Black Magic

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Once Arya had decided how she would get revenge on Harry, she began collecting what she needed. She went to Hogsmeade to buy the supplies, however some of the items she needed could not be bought in a shop. 

Luckily the final task was over and Harry had gotten badly injured and therefore was in the hospital wing. Arya stuck out of her dorm at 3am, with her hand and other equipment. When she reached the wing, she looked around for Madam Pomfrey. Perfect. She was asleep. Arya creeped over to Harry's bed, pulling the curtains back. He was snoring loudly, in deep sleep. 

Arya cast a numbing spell over his body to make sure he didn't feel anything and wake up. She pulled a knife out of her robes, along with her potions flask. Luckily it seemed that Harry's hand had already been cut, so she could easily reopen the wound without creating a new one. She sliced his hand back open and tilted it so the blood fell into her flask, putting the lid on when it was full enough. She then adjusted his bandage so it was back around his palm, not wanting anybody to be suspicious. Next she pulled out sharp scissors and cut a lock of his hair and put it in a plastic bag. She then reached under his bed and took the clothes he had originally been wearing before putting on his hospital gown and then ran back to her dorm. 

The next day when all of her roommates were out she began knitting a doll that resembles Harry, she even sewed in his glasses and scar. She sewed the lock of Harry's hair to it's head and created clothes for the doll out of Harry's laundry. Then she opened the flask of his blood and applied it to the dolls forehead, chest and stomach and whispered "I name you Harry James Potter, Now you are him!" 

She then smiled as she picked up a needle and stuck it into her brand new Harry Potter voodoo doll. 

Annabeth and Cadwyn

"Do you wanna come over this summer, Ann?" Ginny asked as they sat by the lake.

"Yeah, that sounds awesome!" Annabeth replied, thinking of Fred for a moment and how it would be nice to have an excuse to be around him again.

"I guess we should go back up to the dorm and pack" Ginny said, standing up, Annabeth followed her as they walked up to the castle.

"What the fuck?!" Annabeth cried as they entered their dorm. 

"Suprise bitches" Cadwyn said, turning around. 

All of Ginny and Annabeth's things had been burnt. They walked over to the ashes to see if anything had survived but everything was now just dust. 

"I fucking heard you both talking about me all year, calling me a bitch, saying I was annoying, so while you were gone I thought it would be a good idea to use my lighter to burn all of your ugly possessions" Cadwyn said smuggly, blowing her lighter out. 

"Why didn't you just use a spell?" Annabeth asked. 

"Because then I would've had to go to the library and looked one up and it wouldn't taken forever, idiot" Cadwyn answered, frowning. 

"I can't believe you would stoop this low, and how dare you call Annabeth an idiot when obviously we are going to tell Dumbledore, did you not think their would be any consequences for this?" Ginny said, he hands on her hips. 

"Oh, you're not going to tell anyone about this" Cadwyn chuckled. 

"And why wouldn't we?" Annabeth shouted. 

"Because the one thing I didn't burn was your diaries, which are both now in my possession" Cadwyn smiled. 

Ginny and Annabeth frantically started searching Cadwyn's area of the room.

"Oh, I wouldn't bother looking for them, they aren't in here. And you better not tell anyone I burnt your things or I will photocopy your little diarys for the whole school to read. I don't think I'd want anyone to know that I'd had a sex dream about Fleetwix and ever since get a little hot in his classes, right Annabeth?" Cadwyn taunted. 

"No, I wouldn't want anyone knowing about that" Annabeth mumbled.

"And Ginny I think the whole school would be quite interested to find out about all the things you want Harry Potter to do to you in bed" 

"Fine we won't tell" Ginny grumbled  though gritted teeth. 

"Good, happy summer" Cadwyn said, before walking out, slamming the door behind her. 


"Do you think Voldemort's actually back?" Draco asked Rhia as the were alone in a train compartment. On their way home for the summer on the Hogwarts express. 

"Totally, my parents send me a letter" Rhia replied, calmly. 

"They did, how did that not get policed?" Draco said, confused.

"They did it in code, look here" Rhia answered, pulling the letter out of her bag and passing it to Draco. 

"This just says 'To Rhia, V Diddy is making a comeback and we are helping him produce his new single, from Mother and Father" Draco read aloud. 

"Yeah, it's our code, we've always used it" Rhia shrugged.

"I wouldn't have understood that, so your parents helped him return?" He asked.

"So many questions Draco, yeah, they're death eaters, always have been, and so will I one day. Voldemort's the only one with any good ideas. Killing muggles and mudbloods, sounds good to me" Rhia responded.

"Yeah, he does have some good points" Draco agreed.

"You're parents helped out too apparently"

"What?! How do you know that?" 

"My parents send me this letter as well" she said, pulling a second letter out of the bag and handing it to him.

"Dear Rhia, Just to keep you in the loop, Lucy and Cissa are going to be featuring on V Diddy's new track as well, from Mother and Father" Draco read aloud. 

"See, both of our parents helped Voldemort" 

"I really did to start learning this code"

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