. 

"I I I was taking a morning stroll when I passed the forbidden forest and well it looked like one of the creatures killed Annabeths cat" Cadwyn sobbed.

Annabeth stood up as she heard what Cadwyn said and made her way to the front of the class. 

"What do you mean? What's in the blanket?" Annabeth panicked. 

She unravelled the blanket in Cadwyn's arms only to find her cat Gerty, lifeless and smothered in blood. Annabeth held her hands to her mouth, in complete shock. Tears fell down her face. But she wasn't just upset, she was fuming, she knew that Cadwyn had done it. 

"Oh no, she must've escaped from her cage" McGonagall said, placing her arm around Annabeth. 

"But she was in there when I woke up" She grunted, glaring at Cadwyn, who gave her a bitchy look when McGonagall wasn't looking. 

"She must have escaped after you left, the door was wide open when I woke up" Cadwyn said between her fake sobs. 

"I think it's best if you two, go to Madam Pomfrey, she can help umm, give the cat a funeral and I think you both need some space to grieve"McGonagall suggested. 

With that, the girls, left the room. Cadwyn immediatley shoved the blanket into Annabeth's arms as they were out of sight.

"I know you did this. You fucking murderer" Annabeth scolded. 

"Yeah, well nobodys going to find out, unless you want everyone to know that you snogged Dobby in the broom cupboard" Cadwyn boasted.

"I hate you" Annabeth said, quickening her pace to get as far away from Cadwyn as possible. 

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