Ball Dates

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Ever since the announcement of the Yule Ball, Arya had been daydreaming of Harry asking her. She was trying to pluck up the courage to ask him herself but every time she got close, she froze.

She clutched her books to her chest as walked to Transfigurations. 

"Ow" She mumbled as someone crashed into her as they walked past, then she saw, it had been Harry. 

She kept walking, watching the back of his head. He has such broad shoulders, Arya thought. She followed him until he walked into a room. Shit! She thought, this is DADA, not Transfiguartions. She had accidentally followed him to his lesson instead of going to her own. 

What am I going to do? I can't walk in late. Everyone will stare and me. She thought. She could just about see Harry in his seat through the window. She let her mind wander again, she imagined what it would be like to dance with Harry at the Yule Ball, hold his hand and just as she was about to kiss him under the mistletoe she was interrupted by the roar of the fourth year students leaving class. Had she really been out there for a whole hour?

"Harry we're running out of options...we'll have to ask someone, anyone?" Ron said, leaving the classroom with Harry. 

"Well I guess it doesn't really matter who I...hey, uh, Ravenclaw girl!" Harry said, noticing Arya by the wall. 

Arya pointed to herself and as if to say "who? me?" 

"Yeah uhh, look I need a date to the Yule Ball, I wanted to go with Cho but Cedric already asked her, so do you wanna go?" He asked, knowing that this was a safe bet because this girl constantly starred at him. 

Arya opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out so she simply nodded.

"Awesome, see you there" Harry spoke,then turned to Ron, "now we gotta find you someone" 

Arya smiled as the butterflies flew around her belly, she was going to the ball with the boy who lived.


"Guys!!! You won't believe what just happened!" Annabeth squealed as she entered her dorm.

"What?" Celeste asked, looking up from her book.

"Seamus just asked me to the ball!" She said excitedly. 

"That's awesome! I'm so jealous, I wish someone would ask me so I could go" Juniper said.

"Yeah, me too, I'm glad you and Ginny get to go though" Celeste agreed.

"Ginny! You're going to?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah, Neville asked me earlier!" Ginny cheered, hugging Annabeth. 

"This is so exciting! I'll have to get a dress" 

"We can go looking on the Hogsmeade trip, mum's already sent me mine but I can help you choose" 

"That sounds perfect!" 


"So, have any boys asked you yet?" Lavender asked Cadwyn as the sat in the common room.

"Yeah, one of the Durmstrang boys and this 6th year Hufflepuff, oh and that guy" Cadwyn said, pointing towards a tall ginger boy.

"George Weasley?" Pavarti questioned. 

"Yeah or whatever his name is, He was like 'wanna go together?' and I was like 'ew no, aren't your family like super poor' and he got all mad" Cadwyn laughed.

"I thought he was kind cute" Lavender said.

"Ew, no way, I don't date gingers and even if I did, I couldn't be seen with him, he'd probably show up in a potato sack or something, gross" Cadwyn whined. 

"Who are you gonna go with then?" Pavarti asked. 

"Well, I was thinking..." Cadwyn was interrupted as Cormac approached their table.

"Caddy, I'm sorry I snogged Janet Lang, but you're so hot and we have matching Valentino jackets, that's got to mean something" Cormac said. 

"Cormac, you're embarrassing me" Cadwyn replied through gritted teeth as he got down on one knee. 

"Babe, to show you how sorry I am, I got you these, 3 Prada handbags and a Swarovski necklace." He presented her with the gifts. 

"OMG! Babes, you do care!" Cadwyn said, leaping up from her chair and wrapping her arms around Cormac, snogging him instensely in the middle of the common room.

"I guess they're back together then" Lavender said, as Cormac and Cadwyn made out right next to her. 


"What did you say?" Rhia scowled at the Hufflepuff standing in front of her in the hallway.

"I I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the ball with me?" He asked timidly. 

"Well obviously not! I'm going with my boyfriend Draco" Rhia scorned. 

"I'm sorry I I didn't k-know" He replied, shaking. 

"Even if I was single I wouldn't go with you, not only are you are good-for-nothing Hufflepuff but you're a disgusting little mudblood too!" Rhia shouted, pulling out her wand and holding it under his chin.

"Get out of here! And you better not look at me ever again!" 

"Or what?" He murmured. 

Rhia simply laughed and then pushed him backwards. 

"AHHHH!" He screamed as she hexed him. 

"Have fun being a loser, now go!" Rhia yelled as she scrambled up from the ground.

She wove her wand one more time as he walked away, he tripped as his trousers fell to his ankles. 

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