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After dinner each of the girls made their way to detention. Arya had turned up a whole 20 minutes early, Annabeth turned up 5 minutes before and Rhia, just on time. When Umbridge strutted in on the dot, she urged them all to come into her classroom. Arya made a mental note to make a voodoo doll of Umbridge the next day.

"Where is Miss Jones?" Umbridge interograted. The girls merely shrugged, not knowing.

"Miss Sparkes, you are her roommate, where is she?" Umbridge glared at Annabeth with her beedy eyes.

"I don't know Professor, I-" Annabeth was interupted by the door slamming open.

Cadwyn walked in the office, a disgusted look on her face and strutted towards Umbridge's desk. 

"Prof Scumbridge, I actually have a doctors note, I have to skip this little detention and go to Madam Bombfrey, right away" Cadwyn lied, Umbridge's eyes growing darker at what Cadwyn had just called her.

"What is this?" Umbridge asked angerily as Cadwyn handed here a £100 note. 

"It's money, you can exchange it at Gringotts for gaylions and get a nice new cat plate or something, and I'll just be on my way" Cadwyn whispered, but the others heard her.

"You cannot buy yourself out punishment, Cadwyn, now sit down!" Umbridge yelled, pointing at the empty chair next to Annabeth.

"It worked on Sproot" Cadwyn huffed as she took her seat, shooting a mean look at Annabeth as she did so. 

"You will be writing lines today, girls" Umbridge said, "With some of my special quills" 

"Ew! No thanks! I hate those, I'll just use my pen" Cadwyn complained, pulling her pen out of her pocket. 

"You will use my quills Cadwyn" Umbridge warned. 

"Shut up, you stupid half-blood" Rhia scowled at Cadwyn. 

"Rhia, you will write 'I must not hex teachers', Arya 'I must not sneak out after hours', Annabeth 'I must not talk back' and Cadwyn 'I must wear the appropriate uniform'" Umbridge instructed. 

With that, they all began writing and their hands began to get cut up. 

"Ow" Arya sobbed and she began to cry immediately

"Pathetic" Rhia muttered, "No pain, no gain" 

"Oh God" Annabeth winced as it sliced through her skin.

"Ok, this totally does not go with my manicure" Cadwyn whined, pouting. 

Within 30 minutes of the detention, Dumbledore knocked at the door and requested to speak to Umbridge. She followed him to his office but not before enchanting the door locked so the girls  couldn't escape. The girls immediatley ditched their quills when Umbridge was out of sight. 

"I hope she keeps Cadwyn here longer, it's only fair since she turned up late and then attempted to bribe the teacher" Rhia said to Arya, loudly. 

Arya didn't quite know what to do so she just continued crying into her parchment. Cadwyn merely scoffed and shot daggers at Rhia with her eyes.

"Muggle money, none the less as well, disgusting, probably riddled with muggle bacteria" Rhia taunted. 

"Fuck off Rhia, I hate Cadwyn's guts but as a muggleborn I'm not going to let you talk so ill of muggles" Annabeth piped up, confidentally. 

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm being forced to sit in a room next to a filthy mudblood" Rhia said, then proceeded to make gagging sounds. 

"At least I'm not a death eater in training" Annabeth shot back.

"I'd rather be a death eater than a mudblood, right uhh Arlo?" Rhia asked Arya as she was the only other pureblood in the room.

"I I I don't r-really t-think there's anythiiing wrong with m-muggle-borns" Arya stuttered, afraid of Rhia. 

"At least not all muggles wear ugly clothes, none of the wizard shops sell anything even decent-looking" Cadwyn finally joined in. 

"Are you saying I dress bad?" Rhia asked, angily. 

"Extremley bad" Cadwyn answered, coldy. 

And with that Rhia jumped out of her desk and raised her wand, pointing it at Cadwyn.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Annabeth said. 

"What? Going to defend her, are you?" Rhia scoffed.

"Absolutley not. I just going to warn you that you might not know what you're messing with" Annabeth stated, looking at Rhia.

"What do you mean?" Rhia was thoroughly confused now.

"I mean, she's a complete pyschopath, she burned all of my belongings and murdered my cat, all because I may have said a few unkind things behind her back" Annabeth admitted.

"W-why don't y-you tell Dumbledore, s-she would be e-exspelled?" Arya asked.

"She stole my diary and I don't want all of my secrets being exposed." Annabeth stated. 

"And you shouldn't say anything either, Arlene, because I know you have a voodoo doll of Harry Potter and that you've been practising other types of black magic" Cadwyn threatened. 

"Yeah, I can still tell, if you do anything to me!" Rhia claimed. 

"I don't think so" Cadwyn said, walking over to Rhia and rolling up her sleeve, revealing her dark mark "You're a deatheater, wouldn't want that getting out, or you'll be in Azkoobun"

"Urgh! I can't believe that vile half-blood just touched me" Rhia complained. 

"You're a death eater?" Annabeth said, rising from her chair.

"He really is back" Arya whispered, rocking back and forth in her chair, she had decided she would now make voodoo dolls of all of them. 

"Your brother was one too" Rhia scowled at Cadwyn "What's it like to ruin a magical family bloodline?"

"I really don't care" Cadwyn smirked. 

"What's stopping me from telling Dumbledore, that you're a deatheater?" Annabeth threatened Rhia. 

"Because otherwise she will tell the entire school that you fancy that peasant boy Fred Weasle and you've already named all 8 of the children you plan to have with him, which would not only ruin your chances with him but also your precious friendship with Ginny" Cadwyn stated. 

"Why would you help her?" Annabeth questioned, absolutley outraged at Cadwyn. 

"Because I need to keep my dirt on her, if she's exposed what's keeping her from exposing me, also thank you for getting my nudes posted in the paper, lots of boys have been looking at it, including Fred-" 

"Shut up Cadwyn!" Annabeth yelled, "You are absolutley insane!" 

"I second that" Rhia stated, "I mean I knew she was crazy but she's downright evil and not in like a cool death eater way. 

"B-being a d-deatheater isn't cool Rhia" Arya chimed in. 

"Don't you have to go and make another voodoo doll, nerd" Rhia insulted.

"Yeah and it's gonna be of yo-" Arya started, only to be interupted by Umbridge coming back into the room.

The other three girls rushed to sit in their seats and picked up their quills again, writing more lines as Umbridge sat and watched. 

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