If You Ain't Dirrty You Ain't Here To PARTTTAYY

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Cadwyn sat in her 7th counselling session with Madam Hooch, crying her eyes out.

"I'm so lonely, nobody likes me because I'm such a massive bitch and I've done a lot of evil things and now I don't even have Cormac. Like, I don't want to get back with him because our relationship was kind of exhausting and I know he's a hottie but he's also a nottie if you get me" Cadwyn sobbed, blowing her nose in her designer hankerchief and then throwing it in the bin, reaching for a fresh £100,000 hanky. 

"No Cadwyn, I do not know what a 'nottie' is, would you like to explain?" Madam Hooch replied monotone, it had been 6 hours since the session had started, it was getting close to midnight, but Cadwyn would not shut up and leave.

"Like he's not a very nice person, I mean I'm not either but like he cheated on me, I know I cheated too but like, it's different when I do it, anyways I think I've finally realised that he doesn't actually make me happy, he just buys me stuff and we fuck" Cadwyn weeped.

Cadwyn pulled out a compact mirror from her handbag and screamed. 

"Curse you, Cormac McLaggen! Making my mascara run down my face, what an asshole!" Cadwyn shouted.

"Well, Cadwyn, don't go back to him then, maybe try and make some new friends" Hooch suggested.

"Like who? Everybody is so gross, they're all poor losers, and even if they weren't everybody hates me" Cadwyn whined.

"Why do you think everybody hates you?" Hooch asked, glancing at the clock, God how much longer was this gonna take.

"Because I tell people what I think about them bluntly... oh and I killed Annabeth's cat, I tried to kill Rhia Notta, I threatened to tell a bunch of people's secrets, I made copies of Annabeth and Ginny's diaries and spread them around the school, and for some reason people think that's a big deal, like whatever" Cadwyn stated, attempting to fix her make up.

"So it's true, you actually did all those things?" Madam Hooch questioned, suddenly very alarmed.

"Duh, totally." Cadwyn smirked.

"I think we need to focus on you becoming a better person Cadwyn" Hooch suggested.

"What! Ew! No way" Cadwyn said, she'd had enough, she left the room.

"Thank God" Hooch sighed, finally getting to finish the session at 1am. 


"Hey, you look pretty, what are you all dressed up for?" Draco asked Rhia as he walked into the common room. 

"Slug Club party" Rhia stated, she smirked as she watched Draco's eyes observe her figure, she wore a deep green dress, that hugged her curves perfectly, highlighting her booty. 

"Oh, I must have forgot you mentioning it, but that's ok, I can change quickly now" Draco said, stepping towards his dorm.

"I never asked you to be my date, Draco" Rhia said, bluntly and Draco stepped back towards her. 

"Oh, so you're going solo?" Draco questioned, confused and upset that he might not get to spend the evening with Rhia in that dress.

"No, actually there's my date now" Rhia stated, nodding her head towards Blaise who walked from his dorm room.

"You're going with him!" Draco spat angrily. 

"Yes, you've been very naughty recently Draco, you don't deserve any treats" Rhia said, winking, knowing that it would drive him crazy. 

"Rhi Rhi Bear, you can't go with him, dressed like him, I need you" Draco pouted.

"Maybe you should've thought about that before being so damn naughty" Rhia said, she rejoiced in seeing how his cheeks reddened with envy.

"Please Rhia, your booty looks so amazing" Draco pleaded.

"My body is too bootilicious for you Draco" Rhia said, before walking out with Blaise on her arm.


"Colin, get me some punch...NOW!" Arya threatened as she and Colin walked into the party.

"Yes Miss" Colin said, nervously.

"What did I tell you to call me!" Arya warned.

"I mean, yes, my lord and savour Queen Arya Webb the great" Colin said before scattering away to the punch bowl.

She was enjoying using fear to manipulate him, she was going to have to do this more often, the thrill it gave her was unreal. 

She couldn't help but feel a little sad as she looked around the party though, how she would love to be here with Adrian, they even had mistletoe. She was looking forward to going back home and spending time with him instead of with all these Hogwarts pussies who couldn't even handle a little murder. 

She smirked as she saw Dean sweatly nervously as he approached the punch bowl. Cautiously pouring a glass of punch as quickly as he could. She loved making his life a living hell. 


The entire party gasped in shock as Annabeth entered the party with her date.

"Annabeth, um, why, um why did you bring Dobby as your date?" Ginny asked, rushing up to her best friend.

"Well, I couldn't bring Fred and besides Dobby's a good kisser" Annabeth said casually, gripping onto Dobby's scaly hand.

"Dobby loves snogging Miss Sparkes, Dobby loves when she touches Dobby and makes him feel special" Dobby confessed.

"That's disgusting, I think I'm going to throw up" Ginny admitted.

"Please don't, I might drown in it" Dean begged, panic rising in him again.

"I don't think Fred's going to be too happy about this" Ginny warned Annabeth.

"He's fine with it, I owled him, he loves me no matter what" Annabeth said, handing Ginny the letter from Fred as proof.

"Does this say 'I give permission for Dobby to be physically affectionate towards you as a gift from me'?!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Yeah, Fred is so understanding, now back off Ginny, I want to dance with my date" Annabeth said, pulling Dobby onto the dance floor. 

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