I Got The Gasoline

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"I've forged a letter from Cormac look" Rhia told Draco, handing him the letter as he sat on the common room sofa.

Dear Cadwyn

You are like as hot as an oven, that has been turned on, at a high heat. And I'd like for us to get jiggy with it tonight. So meet me at our 4th fav make out spot (Hagrids hut while he's not there) at 7pm tomorrow night, so we can get down and dirrrttyyy. 

Luv ya babes,

Cormac aka the sexiest guy on the planet

"That sounds just like him, how did you know their 4th favourite make out spot?" Draco asked. 

"Cormac was bragging about it to a bunch of guys the other day, he went through the whole list" Rhia replied.

"What's number one?" Draco inquired.

"The middle of the quidditch pitch" Rhia answered.

"Gross, I play quidditch on those grounds!" Draco exclaimed.

"I know, it's disgusting, but he likes to imagine the whole stadium is cheering him on apparently" Rhia stated, a disgusted look on her face. 

"So you're gonna do it?" Draco quizzed.

"Yeah, tomorrow evening, she'll be dead meat" Rhia laughed. "Now better get this letter to Cadwyn, I'm gonna owl it to her, so she get's it tomorrow morning.

With that Rhia walked to the owlrey and attached the letter to her owl, Non's, foot. 


The end of the year was coming and the summer sun was shining, all of the students sat outside, taking advantage of the warm weather. Arya sat on a bench with Jake, she smiled as his arm draped over her shoulder and she felt his thumb rub the back of her hair. It was perfect. She had finally done. She'd won. However, she had still been getting joy out of torturing Harry through his voodoo. She sighed, pulling out her Harry doll and piercing it with the needle, over and over, so relaxing. 

"I love it when you do that, my little sugar plum fairy" Jake said, kissing her cheek and watched in awe as she poked the doll. 

"Arden! Will you stop doing that?!!!" Harry shouted as he stormed over to their bench. "You have been causing me pain for over a year now!" 

"You brought this upon yourself" Arya said, bluntly.

"Ok, I'm sorry about the Yule Ball, I'm sorry I ignored you, that wasn't super cool of me but I don't deserve CONSTANT PAIN!" Harry said, angrily. 

"Don't yell at my beautiful bambino" Jake said, standing up.


"YOU BROKE MY CUTIE PATOOTIE'S HEART!" Jake screamed, getting up in Harry's grill.

"Hey look man, the last thing I want is more physical pain" Harry said, backing away. 

"This is pathetic Harry honestly, can't you handle a little poke" Arya taunted.

"That's it!" Harry exclaimed and he snatched the voodoo doll from Arya's clutch as pegged it back to his dorm. 

"Ugh what a party pooper" Arya said, very upset that she no longer had her Harry Potter voodoo doll. 


Annabeth had ignited a fire in Cadwyn when murdering her owl. Cadwyn needed her owl to recieve high end make up and designer clothes from her mother. Yes, she could use a school owl but she didn't want one of those grubby little gits touching her Louboutins. That and she actually did like her owl, they used to make fun off all the poor students together. 

Cadwyn had let Annabeth and Ginny's previous pranks slide, but she wouldn't be doing that this time. She wanted to watch the world burn. She did a copying spell on Annabeth and Ginny's diaries. Copying hundreds and hundreds of copies of each page. Cadwyn picked up these papers and made her way through the school. This was so worth skipping Potions for. 

She put copies all over the Gryffindor common room, on the tables, sofas, up on the notice boards before making her way through the portrait hole. She put copies down every single hallway. She snuck into any empty classrooms and put them on the desks. All until she finally got to the great hall. Copies were on every single table. Everybody was going to find out her roommates deepest secrets. 

Cadwyn finished just before lunch. She stood in the middle of the hall as students burst through the doors. She watched anarchy ensue as they started to read the copies. Laughing at Ginny's obsessive crush on Harry, joking about Annabeth's hairy toes, disgusted at some of the things the girls had confessed to in confidence. 

She watched as Annabeth and Ginny walked through the door. They caught sight of Cadwyn and panicked. 

"I told you I would" Cadwyn mouthed at them before flipping her hair and walking over to a seat to get a prime view of what she promised to be an eventful lunch. 


"Oh shit" Annabeth said as she realised what was happening. 

"What are we gonna do?" Ginny asked as they stepped out of the way of the door. 

Annabeth wasn't able to answer her as a group of Ravenclaw girls came up to them.

"Ginny, what are you waiting for, don't you want to go and suck Harry off as Snape watches" one of them laughed, reading the copied page in her hand. 

"Oh shut up!" Annabeth snapped. 

"Whatever, Little Miss 'I sort of find Dobby sexy'" Another girl laughed. 

Ginny and Annabeth huffed and walked over to the Gryffindor table, at least they could sit and eat. 

"Annabeth, is it true, you tried to use a love potion on me" Fred asked as they sat down. 

"Uhh, I mean, kind of, well, yes, but it didn't work" Annabeth admitted. 

"That's so creepy, you can't force someone to love you" Fred shouted, before storming off. 

"Oh my God, Ginny, I can't believe you fancy your brother that is so gross" Lavender Brown said from across the table, sniggering at the piece of paper she read. 

They were subjected to judgement about their darkest secrets the entire break. People mocked them, called them names, laughed in their faces, they had never been more embarassed in their entire lives.

Unfortunatley their class after lunch was Charms, so as Ginny and Annabeth walked to their lesson, some Slytherin girls in their year tormented them.

"Excited for Charms, Annabeth? Try not to get too excited, I don't think Flitwick is gonna bang you in front of the class like he did in your dream" One of them mocked. 

As they walked into the classroom, Annabeth noticed Flitwick look at her weirdly, clearly very creeped out. 

Oh God! Even Flitwick knows!

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